How to Make A Movieclip In Flash 8 (Full Version)

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~JW~ -> How to Make A Movieclip In Flash 8 (5/15/2009 20:13:42)

how Can i Make A Movie Clip In Flash 8.

MegaPoster404 -> RE: How to Make A Movieclip In Flash 8 (5/15/2009 20:49:06)

press F8 of right click -> convert to symbol

_Arctos_ -> RE: How to Make A Movieclip In Flash 8 (5/15/2009 20:51:29)

Or the longer way ... Modify > New Symbol > Movieclip > Name it what you like.

Davosaur -> RE: How to Make A Movieclip In Flash 8 (5/15/2009 21:01:57)

select the thing you want to make a movieclip press F8 , name and press enter

~JW~ -> RE: How to Make A Movieclip In Flash 8 (5/15/2009 21:04:02)

Once Ive Done That, How Do I Add Code To It. Im Following this tut:

Davosaur -> RE: How to Make A Movieclip In Flash 8 (5/15/2009 21:07:38)

select the MC and press F9

~JW~ -> RE: How to Make A Movieclip In Flash 8 (5/15/2009 21:15:37)


//place this code on the bullet
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = 0;
if ( == 1) {
this._x = _root.cannon._x;
this._y = _root.cannon._y;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this != _level0.bullet) {
if ( == 1) {
this._y -= 5;
this._visible = 1;
if (this._y<0) {
//place this code on the cannon
on (release) { = 1;
_root.i += 1;
duplicateMovieClip(_root.bullet, "bullet"+i, i);
//place this code on "Base"
//this clip is used to turn
//the cursur into the cannon
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.cannon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.cannon._y = _root._ymouse;

^^Thats The Code Im Using.
Whats Wrong With It? It Says It Has Errors. Its From This tut:

Vampire and Human -> RE: How to Make A Movieclip In Flash 8 (5/15/2009 21:20:21)

What does it say the errors are? ATM I'm too lazy to look at the codes :p

~JW~ -> RE: How to Make A Movieclip In Flash 8 (5/15/2009 21:30:53)

Errors Are Fixed, But When I Add The Code, And Click Ctrl And Enter, It Doesnt Do Anything.

_Arctos_ -> RE: How to Make A Movieclip In Flash 8 (5/16/2009 3:09:12)

Missed out some code? Maybe or it depends if you're on an AS3 file, if so and you're using an AS2 code, it usually doesn't work.

~JW~ -> RE: How to Make A Movieclip In Flash 8 (5/16/2009 10:58:01)

OK. Lastly, Whats The Code For A Dude Walking Across With The QArrow Keys?

MegaPoster404 -> RE: How to Make A Movieclip In Flash 8 (5/16/2009 17:12:26)

this._x = this._x - 10
this._x = this._x + 10

if the controls are reversed, switch the code in the if() peramiters

~JW~ -> RE: How to Make A Movieclip In Flash 8 (5/16/2009 18:01:20)

What About To Stop At One Point In The Middle.

EragonZZZZ -> RE: How to Make A Movieclip In Flash 8 (5/16/2009 19:36:11)

Not to be obnoxious, but I hope you're not just copy-pasting this code...

~JW~ -> RE: How to Make A Movieclip In Flash 8 (5/17/2009 11:19:45)

No. Why. Im Remembering It.

EragonZZZZ -> RE: How to Make A Movieclip In Flash 8 (5/17/2009 17:40:01)

As long as you understand how it works!


flsg -> RE: How to Make A Movieclip In Flash 8 (5/17/2009 19:12:49)

eragon's doing a fine job preserving the coding spirit XD
also, I thought putting codes directly on a mc doesnt work in flash 8?

~JW~ -> RE: How to Make A Movieclip In Flash 8 (5/17/2009 19:21:08)

It Does.
See What I Can make Now. :D

EragonZZZZ -> RE: How to Make A Movieclip In Flash 8 (5/17/2009 19:49:52)

Huh. Nice one.

If the ball nails the paddle on a corner, it can sometimes go through the paddle.

Collision detection works nicely, though, especially for how fast the ball is going. Are you using hitTest()? I'd love to know what you're doing to compensate for the rapid movement of the ball (seeing as that was one of the problems I hit when I started coding stuff xD)

darksideofthefarm -> RE: How to Make A Movieclip In Flash 8 (5/17/2009 19:52:39)

Nice game but, if you click the mouse button, the ball flies up, so basiclly just keep hitting it to win lol, also if the ball hits a corner somtimes it goes out of the boundries. Otherwise its a great use of coding. Very nice

~JW~ -> RE: How to Make A Movieclip In Flash 8 (5/17/2009 19:53:16)

Whats hitTest()? Could You Explain How To Do It? Also, Its One Of My Best Ever Art Stuff Lol. Anyone Interested In A Join t Gallery?

EragonZZZZ -> RE: How to Make A Movieclip In Flash 8 (5/17/2009 19:57:03)

Um, if you're not using hitTest(), what are you using for collision detection?

(aka, how do you check to see if the ball hits the walls or the paddle?)

Did you make this yourself, or perchance use a tut?

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