RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (Full Version)

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Pyronix15 -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/6/2009 6:26:05)

Good to see ya too.

remember me?

well u can't cause we never met!
Maybe not. But I've seen ya.

anyways, good luck keepin us all in check! (give key to file where hundreds of questions wait the AK)
*destroys the key* [:D]


Kuld -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/6/2009 6:48:13)

What is your opinion on Mudkipz?
If it has anything to do with mud, I approve.

You do realise that the princess is in another castle, right?
What? You don't think there is another dragon there too?

Is it annoying to always have Dragon Slayers out there to get you?
*munch**munch*burb* What dragon slayers?

kasama999 -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/6/2009 10:08:28)

Congrats Azami!
Thanks kasama

What's the color of your fire?
Red. Plain ol red.

Why did you decide to be a dragon?
Because dragons are amazing. & I'm Azami [:D]

tflo -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/6/2009 10:53:34)


If practice makes perfect & nobody's perfect, why practice?
Pass the time.

What Happens If You Get Scared Half To Death Twice?
Depends on how much you've recovered from your 1st fright.

Psychics never win the lottery. Why is that?
Apparently they have this clause about not using their powers for peronal gain...

Favorite AE Game?
MQ, it is.

Have fun and good luck with the responsabilities!
Thanks. Those just consist of 'lock' & 'delete' [:o]

bballnut27 -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/6/2009 10:56:05)


i gots no questions

Take your time. [:)]

Watchman -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/6/2009 13:56:18)

Congratulations and lots of luck to ya, the natives around here are a little wilder than most. >.>
Thanks. I hear AQ is a bit worse.

Who's your favorite NPC in all four games?
Worsh. They should totally put him in the storyline.

How you think of the Dragonslayer-Dracomancer truce?
That's fine. Me and my dragons are not part of either group. Dragon slayers still come after us, my dragons are well fed... All is good.

Are you scared of Galanoth?
I have yet to confront him. So now, cautious is the word.

What do think of Drakath (the Dragon) in general?
Really nice till ya get on his bad side, which is kinda often [&:]

Hope don't mind this race heavy questions. ^^;
Not at all ^_^

ZamuelNow -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/6/2009 14:18:13)

On June 20, 3008 did you help fight off the Invasion?
No. I was not active in MQ during June-Sept.

skyvolt666 -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/6/2009 20:55:17)

Ava'yorn Azami, vur bensvelk apzen.

Shilta wux kampiun svabol si mi yentasad.

If you don't understand what I just said you are not a dragon. (Or are you?)
Hm. I think I am [&:]

This might help quite a bit.
Oh. *sigh* Do you know how many dialects dragons have?

Jaka shilta wux kampiun svabol si mi yentasad.

Ok trivia time.

Which dragon lives the longest?
The one that dies last?

What forms of deites do dragons worship?

What do you think of my Sig?
I think there is a dragon in the background about to have a warrior for lunch.

Gocahel jivelgg ekess confn later.

shoggoth -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/7/2009 8:40:41)


What is an Archdragon?
A dragon that has the title of ArchKnight.

Who zombified you?
No one why?

Do you like pi?
I prefer cake actually.




Nyní pro české.

Jste ampithetre?

(Myslím, že to jak se to píše)

Τα λέμε αργότερα!

Now, try to translate all that. [sm=evilking.gif]
I did [:D]

Voltron -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/7/2009 9:28:41)

Congrats on becoming an AK, Azami!
Thanks Voltron

What is your favorite Japanese Anime?
Don't really have a favorite, but I do like Bleach, One Piece, and maybe the new Naruto.

What is your favorite hobby?
Building computers.

Cake or Pie?
Cake!! [:D]

What is your favorite AE game NPC character?

That is all I have, good luck on the MG AK work!
Thanks! Bye!

Death 3 -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/7/2009 18:50:28)


Doom or Death?

Pizza or Macaroni and cheese?
Pizza, but thin crust only.

Enough with those Q & As, do you enjoy being an AK?
I do [:)]

Still alive?
Yeah, as far as I know [&:]

How about now?
Yup! [:D]

Cya arond AK! *whispers* Launch the nuke!
Cya! *?*

Viking_Jorun -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/7/2009 18:56:10)

Hehe... My turn NAO! >:D

How's AK life nao?
'Bout the same as it was when I started.

What color's them shackles?
Now they are a dirty grey. I came in when they bought the new ones. They were very shinny.

Well I've got some AKing to do myself, buh-byez!
/me snuggs


spellmaster -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/7/2009 18:57:53)

Hi Azami
Hi spellmaster

Bye Azami
So soon?

Oh wait I forgot I need to torture with my dumb questions before you leave.

