RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (Full Version)

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kakarot1123 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 21:01:36)

I've wanted to play as a Drakel for years... *drool*

I wonder if the drakel race for players will look like those from AQ or MQ? I'm hoping AQ...

Star Paladin -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 21:05:14)

Work on this faster because I cant wait! Cant wait to choose Drakel. Maybe you should add a robot race?

twillyth3slayer -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 21:46:23)

I'm gonna make at least one character of every race :PPP

Omni -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 22:02:14)

Kakarot : I believe they will look like the Drakel from Warpforce. Meaning that they have their own unique art. Pictures can be seen in the innitial announcement post. Remember though there are many kind of Drakel we haven't seen yet.
As said by others an android race sounds like a great idea. Not sure if adding more races is feasible or even possible but at these stages we (The Players) have no idea what is or isn't. Depending on the system it could be a great idea but not possible or it could be possible but it could add so much work it becomes unfeasable. I've learned we must take into consideration the limits of the staff and the limits of their resources when suggesting things.

kkutwar -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 22:14:11)

Just cool that AE has finally put in Race,so you can pick something other than Human.If they do more games they should add the choice to put your race again.But this is now,Should be a good game i guess.

Joeshmoe123 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 22:22:46)

Awww... I wish it had walk-around. I literally stopped playing AQ after DF came out... I'll still make an account though. If it's good, I'll play it. As long as it doesn't affect the releases of AQW... >.>
Cool concept though.

Gianna Glow -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 22:37:19)

Oh this sounds like so much fun! I cant wait for this to come out! I was so excited to see Huntress (thats her name, right?). I've always liked her!

Seriyu -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 23:10:42)

For people that are worried about it affecting other releases, the storyline developer notes said that it has it's own release people for it, that work on AQ. If anything, it will affect AQ, but it's not even supposed to affect that, so. :p

Eel -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 23:41:25)

i'm gonna be a drakel I just hope its not a green human with a tail and sharp teeth.I'm a gaurdian so I'm just hoping to get some good stuff from the beta (and then sell it if its worth a lot lol) the game looks promising besides the button color,but its AE's decision so whatever

Oh,and anyone here who has ever played any halo games look at the warpgaurdians shoe boot feet thingys,the have holes like the boots of a spartan but in different places.
oh and one hand on the warpgaurdian is gloved while one isn't,but I'm not a artist/designer person for the game so I'll leave them be(this edit is not intended to sound mean in anyway)

spellmaster -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/25/2009 0:10:32)


I'll most likely be Drakel or Human... It depends on how exactly they differentiate.

Drakel are a really cool race, but on the other hand, I am human.

You always struck me as an elf. You even have an elvish name.[;)]

AqWorldsRuler999 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/25/2009 0:22:31)

WOW! this is amazing. im gonna test during beta. so exciting !!!
hehehehe...... i guess ill just have to find out the web later .

Vadron -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/25/2009 0:33:22)

Hmmm...... I wish the graphics weren't AQ-esque. I wish they were DF-esque.
I like to think that my character is the same person in all the games (in MQ he is my characters pre-reset self). I do think I know how to kep it like that though... one day while exploring he finds a portal linking Lore with a big starship... and he keeps on travelling there and back... (which means that I'm a human).
EDIT: Too bad it will only be updated once a month.

Darius -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/25/2009 1:57:37)

Well, I'm playing as a female Drakel. I just need to think up a good name.

WF might affect the content of AQ, since it pulls AQ devs and KoO from their work on AQ to develop for WF. But, with the KoO balancing WF from the start, and the high-quality artists and coders working on this new game, WF's effect on AQ's content can really only be positive. The KoO can simply port over their balance formulas from WF to AQ since they share the same engine, rapidly accelerating the sweep's progress. Also, the WF/AQ crossover events will augment each other's stories while still remaining separate and distinct from each other, and will not require participation in both games to get the full experience.

WarpGuardian makes sense, since you're using warp technology to guard the universe against the Network. I don't like how the sabre hand isn't gloved, though; all the pressurized air inside the suit will escape into the vacuum of space from that opening, unless somebody spilled a cargo ship full of space-breathing potions into the cosmos...[>:]

kakarot1123 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/25/2009 2:41:16)


unless somebody spilled a cargo ship full of space-breathing potions into the cosmos...

Aw they're going to turn that into a quest. =P

Kuld -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/25/2009 2:52:44)

You just need goggles to protect yourself from space air anyways. /obscure reference

Definitely going to play as a Drakel, if they do look like actual Drakels and not just green humans...I shall name him....Lodro Eld, yay for making up my own names.

Syaoron -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/25/2009 3:09:19)

Even though it only has a monthly release and it has its own team, I'm still a bit worried about other AE game releases. Anyway I'll be a Drakel, and now to think of a new name!

adamx -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/25/2009 4:39:02)

cant w8 till beta version comes out, it looks mint

and im gonna be a male drakel called errrr....(let me think of a name)

Mysterious Wanderer -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/25/2009 5:05:25)

i have always wanted to be an elf ranger dude. im excited. i might also have a werewolf char.

crash98 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/25/2009 6:43:54)

I don't even know what to choose... Anyway I expext the game to be great! Just pls don't turn it out like MQ...

rouge of shadows -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/25/2009 7:13:41)

wow, falerin, you need some signature move in there depending on the weapon, P-axe of destiny= SUPER SUSHI TIME >>:-D blade of awe= AWEsome STRIKE! :P you know what im saying right?.....right?

rouge of shadows -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/25/2009 7:16:57)


bazooka500 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/25/2009 7:19:16)

Hope this game doesn't effect the AE releases.

PowerFusion50 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/25/2009 8:40:48)

I'm being a male human, and there's a good chance I'll name him James (my RL name and my DF char's name). I highly doubt to see any magic in this game, so I can't use my "Masked Mage" name from AQ. I might decide on something totally different like Warp Guy.

I'm so testing Beta, will we get rare items from it like in AQW and stuff? I know AQ, DF and MQ probably gave out beta rares too, but I can't speak for them because I didn't test them.

Before I was scepticle, but the more I think about this the more exited I get!

xehanort -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/25/2009 8:55:09)

I think i be a male drakel.

And i think i call him...Spike.

And woe be those who messes with Spike.
I pity da fool who does.

Kuld -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/25/2009 8:59:54)

Will he be an old fashioned cowboy? :3

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