RE: Pets/Guests (Full Version)

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Andlu -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/5/2018 15:59:27)

Bonhead also lowers enemy's bonus by 10 for a turn, credits to Baron Dante

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Upon further testing, another aspect of Bonehead's second attack was also untrue; the attack is actually three hits of 100% damage, not two. Also, the 'Darkness Breath' effect actually lasts for two turns, not one. This information has been updated on the entry (along with updated images which better show the attacks in process). [Jay]

LouisCyphere -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/9/2018 20:49:19)

Atgasedd Doll
Are you feeling it? Buffs you and debuffs enemies, scaling a small amount off your CHA stat.
(No DA Required)

Location: Atgasedd Doll
Price: N/A
Required Item: 1 Condensed C Blob and 1 Blob of Unigedd
Sellback: 0 Gold

Level: 1
Damage: 0-0
Element: Fear
Bonuses: None

Rarity: 1

Attack Type 1 -
Attack Type 2 -
Attack Type 3 -
Attack Type 4 -
Attack Type 5 -

Notes: At 0 CHA
First turn, buffs player with Atgasedd with +5 boost for 1 turn
Second turn, buffs player Atgno with +10 bonus for 1 turn
Third turn, debuffs the mob with Bradychwyd with -10 bonus for 1 turn.
Fourth turn, debuffs the mob with Mwrn with -5 boost for 1 turn.
Fifth turn, buffs the player with Unigedd with +5 defenses (Block/Parry/Dodge) for 1 turn

at 50 CHA
First turn, buffs player with Atgasedd with +7 boost for 1 turn
Second turn, buffs player Atgno with +13 bonus for 1 turn
Third turn, debuffs the mob with Bradychwyd with -13 bonus for 1 turn.
Fourth turn, debuffs the mob with Mwrn with -7 boost for 1 turn.
Fifth turn, buffs the player with Unigedd with +7 defenses (Block/Parry/Dodge) for 1 turn

at 100 CHA
First turn, buffs player with Atgasedd with +8 boost for 1 turn
Second turn, buffs player Atgno with +15 bonus for 1 turn
Third turn, debuffs the mob with Bradychwyd with -15 bonus for 1 turn.
Fourth turn, debuffs the mob with Mwrn with -8 boost for 1 turn.
Fifth turn, buffs the player with Unigedd with +8 defenses (Block/Parry/Dodge) for 1 turn

at 150 CHA
First turn, buffs player with Atgasedd with +9 boost for 1 turn
Second turn, buffs player Atgno with +18 bonus for 1 turn
Third turn, debuffs the mob with Bradychwyd with -18 bonus for 1 turn.
Fourth turn, debuffs the mob with Mwrn with -9 boost for 1 turn.
Fifth turn, buffs the player with Unigedd with +9 defenses (Block/Parry/Dodge) for 1 turn

According to Verly, at 200 CHA
First turn, buffs player with Atgasedd with +10 boost for 1 turn
Second turn, buffs player Atgno with +20 bonus for 1 turn
Third turn, debuffs the mob with Bradychwyd with -20 bonus for 1 turn.
Fourth turn, debuffs the mob with Mwrn with -10 boost for 1 turn.
Fifth turn, buffs the player with Unigedd with +10 defenses (Block/Parry/Dodge) for 1 turn

at 250 CHA
First turn, buffs player with Atgasedd with +12 boost for 1 turn
Second turn, buffs player Atgno with +23 bonus for 1 turn
Third turn, debuffs the mob with Bradychwyd with -23 bonus for 1 turn.
Fourth turn, debuffs the mob with Mwrn with -12 boost for 1 turn.
Fifth turn, buffs the player with Unigedd with +12 defenses (Block/Parry/Dodge) for 1 turn

the five buffs/debuffs loops in 5 turns.
still figuring out how it scales with CHA Alright. so here's the results.
so far, Atgasedd buff, Mwrn debuff and Unigedd buff scale by CHA/40 rounded down while Atgno buff and Bradychwyd and debuff scale by CHA/20 rounded up
Baron Dante is also helping me with crunching the numbers.

