=MtAK= The Mountaineering AK Everest (Full Version)

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Everest -> =MtAK= The Mountaineering AK Everest (6/6/2009 23:49:56)

Well, a week is probably long enough to wait. Welcome to my MtAK! A couple of rules to lay down before we start the process that will inevitably end with my hair in clumps at my feet. :P

1. Ten questions per post please, and one post per page.
2. All forum rules apply.
3. By all means ask anything you wish, but I do reserve the right to not answer if I feel like it.
4. Please please I'm begging you no questions about swallows, be they African or European, or some other type of swallow yet undiscovered. :P

Other than that, everything's fair game, so fire away!

And lastly I will edit in this color.

Ash -> RE: =MtAK= The Mountaineering AK Everest (6/6/2009 23:52:35)

Finally! I thought I would have to wait forever for you to put one up. =P

Busy week, busy week. :D Plus I had to draw out the suspense for all you guys!

Hey Everest!

:o TLH! /me knows he has seen you around somewhere :P

Whatcha think of your new job?

Best job I ever had! I've been elated all week.

Is *Weapon A* really better then *Weapon B* and if so why?

>:( You've stumped me, my spreadsheets tell me nothing!

What is 2+8+6/5*55(5^4*9)/22?

Too...much...math....can't...compute...must...find...better...calculator... *shuts down*


Can I take the easy way out and say both? They each have their perks. Strawberry Rhubarb pie compares to nothing but Red Velvet cake. How about I go with "red pastries are best" instead. :P

Have fun and congrats on your AKship. :)

muahahahaha *chokes* thanks TLH!

Gus. -> RE: =MtAK= The Mountaineering AK Everest (6/6/2009 23:56:01)

*congratulationsnugglewugglehugglepouncetickletacklesnackleglompfuzzlewuzzlesnuzzlequadruplebacktwistfliprawrplushiebitejumpsnugattacks Ev* :D

/me countersnuggleattackwugglerawrwhistlepounces gus! Whew, I'm dizzy... did I say whistle? :P

Having fun with your newly acquired powers?

Shhhh nobody can know! I r responsible and stuffs! *goes to erase all of gus's posts* :P

Favorite food?

Oh, yeah, this is why I dreaded this... so many choices, I might change this daily. Food is a definite hobby, I've debated becoming a chef for a long time. One of my favorite dishes is called osso bucco, it's an Italian meal of braised veal(yes, I absolutely love veal :P). I had very good steak tartare recently too. Oh, and I absolutely love cheeses.

Take care! (I need you in good shape to keep working as an EC AK and do my work share the workload) ^.^

But my couch looks so comfy... /me gets back to work instead.

TreadLight -> RE: =MtAK= The Mountaineering AK Everest (6/6/2009 23:57:11)

Oh, cool. I saw this on the AdventureQuest forum category page and got all excited. :3

Hooray! I'm exciting! :D

How's it going with your new position, so far?

It's going great! I've been having loads of fun. I love this forum, I'm just glad I could help out.

Did you expect this at all?

I got the PM from Icemaster Yeti and thought "Oh no, what did I do..." :P It was a complete surprise, I was smiling for about two days straight.

Do you like Space Ghost: Coast to Coast? If so, what's your favorite part of it?

Can't say I've ever heard of it. :/

The number green?

I love gr... hey, wait a minute, I see what's going on here. :P

Bruce Lee?

I took a karate class when I was ten, does that count? :P
I've never really been into kung fu movies, but of course you have to respect him for what he did. The closest thing I've ever seen to a Bruce Lee movie was The Crow though.

Congratulations, and good luck!

Thankees! /me byesnugs TreadLight.

ShadowLurks -> RE: =MtAK= The Mountaineering AK Everest (6/7/2009 0:00:23)

Finally! Hey Everest!

Hiya ShadowLurks! Congrats on your own AKship!

I have one question:


Do you like toast?

I love toast, especially with eggs, although I've been in a crumpet phase recently. ;)

That's it.

Good luck, with everything and congratz.

/me wanders off to post in ShadowLurks' MtAK... thanks!

tobby2 -> RE: =MtAK= The Mountaineering AK Everest (6/7/2009 0:21:21)

Congrats Everest


Favorite color? Favorite saying? Favorite TV show? (Can this all count as 1 question? [:D])

Haha even if they count as three you're still only at six. Blue and its differing shades is my favorite color. A quote that's always stuck with me is "Let us cross over the river, and rest under the shade of the trees" which was supposedly what General Jackson said after he was shot at the battle of Chancellorsville (I'm a bit of a history buff). Tough question about TV shows... it's like a four way tie between It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Arrested Development, How I Met Your Mother, and Ed.

