A Guide to Buying and Selling Mechs (Full Version)

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Jokester -> A Guide to Buying and Selling Mechs (4/11/2009 21:20:13)

Jokester’s Guide on Buying and Selling Mechs

1. Introduction
2. A Mech That Fits You
3. Cost
4. Strategy
5. Statistics
6. HP, EP, and EP Regen
7. Mech Equipment
8. Rare Mechs
9. Star Captain
10. House Mechs

1. Introduction

Mechs are the arguably the most important object of the game. Good mechs make you win battles (most of the time) and bad mechs make you lose battles (most of the time). If you are having trouble buying or selling mechs this is the guide for you.

2. A Mech That Fits You

You always want a mech that fits you. A mech might fit you because you like to stun and that mech has a good stun rate or you like the look of the mech. Other people like mechs that hit high because that is what they prefer. I’m not saying “go sell a really good mech just because it doesn‘t look how you would like” I’m just saying that a mech that fits you is sometimes the best choice but sometimes it isn't so be careful. When choosing a mech that fits you, you might want to check zeke50100's guide on Choosing the Mech thats is Right for YOU.

3. Cost

Cost is an important factor in buying a mech. Mechs can be cheap or expensive. Cost does not have anything to do with how good the mech is mechs are usually different costs because they are different levels. A 100,000 credit mech and a 350,000 mech could be equally good respective to their level. Let’s take Rifle Guard and Feral Werewolf for example. The Rifle Guard is 115,000 credits and the Werewolf is 15,000 credits. The Rifle Guard is level 23 and the Werewolf is level 5. The Werewolf has 100 HP
(hit points), 60 EP (energy points), and 15 EP Regen (energy points regeneration).
The Rifle Guard has 437 HP, 323 EP, and 12 EP Regen. For the cost both mechs are great mechs for their respective levels.

4. Strategy

Strategy is an important factor in a mech. For example, you bought a mech that everyone on the forums said was great but it isn’t good for you it might be your strategy.
Let’s take the Anchorman for example. It has a body attack that lowers stun resistance for two turns. It also has a front arm that stuns. Obviously a good strategy would be to use the stunning attack while the lowered stun resistance is still effective.

5. Statistics

Statistics are just as important as strategy. Different statistics will give you different outcomes in a battle. If you bought a mech and it wasn’t good for you just like bad strategy you might need to change your states. Here’s a quote from Rolith in the Design Notes; Accuracy: Increases your chance to hit enemies. Reflex: Increases your chance to block enemies. Power: Damage buff. Perception: Reduces damage taken. Efficiency: Decreases EP demands of weapons. Luck: Lots and lots of little things. Make sure to change up your stat build to fit the mech appropriately before you sell a mech. Here is a guide that may be of use: Mecha Stats and Stat Builds

6. HP, EP, and EP Regen

HP, EP, and EPR(or EP Regen) stand for hit points, energy points, and energy point regeneration. These are crucial factors to look at when buying and selling a mech. Lets take the Drakel Power Armor V6 and the Rifle Guard. Both these mechs are level 23. The Drakel Power Armor has 349 HP, 204 EP, and 15 EP Regen. The Rifle Guard has 437 HP, 323 EP, and 12 EP Regen. Therefore the Rifle Guard is a better mech hp and ep wise for its level and Drakel Power Armor V6 is a better ep regen mech for its level. In this case I would buy the Rifle Guard.

7. Mech Equipment

Mech equipment is important for your mecha. Before buying a mech you have to know if it is a Build-A-Mech. A Build-A-Mech is a mech that only comes with the mecha base no weapons. You also have to know what the defaults are like on your mech, and if they are bad you need to equip different weapons to change the performance of your mech, but you should always buy a mech with good defaults. You want to get weapons your level not lower, if possible, and you also want to get weapons that have high damage. Make sure it doesn't have too high of an EP usage before you buy it. Weapons can change your mech for better or for worse so make sure you get a good weapon.

8. Rare Mechs

Rare mechs are mechs that are no longer available. An example of a rare mech would be the Clown Series and the NG Clown Series. The clown mechs are better than non-rare mechs that are the same level.

