RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (Full Version)

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Yubel -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (2/14/2010 11:50:12)

Forum name: Yubel
Character name: Yubel
Character link: Click here

Isham -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (2/23/2010 15:53:37)

AQ character name is Isham.

Feragho -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (4/18/2010 20:11:56)

Forum Name: Feragho
Character Name: Feragho
Character Page: Below Avatar

StormHeart -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (5/29/2010 13:06:51)

Forum Name: AQ Sonic
Character Name: Sonic
Character Page: Here

137ben -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (5/29/2010 16:21:54)

Welcome to the clan, sonic!!

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (5/29/2010 22:21:08)

ok sonic i took care of your request

StormHeart -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (5/30/2010 7:07:17)

Thanks Arctic Ninja[:)]

brianspenceni -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (7/27/2010 20:00:01)


With the recent elections, you may want to update the crown beside my name on the first thread (so long, leadership!).

@Feragho - I've seen a few of your posts in recent war threads. Good to see a fellow glacian fighting away in the wars!

Ajagaga -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (8/29/2010 18:57:36)

I made like a thousand char but 2 of them are gLacius is sosososo cool

brianspenceni -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (8/30/2010 13:59:14)

Welcome ajagaga! Nice, fresh blood!

137ben -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (8/30/2010 18:12:16)

Welcome to the clan[:)]

Se7en -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (1/29/2011 9:44:40)

Can I join? :D

137ben -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (1/29/2011 10:54:51)

Yep[:)] Welcome to the clan!

brianspenceni -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (1/29/2011 18:18:04)

Se7ev! Didn't I review you earlier - and completely mess up the pet analysis!

Edit: you got stilts!

Se7en -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (1/29/2011 21:37:52)

Thanks! :D

Yes you did! Yeah I got the Stilts a while ago, haha.

Bumblebee123 -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (8/21/2011 12:39:12)

Forum name: Bumblebee123
Char Page:
Char Name: Buttercup

Watashig -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (10/11/2011 21:50:29)

No update in over a year for the... 1 (formatted) post that has popped up. May need a new owner.

137ben -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (10/12/2011 21:25:57)

I agree. I'd be willing to do it, but ONLY if no one else wants to.

combuskenkoh -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (11/16/2011 4:06:18)

Can you put combuskenkoh(me) in the roster?[8|]

Baron -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (11/17/2011 1:11:34)

I will drop Arctic a PM as he did log in a few weeks ago. However, if he doesn't respond in about a week I'll poke one of the CH&G AKs and check about getting a new owner. I don't mind if you are the owner, ben.

Hi combuskenkoh, welcome to Glacius! :D Unfortunately, the roster hasn't been updated in a while so you might not be immediately added to the roster, however, if you do post your character page it will eventually be updated (either by the current owner or when we re-create the thread, if we do so) :)

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (11/24/2011 12:07:12)

Rawrrrrr, Hey guys I'm still alive and welcome to the clan Se7en and Bumblebee123 sorry about the wait!

and conbuskenkoh I'll need some kind of link to your character page to put you on the roster

Lupus the Wolf -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (2/9/2012 8:06:37)

It's been a while since I last posted on this thread...Can you change my forum name on the roster? My original forum name was Barong the Demigod

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (7/16/2012 16:41:26)

I have already PM'd Baron about this but I'd just thought I'd post one more time

(although I'm not sure how many of ya'll still lurk around here)

Well guys I'm stepping down, I haven't been active and I don't plan on ever really getting back into this
It's been fun guys but I'm moving on

Arctic out[sm=darkzard.gif]

xXHaWkZXx -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (8/31/2013 10:51:13)

forum Name: xxhawkzxx
Char Name: Hawk
Char Link: under Avvy

tommy2468 -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (8/31/2013 12:14:46)

Lovely to have you on board xXHaWkZXx! Unfortunately the Clan is a little quiet at the moment, but if you would like to take a look at our Glacius Clan Reconstruction thread you can help do your part in the rebuilding of Glacius [:)]

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