RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (Full Version)

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Xtremeshrimtech -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 7:28:55)

Is it you? Icy? Frequenter of the MQ forums (my main domain, AQW forums confuse me).
It is me!!! MQ is the awesomeness!
What's the significance of Ice? You seem to like it.
It is my element, plus it is cooler the Fire.....Ohhh, a pun. ;)
Shackles and cells. Do you actually like that stuff?
Shackles are hot, but nice. Cell is good, but by Burn. Fortunately, my Icy awesomeness can block burn fiery evil! >:D
Yesh, I know.
Well, that shall be it. Not much to say anyway [;)].

nosey123 -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 8:08:17)

Congrats ^_^
Thanks Nosey123!

Kuld -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 8:15:53)

How did they track you down?
Not sure, Circe used a special tracking beacon and found me.
Wait what?
Okay then; cola, pepsi or neither?
Is being an AK of Newbie Help sort of like being the protagonist of a Resident Evil game?
I love NH so probably not. But it depends on what aspect of it you mean.

archie -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 8:26:33)

Woah, you're pretty enthusiastic, i suppose Newbie help is quite a quiet place to make your MtAK..
Well, a little slow, but fun. I figured it might be, so it isn't a surprise. :D
I won't bother with questions, i'll just wish you luck and congratulmalayshuns :p
Awww, no question. Thanks for the luck and congrats!! :)
Oh, and how about moseying on down to the MQ boards to give us a hand sometime?
Sure, anytime!
/me byesnugs Archie

Weary Knight -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 9:26:29)

Congrats on your promotion. Or should I call it a promotion... I mean with the cells and all. *strokes chin*
Abduction? :D Thanks!
So, you a basketball fan?
Watch some, but not really.
Nooooo, seriously?
Ok I believe you... for now.
Good! :D

Stephen Nix -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 10:08:21)

Here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on your AK ship!
Teh Questions!!! Thanks!!
Who gave you your position on the forums when you were ak'd?
Milady Circe!! :D
Are you good or ebil or evil?, choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my icicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha!
I really am a little of both. In AQW evil. In AQ I'm good and unity.
Ready to play?
Play what?
I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best he can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs)....
don't get me wrong I will freeze you
Cant freeze me, although I can freeze you. :)
whats your defence to my ultimate attack of ice ownage mixed with pure darkness from the abyss?
Does this shirt make me look fat?
Does it make you look fat?
What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
Polished V_J's Axe. :D
What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate Lock down, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
Locked. Although I thought of frozen.
I hope that your having a fun time controlling the Newbie Help community...cya says Stephen Nix!
Thanks!!! :)

drDOT -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 10:14:03)

Congrats Icy !
The questions are here :
1. North Pole or South Pole ?
5. You are here because ..
I iz teh awesomeness.
3. What games do you play ?
6. I don't think this is the 6th question >.> do you ? [:D]
It has a ? mark, it is a question. :P

Ubear -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 10:48:06)

Congrats on being an AK!
Tbh I thought you already were one...
Nope, just Helpful!
Be sure to keep checking everyone's sigs ^_^
Will do!! :)
Blue is an awesome colour, right?
The best!
Yeah thats all... congrats again!

Cguy -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 12:50:53)

Hi Icy.
Heya Cguy!!! :D

Just thought I'd pop in to say hello, and congratulations on your new position.
Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for the congrats!!. :)

Anyway, good luck, and I hope you enjoy it. Bye.[:)]
Thank you!

sturm the dark -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 13:15:05)

Favourite AE Game?
MQ, but it is close. I like them all. :D
Favourite Food?
Too hard. I like many.
What if I ate all the food in the world that was your favourite food?
I would pity you. :P
How was easter? Bet you enjoyed those eggs c:
The Egg-Hunt in DF was good.
And a final goodbye! Wrap up warm, it's cold at the poles XD
BAI!!!! But not warm. >:D
*Lights go off, michrophone goes off and audience applaudes*
Ty, ty.

