RE: =WF= A Mystery Continues (Full Version)

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Kuld -> RE: =WF= A Mystery Continues (6/8/2009 15:37:12)

There is a nebula called "The Eye of God Nebula" here on Terra, but I doubt it is related...

And yes Coldkick, this seems to be the calm before the storm. :P

Hagen -> RE: =WF= A Mystery Continues (6/8/2009 17:34:18)

There is also the "Hand of God" nebula - if that matters... [sm=icon_smile.gif]

Nickwright -> RE: =WF= A Mystery Continues (6/8/2009 19:03:18)


As for the Dark Madder and Haden and Lord Terror and Haven, perhaps they're one in the same? The different messages could easily be two different languages/Dialects from Different People/creatures referring to the well never mind, Lord Terror is a Male, Dark Madder is a female, XD nevermind.

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: =WF= A Mystery Continues (6/8/2009 19:04:21)


They could be both male and female. They could also be a power of some degree.

ExoKiller4 -> RE: =WF= A Mystery Continues (6/9/2009 1:11:24)

Just a thought, but what if they all end up to be part of one big code? Just putting it out there.

Hagen -> RE: =WF= A Mystery Continues (6/9/2009 5:34:53)

They are surely a part of a puzzle, but I'm not so sure they form a code.

But what else we do have:

Messages 1 and 2 are signed (by friends).
Messages 3, 4, 6 and 9 are in fact only informative.
Message 6 comes from someone not fluent in human language (here - English).
Message 5 probably comes from friends.
Message 7 comes from foes.

Now: does the message 8 origin from fiends or foes?

Traveler -> RE: =WF= A Mystery Continues (6/9/2009 8:10:15)

Making a guess -and lacking futher contextualization- I would say that it comes from friends.


The only secret mentioned in the other messages is Dark Madder's. And if one of our antgonists is hiding a secret, someone seeking it is likely to be our friend (by the way, I suspect that the message may be refering to The Huntress). And therefore someone advising her to be cautious is probably also a friend.

And message 5 could also come from someone very fluent in human lenguage, so much that he or she tries very elaborate constructions that don't sound natural -if we accept the aditional comma as a typo-.

goron link8 -> RE: =WF= A Mystery Continues (6/9/2009 15:27:00)

i would say its a warning to kep harm from coming and therefore from friends

Lord Asrius -> RE: =WF= A Mystery Continues (6/9/2009 17:47:43)

But it could be enemies pretending to be friendly warnings.

final five -> RE: =WF= A Mystery Continues (6/9/2009 19:00:13)

the more time goes by the more i think this next one is going to be really hard

Falerin -> RE: =WF= A Mystery Continues (6/10/2009 15:52:03)

Here is your latest clue.

Coldkick -> RE: =WF= A Mystery Continues (6/10/2009 16:07:15)

To work Yay! this better be fun xD

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: =WF= A Mystery Continues (6/10/2009 16:07:18)


<Orodalf> From Valkan.
<Orodalf> Like those of Bellaso in some way.
<Orodalf> Progressive, pattern resets after 26th iteration
<Orodalf> First and second position of each iteration appear identical
<Orodalf> The pattern also resets at any use of a full stop or a bang
<Orodalf> Commas are used to delineate letters, semi-colons used to demark word boundaries
<Orodalf> An em dash is used where a comma or a semicolon would be used normally
<Orodalf> "Beware!" = 2,5,46,3,90,40!
<Orodalf> This information should be enough to get the code, but Falerin's time is at an end.

Kuld -> RE: =WF= A Mystery Continues (6/10/2009 16:09:25)

The stuff in text format, hopefully I didn't make any mistakes copying this down.


Top Secret
20, 8, 10; 24, 5, 32, 65, 294, 306; 165,
1335; 2016, 3495, 7540; 11590, 4935,
28746, 35134, 12920; 96163, 60885,
131352, 212532, 417312, 1050350,
849751, 12, 25.
21, 14, 24, 27, 55, 40; 260, 168, 170; 770,
275, 267, 1152, 4194, 5655, 8540, 11590
-- 19740, 12776, 20905; 54120, 10946,
70844, 143285, 649152, 675225; 121393,
18, 5; 4, 45, 90, 112; 13, 399; 714, 770
356, 720, 233, 1508


4, 1, 36, 33; 65, 8, 52, 84, 170, 990; 712,
144, 2736; 1165, 5278, 11590, 11844,
1597, 56848, 20905, 27060; 218920,
141688, 143285, 602784

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: =WF= A Mystery Continues (6/10/2009 16:10:33)

Everything is there.

