WarLich! (Full Version)

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Crimzon5 -> WarLich! (6/5/2009 10:40:35)


Location: Travel Map » Zorbak's Hideout » WarLich?

<<You>>: Hi Zorbak! Do you mind if I watch you make one of your "Ask Zorbak" episodes?
Zorbak: Well, <<You>>, I don't mind at all-- If you think you can handle my EBILNESS.
<<You>>: Oh, I think I can handle it, Zorbak. Honestly, ebilness makes me LAUGH most of the times.
Zorbak: .......? Ebilness makes you laugh? Meh! That is hardly my intention! We will have to discuss this further, after I'm done with my "Ask Zorbak" episode!
<<You>>: When do you start?!
Zorbak: Now!

<<Scene: Making of an Ask Zorbak episode>>

Zorbak: Meheheheheheeee.... I see you could not resist basking in my wisdom!
Zorbak: Unfortunately, I'll be buried alive in all of this mail if I don't get some help!

Zorbak raises his staff and casts a spell, nothing happens for a short while.

Zorbak: Hmm... It seems I'll have to wait a bit for my help to arrive. Good help is so hard to bring back from the dead!
Zorbak: Let me pass the time by answering some of this mail...
Zorbak: First, Drago50 asks: What is the meaning of life?
Zorbak: Well, Drago, the meaning of MY life is to rule over all that I survey. The meaning of YOUR life is to bow down before me! Mehehe...

A skeleton knight holding a broom enters.

Zorbak: Ahhh, Humerus! My favorite undead minion! Now, clean up this mess for me!

Humerus begins cleaning up the area. After he's done sweeping the mail from the table Zorbak was speaking at, he gets stuck. He pulls himself apart, leaving his leg behind.

Zorbak: Meh! If I were any other Moglin, this would give me nightmares...
<<Scene: After the making of Ask Zorbak>>

Zorbak: So, did you enjoy that edition of "Ask Zorbak"??
<<You>>: Well, I--
Zorbak: Great!! Mehehe! Next time, maybe you can be a guest and I can make fun of you!!

Warlic appears

Zorbak: Aaaaa!
Warlic: Greetings, <<You>>. And Zorbak. How... delightful.
Zorbak: Same here, oh uber-powerful archmage of might and unbeatable-ness! ...Can I go now?
<<You>>: Zorbak, you sound a little INTIMIDATED by Warlic!
Zorbak: NO! Of course not! I just... have some swamp cabbage stew on the stove and don't want it to burn! Yeah...
Warlic: Do what you must, Zorbak. I have only come here to look for some help.
Zorbak: I-- what-- What could I possibly help YOU with?
Warlic: In my neverending quest to learn all there is to know about the universe, and magic in particular, I have come to an impasse in my knowledge regarding-- necromancy.
Warlic: My powers tell me that there is MORE to be learned. And so I have come to YOU, Zorbak, to ask if you know of any other source of knowledge that I have overlooked.
Zorbak: Hmmm... How... flattering! Why, there IS a book you probably don't have.
Warlic: If you refer to the NECRONOMICON... well, I have read that.
Zorbak: Oh no... not THAT. I'm talking about... the ORCENOMICON!
Warlic: How INTERESTING! Please-- go get it for me and I will be forever grateful.
Zorbak: Sure! But I'll need help!
<<You>>: ..................
<<You>>: Why are you both looking at ME?
Zorbak: Is there ANOTHER brave and experienced expert at fighting monsters and obtaining rare and valuable treasures standing behind you??
  • Let Zorbak help you!
  • Quest by yourself

    Regardless of choice

    Zorbak: Great! First we must get out of these woods unscathed. Then we make our way over the nearby hills to the ruins of a small town that I-- that was destroyed long ago. Ahem...

    1 BATTLE
    Darkness Elemental monster taken from your RA list
    Full Heal

    1 BATTLE
    Earth Elemental monster taken from your RA list
    Full Heal

    1 BATTLE
    Darkness Elemental monster taken from your RA list
    Full Heal

    Find the Orcenomicon!
    The Orcenomicon is somewhere in these ruins! Find it quickly so you can get it back to Warlic!
    Difficulty: 80
    Stat Used: Intelligence

    If you fail the stat roll...

    Zorbak: Drat! It looks like we have to keep looking, <<You>>!

    You will have to go through one battle again

    Find the Orcenomicon!
    The Orcenomicon is somewhere in these ruins! Find it quickly so you can get it back to Warlic!
    Difficulty: 40
    Stat Used: Intelligence

    If you succeeded in any of the stat rolls...

    Zorbak: You did it, <<You>>! Now let's get this back to Warlic before he gets tired of waiting and makes someone ELSE his assistant!
    <<Scene: Back to Warlic>>

    Zorbak: Warlic! We have returned victorious! Here's the ORCENOMICON for your enjoyment!

    Zorbak passes the Orcenomicon to Warlic.