TreadLight -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 15:15:58)

Hey Icy, this is pretty much the same thing I said to tflo: I just want to say congratulations and good luck. I'm glad you finally get the chance to start AKing for the forums.
Thanks TreadLight!!! :D

Shadz -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 15:18:40)

Heya Icy
Heya ^Shadow^!!!
AK Treating you well?
So far, so good. :D
Not too hot?
Burn is in the cell next to me, but it's not problem for my icy awesomeness. >:D
What color are the shackles?
Whos your roommate :)
Well, I have 3.
tflo, Silverwing and Army. :D

Silver Lion -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 15:38:54)

Well, I gave Tflo a gratz, no reason why I wouldn't give you one.
Gratz. >:D
Thanks! :)
Anyway, no-torture question day's today, enjoy it!
I wuvs questions!! ;)
Once again, gratz on your AK-ship and good luck! [;)]
Thanks!!! :D

Genk82 -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 15:40:24)

Did Burn. burn you yet?
I iz too awesome. >:D
Don't melt, or V_J will have no axe-polisher.
Well, he has tflo and Bigwave nao. :P

Myra -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 15:45:08)

Hi Icy!
Heya MR!!! :D

So ... I heard you like polishing other AK's stuff?
Only if they make me like it. :)
Because I have stuff to polish too! Interested? [sm=icon_twisted.gif]
I charge $15 a hour.
Actually I just have congratulations for you. And I'm pretty sure they are already shiny :D.
Thanks!!!!! :D
Good luck and have fun!
Thanks again!! :)

skyvolt666 -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 15:45:19)

Hello. Or hi. Or Hola. Or Something else entirely [sm=hmm.gif]
Gratz on the AKshipness.
Thanks!! :D
So are the newbies tasty?
I don't eat them. :P
What part of the galactical time travel paradox (You know the one that states if you travel to the past to fix something and you do fix it, then there would be no reason for you to travel to the past int he future, but that means that you didn't fix it because you never traveled to the past in the first place, so you do build a time machine, and the loop starts over and over again) confuses you? Or does it not confuse you?
Not at all. Time travel works like this(IMO).
The universe is at a constant turning, if somebody goes back(or forward) in time, it is a action that takes place and therefore, it just creates another reality.

Here is some medicine for the Headache I just caused. *Hands Meds*
I don't need them. Makes perfect sense. :D
Penguins or Polar Bears?
I'll go with a Yeti
Favorite Mech?
Psycho for power. Midnight Rider for looks.
Power and looks. :)

Well I might come back later. Cya.
Please do! :D Bai!

Kuld -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 16:17:22)

Icy, are you to blame for the annoyingly cold winters we have here in Norway?
Yesh, I am. I need to set the temperature to the proper level. :D
Well in that case, would you like some ice-tea?
How about Iced-tea. :)
Do all mecha you pilot instantly suffer from the frozen gears DoT?
Actually, I'm very good at inflicting Frozen G.E.A.R.S. :D
Do you dance like crazy when nobody's watching?
No, there is no room in the cell. It is 2x2x2. D:

.Shadow// -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 16:29:13)

Shadow!!!!!!! :)
Congrats, man! :D
Thanks!! :D
    1) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. What does it say? What was the book?
    Information available. The book was A concise Public Speaking Handbook. I had it for my class. :D
    2) Stretch your left arm out as far as you can, What can you touch?
    The table.
    3) Before you started answering questions, what were you doing?
    I was on IRC
    4) What is the last thing you watched on TV?
    The Screen? jk. Probably Doctor Who.
    5) Without looking, guess what time it is. Now look at the clock. How close were you?
    I was about 2 feet away from the clock. Or 3 minuets off correct time.
    6) With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
    7) When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
    This morning. Walking. Going to class.
    8) What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?
    9)If you could meet one famous person, who would it be? Why?
    Hmm, I don't really know. Although, Jean-Claude Van Damme is pretty cool.
    10) What is the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning?
    Do I have to get up?

See you around!
Cya!! :D
.S// Out.
Bye. Icy out.

Eukara Vox -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 17:54:21)

I. If a train is traveling 70mph through the snowy mountains in the winter and it begins to rain, what is the likelihood that the chickens will have a party?
Chickens are a funny species. I would say that if the train was red the chickens would not party. If it was any other color they would, 'cause that's how they role. :D

II. In the following religious mythologies, which deity do you relate to the most?
Greek:Athena and Zeus.
Egyptian:Sphinx and Set.
Norse: Thor.

III. If you ever came face to face with a real life dragon, what would you do?
Get Azami...Quick!!! Or, try to capture and tame it. :)

IV. Where would you rather go scuba diving? The Great Barrier Reef, around Papua, New Guinea, Bahamas, Hawai'i or Ireland? Explain why :P
The Bahamas, very nice. Great scenery.

V. Which is better? Dragonflies or Zergs? Explain.
Dragonflies. The best in the Sky. So nice and awesome.

VI. If you could design a weapon for the game, what would it look like and do?
Jeweled handle and guard. Then the blade is close to equal on both sides. Reddish, Bluish and Black in color with a slight curve to the outer blade. Then a cutback in the design sweeping to the tip. Damage: Void. Melee.