1. Congrats?
Are you unsure whether or not you want to congratulate me?

2. How does the ak powerz feel?
The powerz have manifested into a twitchy lock delete finger, especially in the 'pedia.

3. What attracts you to mq?
Newness (is that a word?)

4. Am I smexy?

5. Ok why am I out of questions?
Looks like you have one left :)

6. Do you wish I was more creative?
Only if you wish you were move creative.

Congrats on the new akship
Thank you. Bye.

Glenn von Danziger -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/7/2009 19:09:18)

Hmm... A dragon. An ArchDragon, no less.
Which are more specials than regular dragons.

I thought your kind had left this realm during the Soluna era. Is this not the case?
We uhh... slept in that and everybody left us. Yeah, that's it.

If this truly is the case, have you merely been left behind?
Yeah. Now that we are the only dragons left, no more noisy neighbors.

If this is not the case, should I be gathering the dragonsbane for a Dragonslayer Mech?
Who said we were mechs? But if you want go ahead.

Do you perhaps own a starship, or do you not require such mundane things as space travel?
No, we gots a starship. Planet looks nicer from space.

Perhaps I should cut the chains that bind you, break you out of the obligatory AK dungeon, and invite you to my space colony for a social party. But, before I do that...
All the AKs that came before me tried and failed to cut these chains.

Bolt cutters, or explosives?
[sm=icon_eek.gif] Bolt cutters. Definitely bold cutters.

Tea, or red meat?

Should I ask more questions at a later time, when I am able?
Only if you are truly not able to now.

Either way, enjoy your newfound rank.

Glenn von Danziger
Grand Lucifuge, CEO Little Shop of Horrors International, Transylvania HQ.
Wow. Quite a title.

Dfrox -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/7/2009 21:05:43)

1.)Hiya Azami!
Heya Dfrox

2.)So i see that you like cake, well you can't have any of it bec. i'm just mean!
I got plenty at my AK initiation.

3.)welll.....maybe I will give you a piece....for a price! Give me a dragon and you can have some cake!
-.- I don't like cake that much.

4.)anyways, you like roller coasters?if so, what's the biggest and fastest one you've ever been on?
Yes. Don't know. I like 'em.

5.)if you don't then I command you to dance the Hokey Pokey! now! do it!
Hm. Our roles seemed to be reversed.

6.)can i have a dragon??pweeeeseeeee???[8|]I'll be your best freind and .....*drum roll* i'll give you some cake! and your favorite type too!
The only part of a dragon you might recieve is the fire part [;)]

7.) that is all for now, I shall be back!

8.) congratz!

p.s.: like my color????mwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Actually, I think Vaka might want to have a word with you, for that is closer to Vaka's color, not mine.

SCV -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/7/2009 21:18:43)

Congratulations Azami!

final five -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/7/2009 21:29:22)


why dragons?
Why not :o

what happens if a dragonslayer kills your dragons?
When that happens you will be among the first to know.

what do you think of my dragon?
I think a purer white would have been better.

do you like being an AK?
<.< >.> ..yes?..

how do you and your dragons be in mq if there are no dragons?
I'm not in MQ. I just moderate the forums [;)]

is the cake real?
Yes. There are those that would say that the cake is a lie. I just think they are trying to sell me something [>:]

do you know us without knowing us?
If I knew you without knowing you I would know how to answer this question.

why cant anything be perfect?
Squares are perfect. Right?

will mq forums be perfect with a new AK?
No. AKs don't make the forums. The everyday members do. Which includes me. I'm just an ordinary person with a title.

WoTiFe -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/8/2009 1:56:16)

Hello dwagon
Hello WoTiFe

1)Do you know me?
Personally? No. But I've seen ya.

2)If so,who do you think i am?
If I knew you, I wouldn't have to guess who you are.


4)Ok enough.Shotguns or Rockets?
Rockets. Bigger boom.

5)Can you do me a favour?
That depends on what the favor is.

6)If yes,put your little fingies in a venus fly trap and observe.
The answer to the previous question is no [:D]

7)canz I ztiew yor cookiez?
That 3rd word has me puzzled.

8)Which dragon you are,the black one or the blue one?

9)Then what is the other dragon doing in your avatar?
Makes it look epic :o

10)WoTiFe send an army of twig to annoy someone to insanity.
complete this sentence.

legomaster00156 -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/8/2009 16:19:37)

Mwahaha! I have returned![sm=xb9yx3.gif] Second post, so you don't forget.
I have now remembered.

1) What all is in your cellar besides the laptop?
Me & a chain that's attached to me.

2) Did you know that the keys to your cellar are hidden inside your laptop? You'd have to break it open, of course.
It sounds like you've been here before.

3) Do you think Galanoth would taste good if you encountered him in battle?
I'm not sure there would be any tasting in battle.

4) How big is your treasure hoard? I bet mine's bigger. I have 5,986,267 gold coins, amoung a few other treasures. And I'm not even a dragon![:D]
ArchDragons can't have treasure hoards. *stupid fine print [:@]*

5) What would happen if I asked eleven questions?(gets thrown into the Void)
Void is a possibility. Good for getting rid of things.