@Below: To each his own, then.

Kuld -> RE: =WF= A Mystery Continues (6/10/2009 16:11:34)

Images are unpractical to use when deciphering something like this, I think.

Coldkick -> RE: =WF= A Mystery Continues (6/10/2009 16:11:35)

I have a pretty good idea what to do ill be on irc in a bit let me make up the chart first.
IT's fibonacci sequence
solving right now

Traveler -> RE: =WF= A Mystery Continues (6/10/2009 16:26:57)

They made a cutscene to give us a clue. Pretty impressive.

I'm a bit too tired to be of much help right now (besides saying that the first word is most likely "The", but that is quite obvious), but I'll probably get on IRC as soon as I get something for dinner.

Oh, and this at least gives us some good information about Haden, Haven and Purgos.

Kuld -> RE: =WF= A Mystery Continues (6/10/2009 16:30:55)

@ArchMagus Orodalf:
Never underestimate the power of copypasta. ^^

Screenies like those are good to have too, but having them in text as well can make certain things easier to do...I'd say its good to have both.

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: =WF= A Mystery Continues (6/10/2009 16:40:05)

IRC Says:


<Coldkick> ok well this one actually isnt too hard
<Coldkick> when you start on B you missed a
<Coldkick> so you hit it the second time around
<Coldkick> on the second time around the number count is multiplied by 3
<Coldkick> maybe it uses the fibonacci sequence as a base for every repeat of the alphabet

That method seems okay until the number 35134.


<Orodalf> Before that, it's 20, 8, 5; 8, 1, 4, 5, 14, 9; 3, 15; 14, 15, 20; 19, 5, 18,
<Orodalf> Which translates to The Hadeni co not sea

Okay, since then, we found out that the number repeats again, so:

20, 8, 5; 8, 1, 4, 5, 14, 9; 3, 15; 14, 15, 20; 19, 5, 18, 22, 5; 23, 9, 12, 12, 9, 14, 7, 12, 25

Or "The Hadeni co not serve willingly"


<Orodalf> I think "co" is a typo.
<Orodalf> Meant to be "do".

Astonishing developments on #mystery:


