ArchMagus Orodalf -> Verata (4/11/2009 7:05:59)
Verata Location: Necromancer Verata, Sepulchure's Fortress, The Necrotic Generals Quests given None Shops owned None Dialogue [image][/image] Necromancer Verata ???: Meh heh heh... Do not be frightened, his bark is worse than his bite. ???: Hahaha... ???: NO! ???: Wood you like to see what I have in store for you? ???: Do not be such a sap... ???: See these Soul Orbs behind me? ???: They come from wood-be heroes like yourself. ???: I steal souls and use them to create powerful creatures! ???: A cute little fellow, isn't he? ???: Hahahaha! Verata: Correct. Verata: You could say that I am the root of all evil around here. Verata: Trying to figure out why? Verata: You look stumped... Verata: Not all Necromancers play with undead... Verata: By using the power of souls I can create monsters out of anything! Verata: All of the trees, kresh spiders, and vampire bats are my handy-work. Verata: Soon my minions will branch out taking over all of Darkovia! Verata: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Sepulchure's Fortress Verata: Master, we will keep the intruders busy while <Character> makes their way inside... The Necrotic Generals Verata: Necromancer, do I need to remind you that undead aren't supposed to talk? Verata: And who's fault is that? Verata: You will join us in darkness. It will cover this world. It will swallow the sun. [image][/image] Thanks to -- Pwner586 for the image. -- Stephen Nix for correction and AK tag. -- Doomstalker for correction. -- Voodoo Master for dialogues.