RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (Full Version)

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Neopie -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/18/2009 12:03:40)


Do you play fps games or rts games?
Umm ... if the first one means first person shooter, then no. On the second one I don't even have an idea what it means O_o

Do you like pasta, its one of my favorites
I love pasta

Have you heard of chris ledoux?
Not really.

THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, actually it's more like spam :/. By virtue of my AK powers, I have reduced the number of exclamation marks.


THIS IS NEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
Again? Don't you have to save the world from machines or something?

Bye! :)

UltimaKomoto -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/18/2009 14:48:59)

*shock and awe* This thread actually made it to page two?
Why not? It's been here for quite a while :)

Anyway...where did I leave my questions...oh, there they are!

The World Ends With You? (note, world does not actually end with you, it is a video game.)
No, it doesn't! How dare you ... oh, a video game. Haven't heard of it :)

Favorite music title? (Not genre, title, like a song title.)
It changes a lot. There isn't really an all time favourite.

Favorite Pie/Cake flavor?

Have you ever build a House of Cards? (beware of slight gusts of wind...)
Yes, but it did not get very high before it collapsed.

Opinion on side notes? (Side notes as in what I'm in posting in this "()")
I tend to use them too often when I write something. But if you don't use them too much, they can be a useful stylistic device.

Favorite type of arrowhead?
Umm ... pointy? I don't really have preferences there :)

...I think that's it...for today's questions, that is! And now I am off!

(Oh yes, in you were wondering, RTS stands for "Real-Time-Strategy". and now, end of side note)
Okay, bye!

megakyle777 -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/18/2009 15:08:05)

Hello again!
Welcome back :)

Look, I'm sorry about the whole "Trying to kill you" thing. It appears I use my Doom weapon way too much, And sometimes it convinces me to kill...
That's why I say Lore needs better arms control!

So, How did you find DF?
I saw an add for AQ somewhere, started playing, then I could not login because I did not buy guardian, and clicked on the DF link. The rest is history ... :D

If you had a choice between Good and Evil, What you you be?
Good. Evil people are smelly.

Do all Rangers hate bacon, or is it just Zhoom?
I can't speak for all rangers, we are very independent people! I guess it is just Zhoom.

What is your opnion on Zhoom?
Well, he trains my favourite armour, and he is kind of badass. I disagree with his work ethic (you know, working for bad guys as long as you get payed), but as I said, we are very independent people :).

Who do you think would win in a fight, Zorbak or Kabroz?
I don't really know Kabroz, since he is only in AQ ... but I would root for Zorbak.

Do you think the cake is a lie?
Not in general.

Lastly...errr...Hang on a second, i fell dizzy... Oh no... You may want to run...
Dude ...

(Turns into uber powered Doomknight) DOOOOOOOM! PREPARE TO DIE! (charges at MR)
You need to get a destiny weapon. They neutralize this sort of thing.

Suranjan -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/19/2009 8:48:48)

Hey Mysterious Ranger !
Hey Suranjan!

/me snuglehuggleshuggleticklesnugglesticklehucklesnuggleshuggleshickletickles you ! *Gasp* ;)
Eeeeeek! Dude, I'm really ticklish! O_o

What made you choose your forum name ?
I saw many people who had names that resembled the mysterious stranger, and I like rangers.

Did you like your shackles when you first became an AK ?
Yes. They are awesome! I will keep them forever! (this is Stockholm syndrome, isn't it? :O)

Well, enough questions, so have a few cookies ! See you ! :D
Yay, cookies! See you too! :D

Warlocker -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/19/2009 19:37:44)

Yay! Page-two!
Indeed :)

Part Two!

1. Rolith and Korin doing the releases on DF
I'm not sure, but I think Korin only works for MQ.

2. Fun!
Oh yes, can I have some please?

3. /me turns into a Great Wyrm Void Dragon
*calls Galanoth for help* [sm=icon_twisted.gif]

Alright Im done with that game

4. Favorite type of liquid that you drink

5. Favorite type of liquid that you use to melt giant gold statues
I think the only type of liquid that is able to do this are very aggressive acids - I don't really like those.

