RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (Full Version)

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Arch Fiend -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (3/25/2009 18:19:11)

ok i have no idea how this is done but here gos whatever

1) so why you and not my greatniss?
Because they love Fried Twinkies! :P

2) so win did this hapin? where was i to stop it?

3) the comic is going vary slow btw, ty for asking.....and i know its not a
I will be looking forward to reading it.:D

4) so are you gona use your powers for good, evil, or awesome.....(or
I will be a defender of truth, justice, and above all, Fried Twinkies!

5) have you seen that movie?
Oh! The one with that guy, who was at the thing, and, he needed to go to a place, but something happened, so he ate some Fried Twinkies!

6) did you know im runing out of questions?
Yay..! I mean, aw...

7) do you know the signifigince of only 9 quesions?
It is one less than 10?

8) fried twinkies

9) ok heres my final question........
/me summons Barney

Lord Xenaphos -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (3/25/2009 18:23:35)

RWAR! (Yes, I typo'ed it. >:).
z0mg! Scakk impersonater! /me warnz u!

1): u liek sammich?
I can haz sammich?

2): whats ur favrit cars?
Car? Who needs a car when you can walk! /me bursts out in hearty laughter

3): Can you drive said "favrit car"?
/me flexes

4): I actually had a fried twinkie at a state fair once. (Good ole' Tennessee. :P) It was delicious. Are you?
Yes.. that's it.. embrace the Fried Twinkies ways...

Good luck. :D
Thank you! Have a nice day! :D

The Gilded DragonSlayer -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (3/25/2009 19:24:25)

Greetings to you, Drakkos, old friend!
I am old..? /cry

How on Lore did you become an AK? O_o Either way, I am impressed! :D
Mystical Faerie Magiks :P

What is the 1st thing you plan on doing whilst being an AK?
Uh... *Three hours later* Uh...

Why so... Random? (Note: This is a parody of the Joker's "Why so... Serious?" quote. :P)

/Me hopes he becomes an AK someday.
You can always play the ArchKnight game. :P

Have you been shackled, too, Drakkos? Are the shackles painful?
You get used to them after a couple of days. They are nice and pink too! ^_^

Who promoted you to an AK?
Look! A random distraction! *Flees*

How is my new, recent Signature to you?
It looks good. :D

Well, those are just about all of my questions. See you around on AQW! n_n
See you around!

Linusrocks -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (3/26/2009 19:08:52)

Hey Drakkos,Thanks For Approving My clan!

So how's Life?
Great! :D

*Gasp* Never! Fried Twinkies will rule all!

Here are some Server hints:

*Jumps into a dumpster to hide*

*Leaps out from the dumpster and continues to flee*

Oh noes.. I've been caught! ;-;

Artix/Cysero/Galanoth:Hope no one can talk!
You will never silence me! Neevaaar!

Sir Ver:Relax
Oh, yeah, Sir Ver is a cool place. :D

*Devours the potatos* lulwut?

So yeah......Potoatoes And Congrats...POTATOS....
Wrong! Fried Twinkies!

tflo -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (3/26/2009 19:42:24)

Hiyaz again! Gratz again!

Do you likez being an ArghNight?
Sorry, I don't know what an "ArghNight" is. :P

Where is your cell!? I will come and save you!
It's at 123 Fake Street, come quick!

Who Promoted you?
Mystical Faeries! :D

How is life in the AE Cell Complex?
It's awesome! They have rainbows, fairys, and Ponies! :D

Does Lord Xenaphos Share his 1^'s?

Now, for my witty questions...

Why are there flotation devices under plane seats instead of parachutes?
Because the pilots are ebil!

If practice makes perfect & nobody's perfect, why practice?

Why do our noses run and our feet smell?
Fried Twinkies!

What Happens If You Get Scared Half To Death Twice?
If it was only half the first time, then it is still condered half the next time. :P

If the #2 pencil is the most popular, why is it still #2?
It has delusions?

Why do they call it "common sense" when it's so rare?
Sadly.. "Common sense" has become "Rare sense" :O

the reaper121 -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (3/27/2009 4:15:44)

ok time for weird questions.......

Who made twinkies?
Mystical Faeries

Who was made first the twinky or the the turkey?
I dunno, but whoever did is a genius!

And im on 123 Fake Street why are you not here?

here is where they end.....

do you like being an ak

why am i asking you these questions?
You're after mah Fried Twinkies! :O

why was that not in weird?

Will twinkeis rule the world with this so called "gloabal warming"
Join the Fried Twinkie side...

and bye..... till we meet again
Have a nice day!