9. Star Captain

Before you buy a mech you have to know if it is star captain or non- star captain. If you upgrade to become a Star Captain there are many things available to you that aren’t available as a non-star captain. If you upgrade there are better mechs that you can buy. Not to worry non-star captains there are still good mechs for you guys too but the best mechs are usually star captain mechs.

10. House Mechs

There are different styles of playing Mechquest and the three houses suit these styles. The styles of playing are essentially Warrior, Mage, and Rogue (much like Dragonfable). Warriors generally like to hit hard and stun. Wolfblade mechs suit warriors very well. They have high damage, high crit chance, and stun chance. They don't have much EP compared to the other house mechs which is because the Wolfblade mechs don't need as much EP if used correctly. Rogues are stealthy and brave. The Mystraven mechs fit rogues very well. They have a wide range of damage. Take the shoulders for example. On the level six version of the Mystraven mech the damage ranges from 5-30. For the mage types the Runehawk mechs fit well. Mages generally like special effects and draining/halting enemy EP. The front arm of the Runehawk mechs can stun, do DoTs, and heal. Make sure to pick a house that is appropriate to your style of play.

Thank you Icy for some extra information.
Thank you Venturer90 for information on mecha equipment, mecha stats, build a mechs, mecha defaults, and non-SC/SC mechs
Thank you tuesdays dusk for a correction
Thank you SDF for suggesting a rare mech section
Thank you The Game for information on style of play
Thank you bileon for price changes and for links
Thank you flame80010 for a correction
Thank you raff for a correction

deathkiller -> RE: A Guide to Buying and Selling Mechs (10/18/2010 13:07:25)


The Werewolf has 100 HP (hit points), 60 EP (energy points), and 15 EP Regen (energy points regeneration).
that isnt really right
it should be HP: 184 EP: 81 EPregen: 3

NavigatorNami -> RE: A Guide to Buying and Selling Mechs (9/28/2013 10:49:43)

the house does not matter anymore because there are mechs that, while more expensive, are 100x times better. pin a dino mech against a house mech of the same or similar level and the dino mech wins everytime, and this is just one example not accounting for star captain vs non star captain.

Thiefboy109 -> RE: A Guide to Buying and Selling Mechs (9/28/2013 13:35:55)

Only at low levels. Advanced House Mechs and Elite House Mechs are generally pretty sweet (except for WolfBlade's Advanced).

I mean, not many mechs can take on extreme Piotr without a V-Hunter, and both the RH Elite and Advanced can do it.

carigun -> RE: A Guide to Buying and Selling Mechs (9/28/2013 14:49:45)

what is wrong with the GEARS Wolfblade Mecha 11 (20)
as is what is said in the first post its about how you play it. (that being said i have problems with runehawk drinking me EP)

i start with throwing up, then i throw buildings, then missile, then missile, then turret (should be a match finisher if not then the blaster)
ok before you ask i put the turret second to last as i will only lose 24 accuracy not 30 and get 40 more power.

close to a new tactic
Throwing Up / Buildings / Missile / Blaster / Turret / Missile = 50% EP used

WolfPup -> RE: A Guide to Buying and Selling Mechs (11/5/2013 23:21:01)


the house does not matter anymore because there are mechs that, while more expensive, are 100x times better. pin a dino mech against a house mech of the same or similar level and the dino mech wins everytime, and this is just one example not accounting for star captain vs non star captain.

thats bull. my wolfblade gears edition v21 takes down everything that shows up infront of me. cuz what you havent taken into consideration is the stat build you choose.

Glais -> RE: A Guide to Buying and Selling Mechs (11/6/2013 17:28:16)

what enemies in specific are you talking about
because you know...the stat build would apply to the Tyrant too

I'm also 90% sure he's talking about the standard House Mechs which are just trash

Looking at contemporary 21 Mechs though, NSC-wise Gears HMs are a pretty good choice
In fact there just aren't a ton of good level 21 Mechs in general, so I'm not surprised your Gears WB is steamrolling everything. There is an HP buff to enemies around level 23 iirc so watch out for that

Though at level 20 you do have the SteamPunk which is probably a fair bit better


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