LouisCyphere -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/9/2018 22:00:28)

So I did some testing for the Baby Chimera pet
the results are as follows:
at 0 CHA, 107 BPD
at 50 CHA, 132 BPD
at 100 CHA, 157 BPD
at 150 CHA, 182 BPD
at 200 CHA, 207 BPD
at 247 CHA, 230 BPD
at 250 CHA, 232 BPD
So Chimeric Defense scales by CHA/2 rounded down.

Now to figure out the cooldown.
It's 15 turns after the Chimeric Defense has expired.

LouisCyphere -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/13/2018 10:23:17)

Atgasedd Pet additional Info:
Attacks 3 and 4 deals Melee damage and scales with CHA/10 not sure if it's rounded down or up yet.

Attack 1 Direct Link:
Attack 2 Direct Link:
Attack 3 Direct Link:
Attack 4 Direct Link:
Attack 5 Direct Link:

Attack 5 has the icon/rune spinning so I can't get a similar picture just like with the others [:(]
The attack type images have been added to the pet's entry. Thanks for your help. ~Occavatra

LouisCyphere -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/24/2018 1:03:58)

Formula for Grenwog Jr pet
It has two attack types although I'm not sure of the proc chance for either of them.
The blind skill where the pet throws an egg to blind them debuffs the mob by Egged for 1 turn with -Bonus
0 CHA, -30 Bonus
50 CHA, -35 Bonus
100 CHA, -40 Bonus
150 CHA, -45 Bonus
200 CHA, -50 Bonus
250 CHA, -55 Bonus.

Forumla is
Base 30 + Rounded Up(CHA/10)

Greldracion -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/24/2018 3:44:19)

Seems like the Grenwog Jr has an initial 5 turns between throwing the first egg at an opponent, then there is a 10 turn cooldown between successive eggs. So on turn 6 is the first egg, then on turn 17, then 28 etc.

BluuHorseOfficial -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/24/2018 12:06:24)

@LouisCyphere, it’s rounded down. I had 69 CHA and it gave a -36 Bonus fron egged. Also, I beleive that cooldown @Greldracion mentioned carries between battles? I’ll have to fact-check that.

All of the above information has been added to the pet's entry. Thanks for your help, you guys. ~ Occavatra

Greyor_42 -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/24/2018 13:24:34)

It definitely carries between battles, because I got the Egged effect, and most of my battles don't last 6 turns. Though, it also took alot more than 6 battles for me to see it the first time, so I think that the initial cooldown is more than 5 as well. It might actually just be an "every 10 turns persisting between battles" thing.

I added the additional information. Thanks for your help. ~ Occavatra

SilverSoul -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/24/2018 16:16:24)

I did a few tests with the pet and it always seems to round up for me. After reading your post I decided to test it out again and with 68 CHA (I was trying to match yours as close as possible), I was able to have the egged debuff at -37 bonus.
Previously, I did 22 CHA resulting in a -33 bonus and Louis did 54 CHA resulting in -36 bonus.

BluuHorseOfficial -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/25/2018 9:07:24)

Must be more complicated than I thought, then. I’m positive it was -36, but I’ll check and edit this post later.

Edit @below

Okay, I was wrong and tried it with all CHA ranges between 60 and 70 and found out that Louis' calculations were right, and it actually is -37 just like stated above. Something must've gone wrong the first time. Sorry! :p

Also, tried it various times, the cooldown seems to be correct but it doesn't carry over. I tried it in the purple day polka-dot dragon quest. This should be the accurate info. Again, sorry for any mishaps caused!

Greyor_42 -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/6/2018 23:10:20)

The Sporcaling Pet's Attack 2 inflicts a different DoT with each consecutive use, which appaer to have the exact same damage and scaling.

The two I've gotten so far are Sporca Toxin and Sporca Venom. Will report more if they're found.

I've added the information you posted to the pet's entry. Thanks for your help. ~ Occavatra

LouisCyphere -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/7/2018 5:43:43)

for Sporcaling's Attack 1, at level 85
0 CHA, I'm getting a damage range of 36-41
50 CHA, has 41-46 damage
Not sure how level scales with damage range. Might edit or make a new post once I figured it out.