*** Falerin has joined #mystery
<Orodalf> Hi, Fal.
<Orodalf> How are we doing?
<Falerin> Good evening
<Orodalf> The Hadeni co not serve willingly
<Falerin> I am fantastic.
<Orodalf> Good.
<Orodalf> Or evil.
<Falerin> That certainly is close
<Coldkick> Hullo Fal.
<Orodalf> That certainly is close.
<Coldkick> Did I set it on the right track or what?
<Falerin> So close no matter how far
<Orodalf> But...?
<Falerin> incidentally would be the lyric from nothing else matters
<Falerin> that matters
<Falerin> >.>
<Miles> :P
<Orodalf> Lol.
<Orodalf> That explains the above...
<Aaron> Is co supposed to be do?
<Hiro> DL"
<Hiro> D:*
<Falerin> it is... and if you had the bellaso bit you might know why
<Falerin> Your method will derive close to the right answer I suspect if followed systematically
<Falerin> but it is NOT the method employed for encryption
<Falerin> make of that what you will
<Orodalf> Interesting.
<Miles> Thanks
<Coldkick> thanks
<Hiro> coolbeans
<Falerin> I will NOT be spelling this one out for ye.
<Aaron> So is there a key of some sort?
<Alac> XD
<Hiro> gasp D:
<Hiro> can you mouth it out then?
<Hiro> :D
<Falerin> I am quite pleased that you grasped the fibonnaci nature of reality.
<Falerin> However
<Coldkick> Thank you Fal
<Falerin> that is indeed key
<Falerin> You have alac to thank for that bit
*** frogboy has joined #mystery
* Falerin points accusingly.
<Orodalf> How dare she.
<Coldkick> hehe thanks Alac :)
<frogboy> hey guys!
<Alac> It's always my fault somehow!
<Falerin> her idle message today. was set to....
<frogboy> cool clue falerin XD
<Falerin> No one expects the fibonnaci sequence.
* Miles patpats.
<Falerin> And thus....
<Alac> Except you guys totally did!
* Hiro so isnt good at this kinda stuff D:
<Aaron> I think the next word will be unless
<Falerin> This does combine several previous puzzles if looked at logically
<Coldkick> Im just cool like that I saw that the first two used the regular variable then the next was a multiple of 3
<Coldkick> but it was pretty lucky that I read the clue over a few times xD
<Falerin> As for me... I actually animated this one for you.
<Orodalf> The next bit stops the pattern, though.
<Falerin> I am growing more facile at flash.
<Orodalf> 21 isn't divisible by 2.
<Hiro> what spell was it gonna cast :o
<Orodalf> Or at least, not in my worlds.
<Falerin> Oh but it does not....
<Aaron> 21 is U
<Falerin> if you had the actual pattern
<Falerin> and not a close approximation.
<Falerin> and you paid attention
<Falerin> you would know
<Falerin> But unfortunately...
<Falerin> "So Close no matter how far"
<Miles> ;-;
<Falerin> as metallica proclaims
<Coldkick> hmmm it starts off of each letter of the key when we find it possibly?
<Falerin> And this time its all on you
<Falerin> You can flounder for days or weeks afaic
<Orodalf> *sigh*
<Hiro> :o
<Falerin> I will keep churning out the codes regardless
<frogboy> oo no!
<Hiro> codemasta :P
<Orodalf> Thou art merciless...
<frogboy> lol
<Genoclysm> Orodalf, something to note:
<Falerin> That is in my job description.
<Genoclysm> You lot are either begging for a code or for a clue/answer.
<Falerin> Both at AE. and as the god of evil!
<Genoclysm> Always.
<frogboy> he is EVIL!!!!
<Coldkick> lol well I don't mind I <3 Puzzles :)
<Hiro> does either job description include.....
<Hiro> waffles?
<Hiro> :D
<Genoclysm> ...
<Genoclysm> No.
<Genoclysm> Nonononoononono
* Falerin assassinates Hiro
<frogboy> omg....
<Orodalf> :)
<Miles> ._.
<Hiro> D:
<Hiro> why u be haytin on me
<Falerin> do not mention evil mind bleach requiring animations here
<Falerin> This is a family channel
<Aaron> I'm gonna continue this method and see if I can figure it out
<Hiro> :(
<Falerin> Now I need to bleach my mind again
<frogboy> Falerin is scaring me...
<frogboy> i hope i dont get assassinated....
<Hiro> :D
<frogboy> XD
<Hiro> all in a days work for me then fal!
<frogboy> hail the god of evil!
* Miles uses uninstalls and reformats Fal's mind. :x
<Genoclysm> Hiro needs to be burned at the steak.
<Hiro> Im like that saying about apples and doctors
<frogboy> TO THE STEAK

Aaronrules380 -> RE: =WF= A Mystery Continues (6/10/2009 17:54:38)



credits: Coldkick-finding out fibonocci, me using that and correcting errors caused by incomplete coding method, Orodalf for correcting me on one word

EDIT: it is actually slightly different due to some typos by fal the real message is


Falerin -> RE: =WF= A Mystery Continues (6/10/2009 18:14:51)

The corrected variant will read slightly differently. Though only slightly.

@edit and you have it

Gundisalvus -> RE: =WF= A Mystery Continues (6/10/2009 18:16:29)

Gah! I missed another one!

Lord Asrius -> RE: =WF= A Mystery Continues (6/10/2009 18:50:08)

Crivens, it's a good things school's almost out.

rearines -> RE: =WF= A Mystery Continues (6/10/2009 18:51:21)

i hope we get donation rewards XD like reaper toothpick again or something like that lol XD items that will in the future cost z-toks but not as good as the donation/preium items.

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