RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (Full Version)

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PD -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 1:51:54)

Hi Tflo!
I was gone on a 3 day field trip, too bad I couldn't see your abduction...
It's ok I got AKed on Sunday xD
Who is that teddy bear in your Avatar?
It's Kanye West's Bear from the song 'Graduation' :)
Seen my two guides in the Mechquest Forums?
Yup, they're in your sig.
Is it me or is there a trend for the Mods turning helpfuls (Like you and Icy *coughcoughcoughcoughicemanxcoughcoughcoughcough*) into AK's?
Mebeh [8|]
Favorite Color?
Favorite Mecha in MQ?
The new Strider Mecha :D
Hmmm, I think there are now 55 AK active on the forums now, causing a 1 AK per 5 Member Ratio (1 AK/5 member ratio) , any thoughts on this?
Very kewl as I rarely think at all :D
Nice find, don't know if it's right though xD

See ya later Tflo!
Later venturer :)

srinivas -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 1:53:25)

Good luck AKing NH tflo. [:)] Now Army, Agwing, and the others will have a little less to do around here.
Thanks! Yea they will :p
Congratulations once again.
Thanks once again.

crusadermarl -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 2:54:27)

Hey Man Its Mark101444
Yup, I know :)
Congratulations!!! :)
Are You Still Gunna Be In The Clan?
I'll try to be!
Are You Gunna Be Staff Now?
No I am not staff.
Good Luck :)

Draconian Rogue -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 4:18:20)

WOW!,you're an AK,tflo? gratz!
No...Wai. Thanks [:)]
um..that's it
Kk Cya around!

Flawless Death -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 4:23:23)

I feel outranked just by looking at the first few posts,ya know, with all the AKs and stuff XD
I Knew you'd be an AK someday. [:D]
So, who was the one who abducted you?
PS3 or Xbox 360?
Xbox 360 all the way!
Clones or Stormtroopers? (Yes, they're very different)
Clones ftw!
Cake or Pie?
I liekz pie.
Of all the current releases in AQW so far, which one was your favorite?
The official Gamma release was the biggest, but my favorite was Mogloween.
Well, that's all and good luck!


Phoenix Myth -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 5:07:06)

z0mg! TFLO! woooot!
How to become AK plox?
Can I be an AK pl0x?
How to be ArchBear pl0x?
You haz to listen to Kanye West.
Hmm.. I suppose that is all. lulz
/me wants more D:

asakau -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 5:49:39)

Gratz tflo
How its feel to be an AK?
It feelz ossim.
Are u pround to be a AK?
Yup, it's fun.

Xyphos -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 5:58:50)

You know, I just wanted to tell you "good things happen those who wait."
So, are you enjoying your position as an AK?
Yup, it's kewl.
They say hard work never hurt anybody, but I figure why take the chance?
Exactly, goot quote to live by :)
Goodbye, for now!

khalim456 -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 6:27:42)

So this is where your MtAK thread was... Took me a while to find but oh well XD
Eh at least you posted xD
First of all congratz! (we all knew it was gonna happen sooner or later) :D
Thanks, I didn't Dx

I wonder if you remember me, I only met you once or twice...
Vaguely, but yes :)

Did V_J abduct you?
Nope, Circe did.

Does your shackles fit nicely?
They are just right.

What does NH stand for?
Newbie Help.

What's an ArchBear?
Its my title ArchKnight bear ;)

Will you still be helping out in the AQWorlds forums? We'll miss you if you get to busy to come back T_T
I'll help as much as I can ;)

That's it I guess, Good Luck with your new post :D
Thanks! Cya around!

Xtremeshrimtech -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 7:27:08)

Hello. Congratulations.
Hello. Thanks!

New to this forum, and what does MtAK stand for?
MtAK is Meet the ArchKnight.

A Kanye West fan, hmm. "Graduation" or "808s & Heartbreak"? I happen to be a fan too [;)]. You only get to choose between those two, though many are of the opinion that his other releases were better.
I liek da bear :)

What is this whole "shackled in a cell" motif? Do you do it voluntarily?
ArchKnights are all kept in the ArchKnight prison and are shackled in a cell. Moderators catch them and own their souls :o

What are "Helpful!", "Debatable!" and lots of other little tags? Do they mean something?
They are all titles given to forum members who earn them.

I only remember having met you in AQW once. It wasn't very memorable. Oops. Can I say that?
Shure, say almost whatever you want ;)

I should go now. Night.
Sleep well.

