Dawning of an Age ~ Comments and Criticism (Full Version)

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An Abstract Thought -> Dawning of an Age ~ Comments and Criticism (5/18/2009 23:09:19)

Feedback is always helpful. Need specific attention paid to character interaction and the integration of each plot line. Beyond that basic opinions on intrigue and plot line would be wonderful.

The Dawning of an Age

ringulreith -> RE: Dawning of an Age ~ Comments and Criticism (5/30/2009 15:49:24)

Wow! Your story is great, very good writing! Just one problem: I. Need. MOOOORREEEEE!!!

Edit: The plotline is great so far, though in the last couple chapters I got lost trying to track who was who.

An Abstract Thought -> RE: Dawning of an Age ~ Comments and Criticism (6/2/2009 6:20:07)

Thank you for the feed back, the character issue is something that I have noticed as well, been toying with different stylistic manners of removing it, will likely go with the more blunt approach eventually.

Anywho, am currently running through some major editing of the next few chapters, though if you are willing to slog through unedited sections I can have up to chapters 36 posted in a relatively short period of time.

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