So, it looks like every 10 CHA increases damage by 1.
Unless of course the CHA stat itself does this for every pet.
Looking back at this, it looks like it goes the same for every pet.

I still haven't figured out formula for how Attack 2 scales with CHA and the number of DoTs placed.

Image for Sporcaling
Direct Link:

The information regarding the damage increase with CHA and the direct image has been added to the pet entry. Thanks for your help. ~ Occavatra

BluuHorseOfficial -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/10/2018 12:46:54)

I guess it’s worth mentioning that the Atgasedd Doll’s Atgasedd is a PowerBoost buff, Atgno is a BtH buff, Bradychwyd is a BtH debuff, Mwrn is a PowerBoost debuff (not sure about Brady and Mwrn much, haven’t used the pet in a long time) and Unigedd is a B/P/D buff.

Sporcaling’s first attack scales with level, CHA and the number of DoTs inflicted of the opponent. I think the numbers there are unnecessary, this may be a better one:


I’d say this is more appropriate—

Attack Type 1 - Rushes towards your opponent and attacks it with a wisp dealing Pierce Fear Damage that increases in magnitude proportionately with your level, CHA and the amount of DoTs inflicted on your opponent.
Attack Type 2 - Rushes towards your opponent and attacks it with its claws for Pierce Fear Damage and inflicts a DoT (such as Sporca Toxin and Sporca Venom) for three turns with each use and appears to have the exact same damage and scaling. (Increases alongside level and CHA)

The uses don’t have to be consecutive—the Sporcaling doesn’t really follow the same pattern as Sporca, the Swift. It can use any attack at anytime, though it is a different DoT everytime.

The additional information regarding Atgasedd Doll and Sporcaling's revised attack types have been added to their respective entries. Thanks for your help. ~ Occavatra

Dratomos -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/19/2018 12:32:17)

I have Plushie Twilly and Plushie Mort.

A magical Twilly plushie! A reward for supporting the Plushie Moglin Kickstarter. Damage scales with player level.
(No DA Required)

Location: Redeem the code received from pledging at least $15 to the Moglin Plushie Kickstarter
Price: N/A
Sellback: N/A

Level: 1
Damage: 5-10 / Scaled
Element: Nature
Bonuses: None

Rarity: 1

Attack Type 1 - Runs up to the target and deals 1 hit of Magic Nature damage.
Attack Type 2 - Summons Twilly's staff, healing the player for 10% of their maximum HP.

A deathly Mort plushie! A reward for supporting the Plushie Moglin Kickstarter. Damage scales with player level.
(No DA Required)

Location: Redeem the code received from pledging at least $25 to the Moglin Plushie Kickstarter
Price: N/A
Sellback: N/A

Level: 1
Damage: 5-10 / Scaled
Element: Poison
Bonuses: None

Rarity: 1

Attack Type 1 - Runs up to the target and deals 1 hit of Magic Poison damage.
Attack Type 2 - Summons a skull, healing the player for 10% of their maximum HP.

I cropped your attack type images as they had some unnecessary parts of the UI displayed, TFS handled the rest. Thank you! [Jay]

TFS -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/19/2018 13:00:55)

^I've added entries here and here, thanks a ton!

Thank you. I removed the Rare tags from all entries for now as—as far as I can tell—these Plushie Moglin pets will be available again in the future via purchasing the individual Plushie Moglins from HeroMart are still available. [Jay]

Dratomos -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/8/2018 2:58:16)

Hacked Magi Drone entry:

Your very own Magi Drone! It obeys your every command, so long as that comman is "attack". Has a chance to increase your enemy's Health resistance, amount based on your CHA.

