ArchMagus Orodalf -> Tog(s) (5/22/2009 21:20:52)
Tog(s) Location: The Lymcrest Labyrinth (Level 16), Rolith's Solution, Alina's Answer Quests given None Shops owned None Dialogue The Lymcrest Labyrinth (Level 16) Tog #2: Bark Bark! Tog #2: Bark! Tog #1: Bark! Tog #2: Bark! Tog #3: Bark! Rolith's Solution Tog: Bark! Tog: Bark! Alina's Answer Tog: Grrrrrowl. Grrrrr! Tog: Rrrrruf! [image][/image] Thanks to Jay for image. Voodoo Master for dialogue. Peachii for correction.