Issue 43 - Sepulchure: Good Father, or Bad? (Genoclysm) (Full Version)

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Eukara Vox -> Issue 43 - Sepulchure: Good Father, or Bad? (Genoclysm) (6/4/2009 15:10:30)

Sepulchure: Good Father, or Bad?
by Genoclysm

This article is inspired by speculation on a closely related subject. Thank you posers of Speculations and Theories for the idea.

As most readers know by now, Sepulchure has a daughter. Not all that much is actually known about her, but it has at least been shown how Sepulchure cared for her. Her childhood was... unconventional, to say the least. Was Sepulchure a good father for her, or was he lacking in fatherly care?

In DragonFable, she is never seen. He is always running about beating on heros, commanding armies, and directing lesser villains. Whether he has or even makes time to spend with his daughter is questionable. One thing we do know is that she was raised among the undead despite being alive. This means Sepulchure may have very well left it up to his (possibly unsanitary) skeletal minions to do the raising. Is this really a good upbringing?

Of course, Gravelyn seems to have thought highly of him. When he was destroyed in AdventureQuest Worlds, she was clearly distrought and angry. Obviously, they had some father-daughter bond or she probably would not have been so emotional. He must have done something right. Then there is also the unlife insurance she cashed in... Someone like Sepulchure would likely be arrogant enough to think they would never die. Why would he take out insurance if he was so confident in his continued existence, especially for a rate that was likely huge judging by the amount it was good for? It would seem his little girl came before his pride and wealth, and he made certain she would be taken care of financially should anything ever happen.

So, was Sepulchure a bad parent or was he a good parent? Personally, I cannot answer. Firstly, things like this are mostly shades of gray. Secondly, I would not feel right determining that myself when it isn't black or white. If anyone knows or has a right to decide such, it is Gravelyn. Perhaps someday she will tell us about it.

Cow Face -> RE: Issue 43 - Sepulchre: Good Father, or Bad? (Genoclysm) (6/5/2009 10:58:23)

I'd say that he was definitely a mixture. I mean, he was obviously building a legacy for his child and giving her some things to start her life with. Who wouldn't want to inherit a giant flying fortress? And besides, a government position and a military rank at once? Pretty darn good. Too bad he had to be asploded.

miggymalayao -> RE: Issue 43 - Sepulchre: Good Father, or Bad? (Genoclysm) (6/5/2009 20:56:15)

First of all Sepulchure you forgot the U...[8|]
I think Sepulchure is a Good Father...
Think of it how much he loved his wife when he lose her. Sepulchure wanted power...
The only remembrance of his wife is her daughter and he will not lose her too...
In AQ Worlds there might not be a connection because of the alternative timelines but...
Sepulchure is a good father.

MetelStar -> RE: Issue 43 - Sepulchre: Good Father, or Bad? (Genoclysm) (6/6/2009 0:58:33)

Sep's a good father. He's a bad guy, but a good father... although I have some doubts. I'm not mentioning them because a) you have to pity the guy for losing his wife even a little (although I'm not in total touch with that story) and b) I don't want to end up having an undead army straight from the remains of Shadowfall knocking down my front door!

Don't you hate it when someone tries to elinimate you just because of a pointless comment?

Genoclysm -> RE: Issue 43 - Sepulchure: Good Father, or Bad? (Genoclysm) (6/7/2009 22:11:24)

Hrm... perhaps spellcheck is at fault from the editing stage. I thought I had a U in there. Hrm...

No, Geno, that is my fault. If you notice, in the body of your writing, it is correct. I mistyped the title when coding it for the ezine. The second -u- isn't needed in my head...

legomaster00156 -> RE: Issue 43 - Sepulchre: Good Father, or Bad? (Genoclysm) (6/7/2009 22:33:52)

Sepulchure was a good father, or Gravelyn wouldn't mind seeing him go kablooey. He made sure she had plenty to inherit should he die, he gave her command over his minions while he was away, etc. And, sure, he didn't spend much father-daughter time with her while he was off attempting to taking over Falconreach, but that's what dads do, right? They go out on business trips and make such sacrifices as that to provide for the family, including the thousands of non-volunteer undead soldiers(which would be all of them).

Deathwalker -> RE: Issue 43 - Sepulchre: Good Father, or Bad? (Genoclysm) (6/18/2009 8:55:24)


Original: Cow Face

I'd say that he was definitely a mixture. I mean, he was obviously building a legacy for his child and giving her some things to start her life with. Who wouldn't want to inherit a giant flying fortress? And besides, a government position and a military rank at once? Pretty darn good. Too bad he had to be asploded.

it wasnt asploded, it was kersploded

I bet Gravelyn* was a doomknight before she was 10, so maybe sepulcher knew he was going to be kersploded and just wanted to make the Shadowscythe continue, but then again, i could be completely wrong in my specualtion


i bet some of the undead were volunteers that died (not SC volunteers, like fire department volunteers) or some shadowscythe people that died and became undead

* is it Grave Lynn, or Gravel Inn? how do you say her name?

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