VII. What is your favorite smell and why?
Vanilla sugar and Christmas morning. Familiar and and a sweetish and fragrant aroma. :)

VIII. Do you own any silly socks? If so, please list them in preference of likablility and describe them. If you do not own any, then proceed to describe 3 pairs of silly socks that you have seen others wear.
I don't own any myself. But one of my best friend has a blue dotted with stripes mix. An silver/white one with blobs of red. And a batman one.

IX. Which would you rather have: Pink fluffy shackles that sparkle in the daytime or dark brooding shackles that make the weak tremble at night?
Both please. :D Probably dark brooding shackles, just because I'm not a huge fan of pink.

X. What is your favorite winter holiday decoration item? Why?
There is a special ornament that goes close to the top of my tree every year. It is a sparkling red bulb with a silver indentation. Like a star. It is my absolute favorite.
/me snugs Eukara :D

Circe -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 19:21:33)

Heya Circe!!!! :D
*shivers* What's with the temperature change? :P
Well, it is my awesome persona. :)
Having fun? Lottsa hammers.
Yesh. There are so many.
We're really glad to have you on the NH team. Welcome! :D
Thanks!!! :D
/me snuggelhugglepounces

Elnaith -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 19:55:25)

/me waves to Elly. :D
So.. Owls or Polar Bears, which one do you prefer, please eloborate.
Owls, smart and friendly. :)
Chips or Fries?
Chips. Crisp and yummy.
Just a notice your shackle rent is due in 8 minutes
Oops, I need a loan. :O
So is your cell rent, by the way.
I need another loan.
Thanks a lot for joing the NH team :D
Thanks for having me!!!
/me snugs Elly. :D

Khelios -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 20:05:54)

Urgent - are you Cold as Ice or Hot Blooded (or even a Foreigner to it all...)?!?
Cold as Ice. :D
If I type a question and expect you two write in a full sentence like you have been doing, what happens if I ask a question and only allow you to use acronyms to respond?
I go insane. :O
Is this question a waste of a question?
Nope....did I lie?
I don't think a statement counts as a question.
Me neither. Cept I did answer it. :)
Does my voice give me super strength?
Yesh, but only if your voice is strong. "A sword is only as strong as the man who wields it."
What is your favorite style of literary composition and favorite work in that category?
I don't know my favorite. But Shakespeare is good. Hamlet might be my favorite of his plays.
OOH what's the picture in my avatar?
Looks like a monster, not sure which.

.*. .*. .*. -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 20:11:27)

Hello Icy!
Heya StarDot!!! :D
I am just dropping by to say congrats! :D
Thanks!! :)
I don't have any questions lately, do you know why?
I don't... :(
See you around and have fun! :D
Thanks! See ya round! :D

ILmaster13 -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 21:27:51)

I iS bAcK wRiTiNg WiTh YoU cOlOr AgAiN!
PSSST, I know how to unlock your shackles. wanna know how?
Nah, they are getting comfy.
Can i post here again?
Yes, every page.
Shall i dare to break your rules?
I'm not too unhappy as long as it is only in this thread. I'll just delete it. :P
Do you freeze your roommate to death?
Naw, my roommates are awesome!
who are you?
I wish I knew. :P
OMG i see a spaceship outside my house!
That is your car. :D
Did i run out of stuff to say?
I guess not.
I think i did, o'well.
Not quite.
Shall I break into your cell?
Can't. The guards will eat you.
Who is your greatest enemy?
I have friends.
Thats all. For now...
P.S. does this count as a question?
It has a ? so yes.

Coyote -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 22:42:30)

=O You got the instrument and vocal part right! Trumpet and guitar, and I sing tenor.
:o wow. :D
Now polish my claws! =3
I have never polished a Foxote's claws before. I don't know how. :P
Have you ever heard of "Glassworks", by Phillip Glass? You should look it up sometime if you haven't -- it's a really cool piece for piano.
I haven't. I will look it up. :)
Nur ein Pferd, aber nicht mit Trauben.
Was wirdest du sagen, wenn ich dir auf Deutsch frage?
You know this is a English only forum. :D
Why are you losing the questions race against Tflo? =P
Cause he knows to many people. :(
Vulpix! Vul!
Renascent Renamon!!!
I'll think of better questions next time.
Kk. Bai! I liek qestons!
/me snugs Coyote

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