RE: WF Mystery! (Full Version)

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Icy -> RE: WF Mystery! (5/27/2009 15:06:16)

Divine Nexus
IRC is Internet Relay Chat.
It gives people the chance to talk with other members in Live time much faster then PM.

Heh. I'm in. :D
I love solving stuff.

Nex del Vida -> RE: WF Mystery! (5/27/2009 17:44:45)

So it begins.

poomaster -> RE: WF Mystery! (5/27/2009 20:46:46)

ooh ooh pick me pick me!!

i have no idea what your saying ill read it tommorrow

Poetic Melody -> RE: WF Mystery! (5/27/2009 21:09:19)

I'm in!

Genoclysm -> RE: WF Mystery! (5/27/2009 21:53:52)

#truthseekers is the OOC of sorts of the Darkabode, Falerin's ancillary RP channel (which at the moment has branched FAR off of Lore and has a connection only through maybe three characters). #truthseekers is the direct descendant of #755, the channel that was used to solve Maxwell's puzzles.

Nex del Vida -> RE: WF Mystery! (5/28/2009 19:27:31)

Archive (if you can call it that, having only two entries) updated.

Danny A -> RE: WF Mystery! (5/28/2009 19:54:38)

is this IIRC thing to be trusted coz i dont want viruses

Genoclysm -> RE: WF Mystery! (5/28/2009 20:04:50)

mIRC can be trusted. Just don't accept strange DCCs or click on strange links from people when on it. IRC is Internet Relay Chat, and really is just text going back and forth between multiple computers.

Lkeas -> RE: WF Mystery! (5/28/2009 21:36:20)

Hey Nex, I edited the first post just a tiny bit to change the font on the #2 solution so it's easier to read. Don't worry I'm not messing anything up [8D] Thanks for keeping an archive of the puzzles!

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: WF Mystery! (5/28/2009 21:48:36)

nex your totally awesome! thanks for keeping records of the puzzles.

Nex del Vida -> RE: WF Mystery! (5/28/2009 21:54:03)

Lkeas: Thanks. I nearly had a heart attack when you first referred to me as an Archivist... I've respected that position immensely since the Truth Saga. It is truly an honor to be one, and I will try to uphold the mantle well.

Dragon: No problem. See above response. :P

Cryogenesis -> RE: WF Mystery! (5/28/2009 23:16:56)

Umm...Yeah, kinda late but, I'm in. Cryose is my IRC name and will help in any way that I can.[:D]

Nex del Vida -> RE: WF Mystery! (5/29/2009 15:22:37)

Third puzzle posted and solved in just under 15 minutes. :D Quickest one yet. Then again, it was also the easiest one yet. Waiting for confirmation before updating.

I hope this is the only puzzle today--I probably won't be able to solve any of the others... like said on the last page, I'm unavailable from 3 until... well, probably Monday, actually. I'm glad I sunk my claws into this one.

EDIT: Wow! Looks like I was able to take part in two. Cool. I'll be able to help with others that appear between now and around 4:30 or so.

Archives 3 and 4 updated.

tomy 2222 -> RE: WF Mystery! (5/29/2009 15:25:24)

woot im glad to help!(im Tom[:D])

poomaster -> RE: WF Mystery! (5/30/2009 16:55:37)

i go away for a day or 2 and miss 3 whole puzzles i want to be part of this but dont have the time dammit now im gonna cry... boohooo

anyway well done in solving those thingys

Nex del Vida -> RE: WF Mystery/Archives (6/2/2009 17:18:27)

Edited with 6, hints for 6, and 7.

Lkeas -> RE: WF Mystery/Archives (6/2/2009 17:39:28)

Have there been 7 already? I only count 5 and 6. 5 was the evil one and 6 was the Playfair.


I wonder what the connection is between Haden and Purgos. Dark Madder rules over Haden but her secret lies on Purgos. Is Purgos a part of Haden? Or a separate place all together? The part about the mantle is intriguing as well. How far away is Haden? The author implies it is quite distant. And what does it mean for the origins of the first MN? Did the mantle not originate on LORE, then? What exactly is the purpose of the mantle, and what responsibilities do the wearers take on?

Nex del Vida -> RE: WF Mystery! (6/2/2009 17:46:16)

:P You're right. I went "5a, 5b, 7." Smart of me.


Well, Haden and Purgos could easily be different places. I... can't really respond to the rest now, as I'm quite tired. Talk to you later. :P

Gundisalvus -> RE: WF Mystery/Archives (6/2/2009 18:18:19)

I know this is almost certainly unrelated, but there is a organization called Haden Tower Service, inc. Coincidence... or conspiracy? Yes, I know, it's just coincidence.

Anyways, in case this might be helpful, Haden is a German name for "heathen."

Grimmjows -> RE: WF Mystery! (6/2/2009 18:21:05)

It may be in seperate places but maybe possibly in seperate dimensions
as were thinking startrek+AQ anything possible in space.

Well anyway include me in

Nex del Vida -> RE: WF Mystery! (6/2/2009 19:14:00)

...Wait, Haden Tower Service? I doubt that's coincidence, what with the nearly-inarguable evidence that Purgos = tower.

To respond to the rest of L's post:


I think Purgos and Haden could easily be different places. Tyrant A could rule over Country X and have a book hidden in Country Y that tells of how to kill him. I don't know about the origin of the mantle-wearer--it certainly seems possible that the title didn't originate upon Lore, seeing as there are so many references to Caelestia, Terra and other worlds. As to the responsibilities of the mantle... that's an interesting question. I've never thought about it. Does Diviara not explain it when we learn he wore it? What's the name of the quest where he tells us?

Nickwright -> RE: WF Mystery! (6/2/2009 20:09:04)

I don't think we're looking at the same Mantle Nex del Vida

the mantle Diviara had was of the Mysterious Necromancer.

Traveler -> RE: WF Mystery! (6/2/2009 20:26:03)


But that puzzle was precisely a communication fron Diviara to Falerin, which makes it very likely that he speaking precisely about the mantle he knows best: that of the Mysterious Necromancer.

x blue flame97 -> RE: WF Mystery! (6/3/2009 2:34:23)

i'm in!
just pm me about anything

Nex del Vida -> RE: WF Mystery! (6/3/2009 8:19:26)


Also, in the newest clue "The wearer of the mantle" was referenced. That phrase has been used for the MN.

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