    Warlic: Very good! It is in like-new condition, as well!
    Warlic: Thank you Zorbak and <<You>>. This will make a nice addition to my Library of Omniscience. Now, to read some of this:
    <<You>>: Should you really read from it?? It IS a backwards version of the Necronomicon, after all...
    Warlic: Do not fear. As long as I do not read aloud from such a book, its spells cannot be called. (reads to himself) Mmm... interesting. (reads some more)
    Zorbak: Meh-- there is something else important about the book... I'm forgetting at the moment... Oh yeah!
    Zorbak: Not only is the text written backwards, but EVERYTHING about the book is backwards! Which means-- reading it ALOUD is the way to not call its spells--
    Warlic: .................
    Warlic: How unfortunate.
    <<You>>: Why?? What's wrong?!
    Warlic: <<You>>, you may want to go get Artix. He IS a Paladin, after all. And Zorbak, if you have the time--
    Warlic: --remove all corpses from the immediate vicinity--
    Zorbak: You didn't read what I think you just read, did you?
    Warlic: Yes, I did. Because it is BACKWARDS, the most powerful incantation is at the beginning of the book.
    <<You>>: What's going on, guys??
    Zorbak: Warlic made a boo-boo. RUN!!!
  • !!!

    Zorbak escapes and Warlic begins to glow with darkness. Shortly after, that glow envelops him and a shadow of him appears after the glow fades.
    <<Scene: Battleon>>

    Artix Krieger: <<You>>! Why are you so out of breath, friend??
    <<You>>: *wheeeeze* Warlic -- *gasp* book---- *pant* ebil-- *cough*
    Artix Krieger: Okay, calm down-- Just show me the way!
  • Go!

    <<Scene: Back to Zorbak>>

    <<You>>: Zorbak, where did Warlic go!?
    Artix Krieger: Speak up, you little blue nugget of ebil!
    Zorbak: First of all, he's not Warlic anymore. He's WarLich. And secondly, he found himself a big cemetary. Full of dead things. Did I mention he's a Lich?
    Artix Krieger: There goes the neighborhood. <<You>>, I'm going to confront WarLich and keep him busy.
    Artix Krieger: But it's up to you and Zorbak to get me what I need to stop him! I KNEW this day might come, so I prepared for it.
    <<You>>: What do we have to get?!
    Artix Krieger: HOLY WASABI. Get me my HOLY WASABI. I have it hidden in the Guardian Tower.
    <<You>>: WHERE in the Tower??
    Artix Krieger: ................ I forget. Just hurry!!! I don't know if I can stand up to WarLich very long!!
  • !!!

    <<Scene: Encounter with WarLich>>

    Artix Krieger: Warlic-- Sorry, WarLICH-- I have to tell you, I have not been looking forward to this day.
    WarLich: This dark power is the most inviting of all, Krieger. If only YOU could experience it as well... you would see the error of your ways.
    WarLich: Beyond life and death there lie more answers that even I could imagine!
    Artix Krieger: I never would have thought such a brilliant mind as yours could succumb to evil. I guess this is it, then. Maybe we will meet again-- on the other side!!

    Artix begins to attack WarLich. WarLich counterattacks him and overpowers Artix, causing him to get down to his knees. WarLich then slowly approaches Artix and Artix looks up at WarLich.

    WarLich: I am curious--- What will your healing powers do if I try to turn you into an undead? I wonder...

    WarLich puts forward his orb. Then, Artix face begins to alternate between that of an undead and his normal self! Artix shakes violently and strikes WarLich before any further damage is done.

    WarLich: You go crawl back to your precious Paladin Order... and I will reanimate a few hundred... million... undead. Maybe we can have a nice little rematch later...

    <<Scene: Guardian Tower>>

    You enter a mini game to find Artix's requested Holy Wasabi. Move between the rooms by clicking on the arrow keys. Click in certain areas to look for the Holy Wasabi.

    If the area you clicked does not have the item, the message "No Holy Wasabi to be found here..." is shown.

    When you successfully find the item, the message "You found Artix's Holy Wasabi!!" appears, and Zorbak enters.

    Zorbak: We found it!!! Now, back to Darkovia before it's too late!!!
  • Go!
    <<Scene: Darkovia>>

    You and Zorbak enter, seeing Artix sprawled on the ground.

    <<You>>: Artix!!
    Zorbak: Mehheh... Let me guess-- You LOST.
    Artix Krieger: Uhhh... No-- I am just so exhausted from winning that I can barely stand.
    <<You>>: So I have the Holy Wasabi-- What do I do with it??
    Artix Krieger: I hope you brought some Holy Chopsticks too, <<You>>. And maybe a glass of water. You'll need to... open wide and eat about a spoonful.
    Artix Krieger: Yes, it will... burn on its way down. But that's how you know it's working. This is the GOOD stuff.
    <<You>>: !!! Ew!! Do I have to?!
    Artix Krieger: It may be the only way for you to stop WarLich. Otherwise, he is so powerful that you will probably be torn asunder by his dark magic, then reanimated as part of his undead army.
    Zorbak: SWEET!!!
  • Use the Holy Wasabi!
  • Battle WarLich without the Holy Wasabi! (Ultra Challenge Battle!)

    Regardless of choice, a short cutscene is shown where Warlic orbs floats and blocks the moon. Then, a whole bunch of undead bursts out in the background.