Cguy -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (3/27/2009 13:30:33)

Drakkos! (it's Slasher in case you'd forgotten my forum name XD)

Well done you, and of course, congratulations! I wish you all the best of luck, though I'm sure you won't need it.[;)] Hope you enjoy it, I'm sure you'll be great. I won't torture you with any questions, just thought I'd pop in to say well done.
Thank you very much!

Have a nice day!

P.S- Hopefully see you in AQW at some point.
I will see you there! :D


Draconic Lord -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (3/27/2009 15:36:41)

Hi Drakkos
Hi, Draconic Lord!

Guess who?
You! :D

Congrats on being an AK
Thank you!

Did you miss me on AQWorlds?
Yes, I was wondering where you were. :)

If I'm speaking to you on AQWorlds now....Why am I typing in here?
Because I am epic! :D

Can I have a fried twinkie?
Maybe! :D

Have a nice day!

Silver Lion -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (3/27/2009 17:33:18)

Oh em gee, hey Drakkos!!
Hi there, Silver Lion!

Have we met?
'Tis possible!

Gratz on your AK-Ship!
Thank you!

What's your favorite hangout map in AQW?

Cheese or twinkies?
Fried Twinkies, no doubt!

Truth or dare? Mwhhaa.
Dare! :D

Fear or scare?
Scare! (:<

Well that's about it, once again, gratz on your AK-Ship and have a fun time AK-ing. See ya around.
Have a nice day!

Australia II -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (3/28/2009 20:16:08)


Congratumalations on Arch Knight, although it took my an age to find this thread.
Thank you!

I see you still like fried twinkies...
They have yet to steal my Fried Twinkies. :P

... which is perfect because...
Oh, oh, boy! Free Fried Twinkies for me? :D

... i have none. [:D]

See you in my other IE.
Ok, see you in AQWorlds! Have a nice day!

ILmaster13 -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (3/28/2009 22:41:15)

hiyas Drakkos!

You never met me right?
I don't think I have, nice to meet you!
Here is my pie for AKs *hands Drakkos a pie*Do you like it?
*nomnoms the pie* Oh.. thank you SO much, I have been waiting for pie, for SO long! :D
You know why that pie is for AKs?
T'ch, the pie was for me. :P
How long have you been Ak?
Uh.. about 3-4 days. :D
Click my siggy. Like it?
Click where? :O
Now that you have that pie, do you mind paying for it over there? *points at a store*
Hmm.. Look a randon distraction! *Flees*
do fried twinkies pwn?
You bet they do!
what will you do if i do this for the rest of my question? hey you changed this didnt you!?
Uh.. nothing really, I see you like pink though. :D
what does banned-multi mean?
Fried Twinkies!
Can i post here again later?
Enoughz ofz ze queztionz

c'ya later ok?
Have a nice day!

Zuan -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (3/29/2009 7:03:52)

Hi, my friend

Here is a little bit about me: I am Zuan formerly captin zuan. I have run a few clans, my current one three hundred warriors of AQW, has lasted me 6 months so im impressed. Overall I have been a clan leader for around a year and a half.

What about yourself:

What is your favourite food
See-food, if I see it, I eat it! :P
What is your favourite drink
Chocolate Milk.
What is your favourite AE game
AdventureQuest Worlds
What is your favourite Games console
Playstation 2
What is your favourite game!
Soul Calibur 2
Now your fried twinkies, if some one stole them would you trade you AK ship for them?

::Raist:: -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (3/29/2009 21:52:18)

I spy a Drakkos!
Congratulations on becoming an AK!
Thank you!
Enjoying your limitless supply of cookies yet?
I try to limit myself, I don't wanna get too fat. :P
I suck at these MtAK threads, I can never go past 5 questions due to my IQ of 1.2
You are doing great! :D
Farewell Drakkos! Enjoy being a god archknight!
Have a nice day!

hooded figure -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (3/30/2009 3:22:50)

Hmm anyone for some Fried Ice Cream?
Yes, I would love some fried ice cream!
Congrats on becoming an AK.
Thank you!
Remember.. Don't push the button
You mean the SSAKB? :O
Well anyway.. enjoy your chains.
Have a nice day!

archie -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (3/31/2009 14:46:16)

I hope you are enjoying yourself here, don't let Sysquella work you too hard..
*wakes up from nap* Huh.. wha..?
Here have a fried twinkie. There's no catch, honest!
/me devours the fried twinkie along with archie's hand
Thats all. Byes!
Have a nice day!

