Ello -> RE: Crazed Clown (5/8/2011 1:46:55)
Crazed UFO Head Equip Slot: Head Damage Type: Laser Damage: 55-59 Hits: 3 Energy: 42 Cooldown: 5 Bonuses: N/A Special Effects: SC Effect: "Star Captain Power Activated!", chance for "Pilot Abducted! Instant Win", instantly eliminates opponent. --If the SC Effect does not activate, or if you are a Non-SC, the attack deals 3 hits, each with a different effect: 1st hit has a 100% chance for "Healed 15 hitpoints!", heals 15 HP. 2nd hit has a 100% chance for "Healed 30 hitpoints!" if the 1st hit was successful, heals 30 HP. If the 1st hit was not successful, 2nd hit has a 100% chance for "Healed 15 hitpoints!", heals 15 HP. 3rd hit has a 100% chance for "Growing Terror", lowers opponent's Boost by 10 each turn for 4 turns. Combos: N/A Description: Look at the shiny UFO! Very distracting. Star Captains Only: Special transport technology created by an engineer named Scott (also known as the B.M.U.S. Device) may activate to take your opponent away (Ha-ha-he-he-ho-ho!) Image: Crazed UFO Head *Thanks to Azami for image!, Twilight Sky 023 for writeup* Crazed Boutonniere Equip Slot: Body Damage Type: None Damage: 53-61 Hits: 5 Energy: 42 Cooldown: 5 Bonuses: N/A Special Effects: Each hit has a chance for the following: Each hit has a chance for "Heavy Slug: +76%", increases hit's damage by 76%. If your enemy is in an equipabble mecha (I.E. PvP or mecha-type enemies), each hit has a chance for "Weapon Jammed! ___ Stuck! 2 Rounds Cooldown to Fix", forces 2 turns of cooldown on a random weapon equipped to the opponent. Combos: N/A Description: Your poor unsuspecting victim will get lots of surprises when he tries to smell the flower in your lapel... Image: Crazed Boutonniere *Thanks to Azami for image!, Twilight Sky 023 for writeup*