The Gilded DragonSlayer -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 7:45:03)

Greetings, Mr. T -- FLO! Glad to see that you are now an AK! But then again, you deserved it!
1. Tell me, what kind of ArchBear are you? An ArchGrizzly, ArchForest-Bear, etc.?
An adorable one.
2. Do you like my new sig? It includes both me and by best friend in AQW over there on the left! :D
It ish kewl :D
3. You being a bear, what do you eat? Salmon, berries, cookies, picnics, anything that will not eat you first, or all of these?
/me luvs fishies
4. How does Ubear feel about you taking and/or using his bear gimmick?
I thought Ubear was supposed to be uber o_O
5. Are you going to stick to the bear gimmick, or are you going to join every other AK in the fun of the Digimon and Pokemon gimmicks?
We'll see xD
6. What would be a funnier 13 Lords of Chaos parody -- The 13 Lords of Corn, The 13 Lords of Cliffs, or The 13 Lords of Craziness?
13 Lords of Corn ftw, like Children of the Corn xD
7. What is your first order of business as an ArchBear? "OM-NOM-NOM!", perhaps? If so, don't eat me! D:
It ish to do stuffz on Newbie Help!
Those are about all of my questions. Once again, warm greetings and salutations from me! n_n
Cya ETH!

~Quiet Beserker~ -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 7:57:42)

A new AK! :D

Do you remember me from AQW? I'm QB.
Yup, you're kewl :D

No more questions... I've never been good with these.
It's ok ;)

Congratz.. and uhh.. Bye! ;P
Thanks! Cya around AQW!

nosey123 -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 8:06:53)

Le grats. :D
Le Thanks!

archie -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 8:30:16)

Your thread is locked in a deadly popularity contest with Icy's.. There can be only one victor. People keep mistaking his for mine, that's why he has more. :P ~Icy
Icy phails, mine ish betta [:'(]
And have a bunch of congratulayshuns..
Thanksh you!
I'll leave the intense questioning to others, but so long for now!
Kewl thankies ;)

~JW~ -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 9:24:28)

Thanx For Waiting >,<
Sorry last minute decision :p
Nce Avi
Nice Sig, Im Making U A New oNe :D
Kewl thanks!

TheBladeOfAwe1 -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 9:30:57)

Thank yous!

Weary Knight -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 9:34:01)

As I said to Icy, congrats... but come on. *looks at ball & chain*
Thanks. Why the ball and chain D:
Are you really a bear?
Mebeh [8|]
Now it's very hard for me to believe such things, a tiger behind the mysterious computer screen sounds a whole lot better. So I'll go with that.
I'm a bear >:O

Stephen Nix -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 10:06:50)

Here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on your AK ship! TFLO youss know me...I shall defeats him
Oh noez D:
You shall not win >:O

Who gave you your position on the forums when you were ak'd?
Are you good or ebil or evil?, choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my icicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha!
I am good!
Ready to play?
Always ready.
I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best he can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs)....
don't get me wrong I will freeze you
Oh no you won't!
whats your defence to my ultimate attack of ice ownage mixed with pure darkness from the abyss?
Kewlio shutter shades :)
Does this shirt make me look fat?
Penguins are adorable!
Does it make you look fat?
What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
It was more of a lolwut? Then, a OMG nowai! Then a /feint
What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate Lock down, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
I hope that your having a fun time controlling the Newbie Help community...cya says Stephen Nix!
Have a good day, says tflo

drDOT -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 10:10:45)

Congrats !
Let's start the questions !
1 . Will you answer my question ?
2 . Are you sure ?
I'm pretty sure :|
3 . Here we go : I don't have any questions =D
Good Luck !
Thanks :)

Cguy -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 12:03:33)

Wow, Hey tflo :D
Hiya Cguy/Slasher

This is fantastic, really well done, and congratulations. You've been more than deserving of this for a long time in my opinion, so well done, great it's actually happened.
Heh thanks :)

Anyway, I guess I don't really have any questions, hope to see you in AQW soon. See ya.[;)]
Sooner than you think ;)

cohonn -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 12:07:24)


Biomeister -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 13:55:45)

Always knew you'd be an AK eventually. Gratz.
Orly? Thanks!
Liking it so far?
It ish gewd.
Why not in AQW GD?
Because Circe wanted me for Newbie Help :D
Can I ask 100 random questions now?
No the limit iz 10 per post >:O
Do you remember that thing from that place during that time?
Oh yea! We were at that thing! At that place. Good times :)
Do you think you'll be a mod in the near/far future?
No idea O_o
Seeya later then.

Silver Lion -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 14:39:09)

Well, you have a free non-torture questioning day from me. [:)]
Just stopped by to same congratulations and all good luck with your new job.
Thanks :)

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 15:03:25)

Ach...You said a week! I wasn't ready!
Sorry! I had to make it with Icy D:
Congratulations, as I said by PM.
Thanks again :)
Now, if I were to import seven turkeys from England, three cows from Turkey, and ninety-seven bison from the US, how many pounds of Swiss cheese would be left in Djibouti?
Djibouti iz a small country so not much o_o
Why have you stopped going to the Aerodu Spam Forum?
Skewl stinks <_<
And why a Bear?
I liekz da bear!
And that's all. Oh, by the way, Percy Jackson comes out tomorrow.

TreadLight -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 15:14:45)

Hey man, I just want to say congratulations and good luck. I'm glad you finally get the chance to start AKing for the forums. :D
Thanks trawlight :D

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