RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (Full Version)

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Crimzon5 -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/24/2009 8:22:07)

Post 2 for Crimz (read the first post, there's nothing against it :p)

For Koree only

1) School huh? Do you mind if I post a lot... for now? I'm at vacation :D
Yes, school. No, I don't mind. I can make those small edits and corrections
2) I dont do indices... do you?
Well I already added Sandpells & Sais to indices
3) congrats on getting the sandicane before I did
Mehehe. Although it was Sandnado.
IMR's excuse: it was a test!

.*. .*. .*. -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/24/2009 10:41:37)

Hello Crimzon5 and Koree!
Hi! Hola
I am just dropping by to say congrats to both of you! :D
Thanks! TY
I bet you both know that I used to be called the king of info submission! ;D
No, I didn't :o Hmm... err... n-yea... no
I don't have any questions because I know how it is to be an AK and mod, just don't forget to throw candy at IMR, he loves that! :D All I have is sushi
Sure thing.
Good luck with everything and I just want to say this is the best pedia ever and hopefully it stays like this! :D Hopefully
I hope so too.

PaperClip OF DOOM -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/24/2009 12:01:10)

Ohhh a MtAK! Shiny! Didn't reply in one of those for a while! @.@
So hey, gratz to Koree, and keep up the good job Crimz. :P
Thanks Thankses yous
Hey, you stole DF's system with the Info Submissions and all! (And it's TOTALLY true and NOT the other way around. >:O) AQ > DF
... I didn't steal anything *looks around for escaping route*
If you only had one brick to eat and an elephant to drink, what would you potato into?
Soap Myself?
Anyway, Super Cool Awesome AQ Pedia Powers Combined ACTIVATE! Go do some entries! :O
Yeah yeah! Immah chargin mah Pedia entries!

Adios Blaaaah!

Shiny shin -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/24/2009 17:13:14)


Heya Hi
How are you doing?
Not breathing
Favorite food?
Sushi Pizza! No, steak... Steak pizza!
Yes, Waz up is another forum member meeee!
you...! How about that.
Good luck
thanks Thanks
What kind of releases do you like
classes Classes and Ranged weapons
I see your already posting
Yup. Yep

arcangelgabrel -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/24/2009 17:26:44)

omg YAY people that can update the pedia's often =D

You're welcome.
congrats and Im glad someone will be helping to keep everything updated

brings a tear to my eye T_T mostly because everything is updated before stuff goes rare like =D

well byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye and THANK YOU

Bye and thanks. Remember, only Koree does the indices :p But Crimzon doesn't do all the entries. Although most of them.

PD -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/24/2009 23:51:37)

Hi guys! Congratulations on the AKship(s)!
No prob Thanks!

So, who abducted you guys? In Media Res, Astral, or other?

For Crimzon5: How did you get to moderate the OOC AND the AQ Pedia?
Recruited for the OoC and then... volounteered to help here
Where's Suikoman444? Isn't he supposed to help you?
He's uhh... not in the forums anymore

For Koree: How many people now work at the AQ Pedia? (including you two)
I think there're now me, Crimzon and In Media Res = 3 xD
Ever played Mechquest?
Yep. Mystraven FTW.

Now for both: Which side were you fighting for in the Ninjas vs. Pirate War? ( I fought for the Ninjas! )
We're both ninjs Noooo, that was our Ninja-secret and now you told it...

How'd you get your interest in the Pedia?
I was... bored Since I have bought many Ranged items that not so many people buy, I started to submit information and later on started to do it for monsters and armors etc.

What do you like about the Pedia?
Hmm... tough one Definitely has lots of work. But it's fun.

Favorite NPC? Pet?
Sepulchure. Nerfkitten Kalanyr; Gong of the Wind!