Australia II -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (3/31/2009 18:17:14)

Greetings "Drakkos"

Friend Twinkies r' lame.
/me summons Rick Astley, Chuck Norris, Jet Li, and Barney, to attack Australia

Please don't hurt me.
Oh.. I won't.. but they will. /me points to my summons
Drakkos, if you strike me down now, i will become more powerful than you could ever imagine.
Still won't be enough. :P

.*. .*. .*. -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/2/2009 8:01:29)

Hi Drakkos! :D
Hiya .*. .*. .*.!
I am just dropping by to say congrats on becoming a new AK!
Thank you! :D
I really don't have any questions, I hope that you will enjoy the AKship.
Thank you.
/me waves!
/me waves in return

ZamuelNow -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/2/2009 12:27:21)

Welcome and...erm, I can't think of any questions.
No worries.
Good luck?
Thank you. Have a nice day!

Paladin Crusader -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/2/2009 13:07:45)

/me uses Barney as a shield :P
ummmmmmmmmm no qustions *looks at fried twinkies*GIMME!!!!!!!!*takes fried twinkies then uses masenko ball on Drakkos* kktnxbai!!
/me poofs, was a Shadow Clone, as were the Fried Twinkies! :D

Sepulchure55 -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/2/2009 16:31:51)

What are "Fried Twinkies"?
/me points to my avatar :D

Why do you like "Fried Twinkies"?
Who doesn't? :P

coolsam777 -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/3/2009 14:49:20)


1)Do you know that guy who flies that plane??
Ronald McDonald? :D

2)Who do you consider an enemy?
I suppose an enemy would be an enemy. :P

3)Do you like waffles?
With chocolate chips, chocolate sauce, chocolate syrup, and more chocolate? Then yes!

4)If so, do you like pancakes?

5)And if you like said pancakes, do you like french toast?
Don't forget the chocolate! heh

6)Where do I fill the 'joining fried twinkies side application'?
All you have to do have an unimaginable love for Fried Twinkies. :D

7)Last but not least, OMG SPAGHETTI CAT!!!!
Fried Twinkies!

8)Fooled ya this is the last question.[:D] What is the square root of a piece of pie??
I don't know, but pie sure is tasty!

Paladin Crusader -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/3/2009 15:21:52)

/me uses Super Sayian Rage
thats it!!!
*wish dragon appers*
I want mah fried twinkehs!!!! <<<<<dont answer those!
/me firez hiz lazor at the "wish dragon" before he can grant said wish.
(1 ummmmm kamahamaha?
Uh.. Big Bang Kamehameha?
(2 ummm you know i took ur Firied Twinkehs
You totally didn't. :P
(3 congratz
(4 if you want ur twinkehs back give me recemendation!
I told you.. you don't have mah Fried Twinkies. :D
okz byez now/me snugglezattacksthenhugsthensnuggsagain
Have a nice day!

Smalls -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/3/2009 15:24:50)

O hai

Do you like The Killers?
I don't know yet.
*Hands fried cookie*
*nomnoms* *buuuuurrrrp* :D
*Hands secret plans to break out all the AKs* shhhh don't tell the mods shhh
/me sets the plans on fire, completely destroying them. What plans? :P
Why doesn't 7 like 8?
Because 7 is misshapen?
Why am I so awesome?
Because you posted in my thread, instantly making you awesome. :P

Have a nice day!

15cman -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/3/2009 16:32:06)

*peers over Zankuukyokuha* Where be Drakkos? Hiya :D

Why fried twinkies?Why not doughnuts?Or crepes?
Haven't you heard, that the bird is the word?
Mind if I still call you Drakkos?Zan-whatchamacallit is too hard to type :P.That, and I'm lazy.
Sorry, but it is Zankuukyokuha now. :P
Considering the fact that I'm lazy, I'm going to say good bye.
Have a nice day!

G'Bye :D

DA Holder67 -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/3/2009 21:46:31)

Thank you!
1.Pirates or Ninjas?
2.Swords or Axes?
Swords, as they are easier to handle. :P
3.Rifles or Shotguns?
Hmm.. I dunno.
4.MQ or AQW?
Personally I prefer AQW, MQ is still a great game, just like all of AE's games.
5.Does my sig rock or what?
It's cool.
6.Favorite Band?
Linkin Park
7.Favorite Song?
What I've Done
8.ROFL or LOL?
LOL for the win!
9.Mystraven or Wolfblade,or Runehawk?
I never really played MQ long enough to know.
10.Guitar Hero or Rock Band?
Guitar Hero. :D

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