What do you like to compare the most? (Weapons, pets, or armors)

Well when I first started actually comparing (I was a mooch for a while) I was actually afraid of weapons spreadsheets... I tried Aqua's sheet once and got all the numbers wrong which scared me off for a while. So I really started with pets, but recently there've been a lot of really interesting weapons to compare, so I'd have to go with that. By the way, have I complimented you on your sheet recently? :P

What's the meaning of life?

To be a bit serious, I've often thought about this myself... and come to the conclusion that possibly the ultimate responsibility we have is to ask questions precisely such as this one. Answers are great, if they appear, but it is the perpetual unknown that challenges us. Questions are perhaps more important than the answers. Hopefully we never run out of questions to ask ourselves.

How did you end up in EC?

Something lost in the mists of time... or in the forum history. :P If I were to guess I'd say I first posted here in MoP's High Level Pet guide. That's my earliest memory about this forum, at least.

Anyway, congrats! I don't do this often, (maybe this is my 2nd MtAK post), so consider yourself very LUCKY [:D]

I DO feel lucky! Nice questions tobby, and thanks!

Bratac -> RE: =MtAK= The Mountaineering AK Everest (6/7/2009 0:58:16)

Congrats Everest,
Here are my 10 questions

1. What did inspire you to have nick EverestAllure?

Ooh, I like this story. I was feeling particularly uncreative when I was creating my forum name, so I stole the name from two songs by one of my favorite bands, Ratatat. Ironically enough, the name itself got me into mountains (I've been reading a lot about the eight-thousand meter peaks recently) and I really like the nickname Everest. Who knew, right? Very happy coincidence for me though. :D

2. Do you think that sane and sober created damage calculations for Ruby Mothershi *tfuuu* ... Mothership? (inside joke)

*twitch* It's possible... unlikely though. :P Who's sane anymore anyways? Oh, is that crazed laughter I hear?

3. Funniest comedy (movie) you ever seen?

Hrm... I've always thought Galaxy Quest was incredibly hilarious. Don't know why, Sam Rockwell was hysterical. Just one of those things I guess. :P

4. Do you think travelling faster then light will ever be possible?

I study political science so I don't have to answer questions like that. Huh, that'd be a good T-shirt slogan...

5. Are you sci-fi fan?

For books, definitely. Frank Herbert's Dune series is incredible. I've never been too into sci-fi movies, although I loved Star Wars. Got into the expanded universe for a while. I've never particularly liked the Sci Fi channel though.

6. What do you get when you mix 1 oz vodka, 1 1/2 oz Bailey's® Irish cream, 1/2 oz Kahlua® coffee liqueur? :)

Ooh ooh I know this! ...Not really, I just turned 21 two weeks ago and have yet to learn all the different names. :P
Wait is that seriously a drink?

7. Blondes or brunettes?

I've always liked strawberry blonde hair. Although I'm not sure that's ever a real hair color. One can hope, anyway. :P

8. Little math for your spreadsheet :) > Sarah Palin + becoming president of USA in 2012 = end of the world ???

Psh you don't think I've tried to run that through a sheet before now? My computer almost exploded. I guess that answers your question though.

9. Barack Obama = End of the beginning or Beginning of the End?

I'm not sure if you're asking for an opinion on Obama or the state of American hegemony. :P
I'll simply say that I've always been hesitant to get on the Obama train, and I haven't been particularly impressed with his administration so far. And yes, I call it the Obama train.

10. Who said: "The laws of gravity cannot be held responsible for people falling in love" (hands of keeboard and stop googling it !!!)

Shakespeare! Wait he was before gravity was invented. :P
How about... the movie Love Actually! That had every quote ever.

I give up... ooh, Einstein. That was my next guess, I promise.

Terry576 -> RE: =MtAK= The Mountaineering AK Everest (6/7/2009 3:41:36)

Heya Ev!

Hello Terry :)

I never got around to thanking you for yelling at me to fix my numbers.

Anytime :P

Yep, I'm not gonna type it. =P YOU CAN'T MAKE ME! Oh wait. Now you can. Stupid editing powerses! >>


Onto questionses.

Do you like muffins?

I love muffins. Beer muffins with cheddar cheese on top are definitely my favorite kind.

Why EVEREST? Why not Himalayas or something? >>

Because Himalayas can't be shortened as well as Everest can. :P
Seriously, what would you call be, Laya? Hima?

If you had a super power, what would it be?