Your first Uber?
Nightmare (wasnt Nemesis yet) Nemesis

Well, see guys latter!

rjgwapo -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/25/2009 2:57:01)

i missed both of your past MtAKs so im starting here! its was really hard to find you MtAKs but i came through
i colored it green to make it colorful! Aaaah! My eyes! I changed it to something easier to read :P *Lowers brightness of monitor*

1. do you like spammers, trollers or flamers? (/me guesses no)
I don't like spammers but I like to delete their posts. Dont likey them
2. do you like DF?
Yes if it'd work on my computer Yup!
3. are you alive?
I think so... Although some people say to me "get a life" [/joke] DUH! I cant die young... I'm a ninja
4. thats not it! i dont really post this much in an ordinary post, much less in MtAK
:o =p
5. crimssssssssssssssssssZon4444444445: why dont you like the name typo?
6. koree: were you surprised when <In Media Res> told you that you were an AK?
Oh yeah.
7. crimz: why did you change the avvy[:(]. it made me almost forget "the curse"[sm=6r83v6.gif]
8. koree: like the new priveleges...and the.......shackles?
9. qwertinizers rawks! dont you think?
I've been thinking about that but never dared say it out loud. ...?
10. w00t! broke my MtAK record!

Bye Adios

Frozen Fire -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/25/2009 7:03:28)

I will type in Penguin Purple if I am referring to both of you, Fiery Red for Crimz, and Frozen Blue for Koree. Got it? XD ye...n-n...yeah!

So congrats Koree!... and to Crimz too.
Thanls Thanks!

So Koree, what world country are you from? *Crimz, I don't really need to know :D*
The land which's president looks like Conan O'Brien
You two seem to be quite *cough* close *cough* friends.
I make him do the indices... win-win for me I make him beg for me to do the indices. Or at least that's the way I want to think it to be

Crimz, how did this AK-ness affect your vacation (and your life)?
Made it.. tiring. Good college pratice.

Koree, what ability in terms of AK-ness do you have that Crimz doesn't?
If you never joined the forums/discovered AE, what would you probably be right now? I wouldnt've locked ________'s thread

What was your reaction when IMR abducted recruited you as AK?
Crimz: As expected... Woot?

Would you give up your AKship so that there won't be spam in the forums for a month? Maybe... just not now

If a meteor is coming to hit Earth, what one non-living thing would you save?
Last question. Which forumite would most likely be an AK soon, and for what forum? Wackybeanz? Not really my choice, but I think he/she/it'll do great in the Pedia. I agree, whackybeanz is helpful. *coughs*

Arigatou, watashi tachi no tomodachi! Ganbatte kudasai!
...bye? No, I don't enjoy my coffee cold. In fact I don't enjoy coffee at all.

Smalls -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/25/2009 9:59:28)

Crimzah!!! :D
Tiny.... I mean smallz!
Soooo how's the new area???
Less interactive but fun
Umm, err, The Killers?
Let see... I've listened to... 2 of there songs since I read your thread in the entertainment forums
Sorry... I'm too busy with my girl :p

Hiya Koree
As you can see, I'm a friend of Crimz over there
Oh really? I would never have guessed.
Do ya have IRC? If not GET IT NAOOOO also :P
No I don't. I think I should. I guess.
Well I'm gonna leave y'all be

Ubear -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/25/2009 14:04:18)

heyy koree and Crimzon5!

Me again :D!
Hi <--- Hello!
just to say that the AQ pedia is looking loads better! I now know that i wont have to go looking through InfoSubmission to find what i want, when it's just there!
Yep. Well what can you expect when the number of Pediaers was tripled? :P Though... I wish there were four of us
Keep up the good work!
We'll try! Remember it's not only us but also the people at info submission helping us. I wish we just would get the stats for Ninja class... <-- IMR got that

kittycat -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/26/2009 18:26:10)

We meet again??(Post 2)

As all you can see, Did your dreams come true?
Becoming an AK wasn't my dream, I thought I wouldn't ever become AK so I didn't dream about it. yeah, my dream girl likes me :p
What would you do if you conquer the forums?
The Aqua-Lilies have bloomed!!!
So have I! Yay! Dude... bloom is for girls
If you know for Koree only:
Are you shining with ranger-power of encylopedia or abusing it? HAHAHA.
I ain't abuse nothing.
If ya know for Crimzon5:
C'mon, Are you ninja thief or just a swift encylopedia AK?
Swift. The only thing I steal is the ball from my opponent (when playing games)