  • Let Artix help you!
  • Battle by yourself

    Regardless of choice

    5 BATTLES (Monsters that appear twice have a higher chance of being encountered)

    Level 0-14
    Lesser Zombie (9)
    Lesser Zombie (9)
    Sickly Zombie (4)
    Sickly Zombie (4)
    Undead Archer (5)
    Undead Dragon (6)
    Undead Knight (1)
    Undead Mage (14)
    Undead Paladin (6)
    Undead Soldier (5)
    Undead Troll (5)
    Undead Wounded (13)
    Undead Zard (5)

    Level 15-49
    Ghost (20)
    Grunt (29)
    Lesser Droag (40)
    Lesser Zombie (9)
    Lesser Zombie (9)
    Mummicane (36)
    Pygmy Zombie (30)
    Pygmy Zombie (30)
    Skull Swarm (30)
    Undead Commander (31)
    Undead Dragon (19)
    Undead Freak (25)
    Undead Frog (20)
    Undead Frog (40)
    Undead Giant (35)
    Undead Knight (1)
    Undead Mage (14)
    Undead Mage (45)
    Undead Moglin Knight (15)
    Undead Paladin (35)
    Undead Paladin (15)
    Undead Paladin (23)
    Undead Ribber (25)
    undead knight (35)
    Undead Skuller (38)
    Undead SpellSword (15)
    Undead Wounded (13)
    Undead Zard (5)
    Undead Zard (20)
    Wun-Dead (15)
    Zombie Knight (20)
    Zombie Knight (20)

    Level 50-69
    Ghost (20)
    Grunt (29)
    Lesser Droag (40)
    Lesser Zombie (9)
    Mummicane (36)
    Pygmy Zombie (30)
    Skull Swarm (30)
    Undead Commander (31)
    Undead Dragon (19)
    Undead Freak (25)
    Undead Frog (20)
    Undead Frog (40)
    Undead Giant (35)
    Undead Knight (1)
    Undead Mage (14)
    Undead Mage (45)
    Undead Moglin Knight (15)
    Undead Paladin (35)
    Undead Paladin (15)
    Undead Paladin (23)
    Undead Ribber (25)
    undead knight (35)
    Undead Skuller (38)
    Undead SpellSword (15)
    Undead Wounded (13)
    Undead Zard (5)
    Undead Zard (20)
    Wun-Dead (15)
    Zombie Knight (20)

    Level 70-89
    Banshee (63)
    Big Zombie (55)
    Death Knight (66)
    Dracolich Rider (75)
    Drowned Angry BURP (75)
    Drowned Angry Rat (77)
    Fatalis (Undead) (76)
    Lesser Droag (40)
    MechaZombie (68)
    Pygmy Zombie (30)
    Pygmy Zombie (65)
    Skull Ape (Undead) (80)
    Undead Dragon (71)
    Undead Horse (68)
    Undead Paladin (75)
    Undead Paladin (65)
    Undead Paladin (85)
    Undead Terror (50)
    Undead Zard (20)
    Undead Zard (20)
    Zombie (40)
    Zombie Giant (77)
    Zombie Knight (20)

    Level 90+
    Banshee (63)
    Banshee Messenger (111)
    Big Zombie (55)
    Death Knight (66)
    Dracolich Rider (75)
    Droag (88)
    Drowned Angry BURP (75)
    Drowned Angry Rat (77)
    Fatalis (Undead) (76)
    Klubber, the Undead Dude (117)
    Lesser Droag (40)
    MechaZombie (68)
    Pygmy Zombie (30)
    Pygmy Zombie (65)
    Skull Ape (Undead) (80)
    Undead Dragon (71)
    Undead Dragon (91)
    Undead Horse (68)
    Undead Paladin (75)
    Undead Paladin (65)
    Undead Paladin (85)
    Undead Terror (50)
    Undead Zard (20)
    Zombie (40)
    Zombie Giant (77)
    Zombie Giant (77)
    Zombie Knight (20)

    Full Heal after every battle
    If you chose to battle WarLich using the Holy Wasabi...

    1 BATTLEFull Heal

    If you chose to battle WarLich without the Holy Wasabi...

    1 BATTLEFull Heal
    <<You>>: Warlic! Thank goodness-- you seem to be back to your former self!
    Warlic: I feel normal again, thanks to you, <<You>>.
    Artix Krieger: Welcome back, old friend! What happened to the Orcenomicon??
    Warlic: I do believe that I accidentally teleported it to the farthest reaches of space. Accidentally.
    Zorbak: Meh!! I wanted that thing for my collection!
    Artix Krieger: Oh, I did, too. My toilet paper collection!
    <<You>>, Warlic and Artix Krieger: hahahahaha
    While Zorbak, at the same time: ........................

  • Summon WarLich
  • Summon DemiWarLich Z
  • Summon DemiWarLich
  • Summon WarLichLord Z
  • Summon WarLichLord
  • Summon WarLichKing

  • Holy Wasabi
  • Sanctified Wasabi
  • Divine Wasabi

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Thanks to whackybeanz.

  • Page: [1]

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