6) I wiiiiill retuuuurrrrnnnn!!! And, while I'm being dragged into my utter doom, I forgot to say congrats in the last post! So, congrats!

Lucario0708 -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/8/2009 22:42:31)

im back azami and Im writing in a better color than you!!!
Hi. Sorry, but I don't think there is a color better than mine [&:]

what color are your dragonbane shackles?
Hehe. The color is regular grey. But these shackles surpass any ore known to man or dragon.

what color are your scales?[sm=akriloth_side.jpg]
You just asked me that didn't you??

marco or polo?
I prefer T-shrits, no buttons

DragonBall Z or DrakelCube P?
They relesed a DrakelCube in the game??? *goes to check*

over 9000! or over NUMBER "T"!!!!!!!!!
Everyone knows there is no number 'T'. 9000 it is.

[:D] or [sm=DS.jpg]?

cya on page 3!!!! and 4!!!!!!! and 5!!!!!!!!!! and 6!!!!!!!!!*5 minutes later* and 30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and 31!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and *5 hours later* 92!!!!!!!! and *6 hours later* 180!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't think I'm gonna leave this open long enough to get to page 180. But 92? no problem.

i think you should be a dragony dragonite archdragon
When you fully explain those terms, I may give it some thought.


ILmaster13 -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/8/2009 22:54:50)

im back again ooohh! And i writes in yours colors. (Im watching you if you change the color)
Changed it [:D]

whatz iz ze meaningz ofz lifez?
I heard it was 24

what are your thoughts on hippies?
No thoughts.

whos you greatest enemy?
I have not found anyone worthy of that title.

remember to pay for that cake.
Pay? Twas a gift, remember?
Who said it was a gift? I NEVER said it was a gift.

Will you ever spam while you're an AK?
I hope I never spam period.

what is light as air but the strongest person cant hold it for 5 minutes?
Their breath?

what are you feeling reading these posts on your MtAK?
Easy-going. *is that supposed to be 2 words?*

what do you get offended by?
If you're the one to offend me, you'll know it [sm=akriloth_front.gif]

Ever heard of a fried twinky?
Yes. Zank talks about them frequently.

Pssst, i found a way out of your cell. want to know about it?
I already know about it. It's called a door. Unfortunately it's locked.
No, its called magic. (AKA the window)

see you later. (Probably not)

Fisto -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/9/2009 10:43:56)

So they finally unlocked you from your shackles long enough for you to make on of these threads eh?
No, just made the shackles a little longer.

Congrats are in order here.

Is the cake a lie?
No. Anyone that tells you otherwise is trying to sell ya something.

Have you thought about how you will rule the world with your new powers?
There are many with more powers than me. Ruling the world will take much more power than I have been given.

If a plane filled with 200 passengers crashed directly on the boarder of Canada and the United States, where would they bury the survivors?
Why would you bury people that are alive? That's just mean D:<

All I have for now, keep up the great work. [;)]

#13 -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/9/2009 11:10:33)

Gratz Azami!
Thanks Martin

Have you ever heard of me? :o
I think so.

Hows work in MQ Pedia and GD?
Pedia? Breeze. Just delete your replies and move on [:D]

Why there are lots of missing L/M/E Entries in pedia?
Cuz no one has posted them I guess. Or maybe Yag is hiding them.

Am I scary like my nick?

/me blames and slams teh draguns!
*The draguns burn the number*

:P (J/K) Anyway, gratz, I see your works are being good. Good Luck!
:o *oops srry* Thanks.

PD -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/9/2009 12:15:46)

I'm back!
Heya vent

Time for some questions
It's that time already?

What's your view of Daimyo?
Artix's little dog? Don't know, haven't seen him around much.

How many Dialects of the Dragon language are there?
Too many to count.

Do you watch Ballyhoo in MQ?
Yes, she's pretty.

What's your favorite Rare Mecha?
Powermerged War Armor

[sm=evilking.gif]Serious? Who?[sm=evilking.gif]

Have you seen D.F.A?

Who's the Better dragon: Arkiloth or Drakath?
There is no better dragon. Both are very respectable role models to follow.

What would you buy if you right now had 5000 Nova Gems?
Hm. Buy more Mech, inventory, & Starship slots.

See you later!!!!
See ya then :)

15cman -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/9/2009 12:21:58)

You --> AK?Witchcraft I say!
Witches have nothing to do with it. Mod-craft

Oh rly?
Don't believe me? Ask any Mod :)

Now I've seen people trying to use your color.What do you do?Just change theirs, or do you act patient and change yours?
Why would I change mine?

:O Le Gasp! <-- Because it means "The Gasp!".Not any plain old Gasp.
How is that different from a regular 'gasp' ?

See ya.Or maybe not, since I hardly ever go to the MQ GD and the like ;).
Awww. Well bye then.

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