soul_banisher -> Initiate's Hood (4/4/2009 0:50:48)
Initiate's Hood The emperors of Sek-Duat's line are served by a line of sycophants who have turned their service in a form of worship. This hood was taken from one of those initiates. (No DA Required) Location: Sandsea Helms Price: 900 Gold Sellback: 90 Gold Level: 31 Element: Wind Bonuses: Dodge +2, Crit +2, Melee Def +2, END +5, LUK +1, INT +5, Bonus +2 Resists: Immobility +1, Darkness +3, Light +3 Rarity: 2 Item Type: Helm Equip Spot: Head Category: Armor [image][/image] Thanks to Jay for image. Armakuny for resistance information. Stephen Nix for correction.