What is the thing you really wanted to do?
Play AQ Go on a date with /her/
If today is April Fools, What would you do to the forums?
I wouldn't do anything to forums, but I wonder what forums would do to me. Be a pirate
CIAO for Koree, Toodle-doo for Crimzon5!
Bye Out...

fenmeisterkronos -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/26/2009 21:16:56)

just one more questions: are you guys jealous that IMR got to post the new ninja stats?
Nah. I would just have made it confusing; IMR has the most experience after all.
How does he get that stats..?
I have faith in you guys....[sm=twill3a.gif]

Wirble_Wind -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/28/2009 14:19:14)

Hello new AK's !
Hi I aint new <_<
First I'd like to congratulate both of you and to pray that you'll do some great work around here ;-)
Thanks! Thank you
I don't have many questions but here we go :

Melee , Range or Magic ?
Ranger or Archer ?
Archer, although I usually call it Ranger on the forums. Im an archer mage (no STR)
Cake (which is a lie) or Pie (the real truth) ?
Pie *looks at fridge* I got coconut pie!
Do you like killing Undead , Creatures of the night , Pirates of the seas or spar with your war mates ?
All of above What he said!
How's the teamwork going ? ;)
Quite well. Time zones mess up things though Oh, we're doing fine. I do most of the entries... and he does the indices and some entries
Aaand the last one ... Who is Wirble_Wind ? :o
He is your father Archer of the Wind, who uses Longbow.
He/she/it is a... wind?

Meh , I really was bored while writing this but what ever :) Congratulations and good luck !

ShadowLurks -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/30/2009 19:04:38)

I was a little bored so I figured I would re-post. Soo...
Hey again.
Hi! Hi
Enjoying your new positions?
Yeah! Yep
Do your roles ever get stressful?
Weapons, pets, etc are fun. But quests... oh so hard! ... and indices...
This is all I have, I don't like troubling people with pointless questions, so I stick to ones I would like to know. :) Sushi for you then

Bye, I'll see you guys around info submission!

Bye and thanks! Bye

Ash -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/30/2009 19:33:25)

Ooo...a new MTAK? I must post!
Remember, the MtAK and Koree are new... but Crimz aint It's not really that new anymore :P
Hola Yo (where did that come from?)
Either of you know who I am?
Seen you around You're The Legendary Warrior
If a cow is sold in Texas for $372 and then bought from the person who bought it for $390 and then turned into steak in California for dinner how much did it cost to transport the cow and for its food along the way? It costed more than 1 cent Mmmm... steak....
Enjoying the 'pedia position?
Yeah Yep
I never asked this in the other one's...but does my way of making my color text in this post make it easier for you guys?
Oh...erm...oops? =/

Not exactly Especially not for Crimz :P
Well that's it for me, lol.
Adios then Bye
Congrat's, Good Luck...and remember to have fun!
will do I always have

kittycat -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (5/1/2009 0:50:32)

A last good bye for your closing:

For Koree:
Being an AK is fun, but get on track!!
For Crimzon5:
As you know that being an AK is serious, so don't be abusive!
If I do that... the mods will put locks on my shackles
Here's a funny question:
Are pirates smarter than ninjas? If yes, How did the pirates get defeated? ARRRGGGGHH!
Outnumbered They drank rum for too long and missed the whole war.
Here's a sexin' questionL
If on AQ life, Would you go for a date?hehe (Zorbak made it!)
None... I'd be disloyal to /her/ if I do that Nah
Besides, Good luck on ya AK!!
Swift Ranger,Launch your magic and defeat your opponent!(Koree only)
Me haz no magicz?
Ninja Warrrior, Get yourself slashing the bad and raise the world!!
Since you're swift, Good luck! SHOCKWAVE time! [:D]


Heard that Koree? We have a name I didn't hear anything, I read it.

Crimzon5 -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (5/1/2009 2:51:51)

Dear Koree,

times up. Answer the questions and then move the thread. Thank you.

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