6. Favorite color of shackles
Mine are invisible!

Well I made some cookies cake pie and alot of chocolate Have Fun!
Oh, thanks! All the free cake is the only reason why I make these threads :D

Saojun -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/19/2009 22:47:11)

Congrats MR, on your new hunting grounds. :D
Good luck and happy hunting.

Thanks Saojun! :D

Syrena -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/20/2009 7:36:38)

MR! You made it to page two! /mesnugglesMRthengivesheracookie hey i got it right this time =3
Hi Syrena, welcome back!

Do i really ask so many random questions?
That's why we all like you ^_^

On to the cheesy and chocolate covered questions =D

Why did you have to steal my job for =P?
What? I don't steal people's jobs!

What are your thoughts on my Chibi's =3
That's a great picture! I love the little dracolich and the little dragon! Did you enter the forum contest?

What is the square foot of big foots.....foot?
Umm ... my math teacher only showed me how to extract the square roots of numbers, not body parts. I guess I should sue him because I was denied this important piece of education :D

MR is sent into a dark room Why did you steal the cookies from the cookie jar?
I really did not steal anything. The answer to all other questions you might have is "magic".

Why am i asking so many senseless questions and don't say because i can
Because you like it :p

Why is Pluto a planet?
He isn't a planet anymore. [:(] Poor little ... thingy in space, I guess.

Why is Cysero green?
I guess it has something to do with an experiment gone wrong ... or maybe he just likes the colour :)

Why do you like hunting?
Because I need more trophies for my bugs and spam trophy wall. ^_^

What question is this?
How should I know? You asked it.

Where am i?
I think this place is called the internet.

.....I think thats it =P See you next page....but don't blame me if i come on a page earlier heres a cookie to keep silent we never had this conversation, jumps out a window when on the 3rd floor i'm okay....@o@
Ouch ... but I doubt there will be another page :p

Crimzon5 -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/20/2009 7:45:58)

Hi Crimzon5!

Hehe... me and Koree had plans on being power RANGERs... but heh... it eventually died off
I understand that. Why wear a strange pink battle suit if you can be a real ranger? :p

Uhh... I got nothing to ask
I know that, it happens to me a lot in other people's MtAKs :D

Just dropped by
That's nice!

Yeah... wierd post
I have seen weirder stuff :p

Crimz is in a wierd mood right now
... that's why he speaks of himself in the third person?

*pats back*

Bye! :D

Branan -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/20/2009 21:52:13)

Hey Mysterious Ranger
Hi Branan!

On a scale of 1-10 how blue is the sky?
Hmm. Where I live, it's more like greyish today.

Wait.... do u kno agood ranger build for a char?
At the moment, "builds" do not play a major role in DF - this will probably change after the tweak :). I trained my ranger's END to the maximum, put 10 in INT (for MP), 25-30 in STR and DEX, and the rest in LUK. It works well :)

looks like megakyle took ur destiny weapon advice
Good for him! :)

Circe -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/21/2009 0:54:39)

Emmmmmmmm Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

We <3 you and are SO GLAD to have you in Suggestions!
I <3 myself too and I'm also glad to be in suggestions! :D

You're doing a terrific job, thank you so much for all you do. :D
You just want to make me blush!


HeavenAthame -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/22/2009 20:17:09)

Howdy MR!
Hi HeavenAthame!

Ok so i have some questions for you!

1: Is anyone ever serious around here?
I an MtAK? That's quite rare, I think. In the rest of the forums, it is more common. :D

2: can i have a cookie?

3: can i have some milk?
Nobody should have cookies without it!

4: I am not doing a very good job at being serious, am I?
It's not necessary :D

5: (mk serious question) How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Are we talking about an African or a European woodchuck? :D

ZamuelNow -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/23/2009 12:24:49)

Hmm, suggestions forum.

I don't know if I should say "Good luck!" or "Uh oh, good luck..."
Both are appropriate :)

Myra -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/24/2009 4:16:04)

Okay, two weeks should be enough. Thank you all for your questions and good wishes :).

I am locking this thread now, and it will go to the archive soon.

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