Proof of your victory over Azaveyran challenges.
(No DA Required)

Location: Azaveyran Rewards
Price: N/A
Required Items: 1 Entangled Crown of Azaveyr + 1 Magester's Keepsake
Sellback: 0 Dragon Coins

Level: 1
Damage: 5-10 / Scaled
Element: Fear
Bonuses: Crit +5, Bonus +5

Rarity: 1

Attack Type 1 - Runs up to the target and deals 1 hit of 100% scaled Pierce Fear damage.
Attack Type 2 - Runs up to the target and deals 1 hit of 100% scaled Pierce Fear damage, while increasing it's health (by 15 + Your CHA/10).

The damage it deals on Lvl 90 is 100 + Your CHA/10.

Entry posted here, thanks! [Jay]

TFS -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/24/2018 2:23:14)

All versions of Baby Kraken are now DC-tagged and can no longer be sold or destroyed.
All versions of Golden Chickcalf are now DC-tagged and can no longer be sold or destroyed.
All versions of MiniVolt are now DC-tagged and can no longer be sold or destroyed. However, this pet is currently gamebreakingly buggy and its current entry is incomplete; I'll also submit attack information for it once it's fixed after the next release.

Done, thanks! ~Peachii

TFS -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/29/2018 1:08:21)

MiniVolt is no longer bugged and now properly loads. It also now only has two attacks.

Attack Type 1 - Blasts its target with a laser for 3 hits of 100% Melee Energy damage.
Attack Type 2 - Scans its target with crosshairs, dealing no damage but granting the player +20 Crit for 6 turns.

Updated all entries with this information, thank you! (At last, a working MiniVolt!) [Jay]

TFS -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/29/2019 14:00:59)

Rabbitizer 6000 Mach 2 and Clyde the Carrier Turtle are no longer bugged on attack as their pages indicate they are.

Sir Stephan's Multi attack no longer copies the previous attack; it now deals 1 hit of 100% Metal damage to all targets.

I've made an entry for Plushie Kickbacker, it should probably be linked in the 'Also See' section of the entries for the other moglin plushies.

Done, thanks! ~Peachii

Alm Nullamors -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/27/2019 1:24:53)

With last week's stat updates, the Doom Figmini's mana recovery attack no longer interacts with WIS as stated.

This has been amended, thank you! [Jay]

TFS -> RE: Pets/Guests (8/10/2019 21:15:11)

Golden Chickcalf is now rare.

Added rare tags, thanks! [Jay]

Rubioalto -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/4/2020 21:23:41)

Sir Leon, Kara SuLema, Raven and Batoro now have their stun durations reduced to just 1 turn as of February 28, 2020.

All updated, thank you! [Jay]

Rubioalto -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/12/2020 19:42:38)

Pet/Guest Dragon's Tickles skill got its -Bonus component removed as of March 07, 2020, and its respective pop-up "Your foe deals less damage, hits less, and takes more damage!" has been changed to "Your foe deals less damage and takes more damage!".

Updated both entries, thank you! [Jay]

AstralCodex -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/27/2020 22:43:48)

Book 1 Aegis does 90% damage per hit, not 100%, but the -25 ice applies without hitcheck and applies to all 4 hits.

Updated the damage value and effect ordering; I tested the other skills since I remembered something about one of this guest's skills seeming odd before and adjusted values accordingly. Thanks! [Jay]

bestonesofar -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/19/2023 10:05:58)

Valencia (2) has incorrect damage numbers listed in the skill effects. The following values were obtained by inviting and uninviting until the guest displays a damage range of (round(10 * sqrt(level) - 1), round(10 * sqrt(level) + 1)), stacking CHA, dividing the three skill output numbers by their respective damage ranges, and rounding to nice looking numbers with few decimal places.

Sharpened Blade Toss: Throws a dagger for 1 hit of 150% damage, and if it connects, it applies 'Painful Blade', a non-elemental Melee DoT that deals 36% Weapon Damage for 4 turns
High Kick: Kicks the target for 1 hit of 160% damage, with 100% chance to crit for a total of 280% damage
Attack: Slides down with her knife for one hit of 125% damage

Tested and verified most of these values, the only exception being the DoT, which I found to be accurate on the original entry at 40% of Valencia's listed damage range, rounded up. Thanks! [Jay]

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