Hmm... shape changing! Not just to other people and stuff but to anything I can think of. Yeah, definitely.

How do you take your coffee? I take mine with 3 sugars, half milk. Yeah. I'm starting to get down to 2 sugars. =D

Hey I love sugar in my coffee as well. I might even put four teaspoons of sugar in mine. :P

Is it true that there is a conspiracy to make all the people I meet on the forums AKs? First Phoenix, then Shadow, and now you... Next it must be JMill! CONSPIRACY! Oh yeah, and do you enjoy your slave duties work?

I guess you keep the right company. :P
These chains chafe a bit I very much enjoy my new responsibilities. :P

If you could make anybody on Earth smarter, who would it be?

Michael Bay.

If there is button that destroys the world, and it is big and red and shiny, with a sign that says "Push Button" would you?

I have a healthy amount of curiosity. :P

Poison formula. *snickers* You know what I'm talking about...


Red Bull or Monster?

Never tried Monster, so I'd have to go with Red Bull. I like Rock Star a lot though.

See ya around!

/me waves


Drakeh -> RE: =MtAK= The Mountaineering AK Everest (6/7/2009 4:08:52)




Thank you!

No questions


Good luck

Thank you!

See ya around

:) Thanks for dropping by.


Zizzy -> RE: =MtAK= The Mountaineering AK Everest (6/7/2009 4:38:50)

Heya Everest, thought I'd step by :P

Heehee I like steps. :P

First of all, congratulations! ^_^

Thankees Zz!

Now to the silly questions

/me puts his silly game face on.

Is the cake a lie?


Favorite literature character of all times?

Ya know I'm gonna have to go with Paul Muad'dib in the interest of pushing Dune on you as much as possible. :P

x^2 - 4x > 0. What values can x have?

4! Such a long time since I've done those...

Highest mountain in the U.S.?

Mt. McKinley in Alaska's the tallest, Mt. Whitney is the tallest in the continental U.S. :P

To the 10 million dollar question:

Will "A Dance with Dragons" ever be released?

I'm betting on yes, but according to Murphy's Law it will only happen directly after I've graduated college and working far too much to read. :P

Have fun comparing! ;P

Always! :) Bye Zz

MetalKuat -> RE: =MtAK= The Mountaineering AK Everest (6/7/2009 9:36:48)

Cograts on your title, you deserve it.

1. Why do you like Mt. Everest?

Psh have have you seen how majestic it is? I like the name too, although other mountains are really interesting as well. There are also great quotes associated with Everest. "Why do you want to climb Everest? Because it's there."

2. Cookies or pie?

Hmm... tough. I'd say pie, just because you can have it hot with ice cream. Not to say you can't do that with cookies but I feel pie and ice cream are more generally accepted.

3. What is the meaning of life?

To find Saturn.

4. Coca-Cola or Pepsi?


5. 1+1=3?

Only in EC. :P

6. Enough of silly questions. Favourite movies actor(I really hope this is the right word)?

I like Paul Giamatti a lot. Not sure if he's definitively my favorite, but all-time favorite questions are always difficult for me. :P

7. What is your favourite food?

Today's selection, oysters. Went to the oyster bar in town. :P

8. Who hatched first, the chicken or the egg?

Dinosaurs! :D

9. Do I have to put a question here?

Hey, I'm not gonna mind. :P

10. What is your favourite pet, cat, dog or a dragon?(A dragon on my backyard would please me)

Hmm, a dragon would be nice, although the neighbors probably wouldn't like it much... it would get rid of the geese problem on the lawn though. :P

All right, have fun with your new AK powers.


Lizardking -> RE: =MtAK= The Mountaineering AK Everest (6/7/2009 13:02:02)

Favorite Movie


Favorite Band?

At the moment, either Bag Raiders or Electric Light Orchestra. Of all time, definitely Pink Floyd, followed by Ray Lamontagne.

Vikings or Samurai?

Ooh, samurai.

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it does it make a sound?

This would appear to suggest sound is defined as the ear of the beholder. When in fact sound is defined as vibrations that travel through the ear that may be heard by humans or animals. Thus, there would still be sound in the absence of human or animal presence.

Car or Truck?

I prefer a good car any day. Trucks and I have never gotten along.

Has the Torture started?

You betcha. Thanks for stopping by. :P

jimij770 -> RE: =MtAK= The Mountaineering AK Everest (6/7/2009 13:14:26)


Hi there jimi :)

It's about time you made your MtAK jeez...

Yeah, yeah... I could only frustrate you for so long. :P

So questions...
Part A: Answer these with "I do"

1. Do you promise to torment Wilde at all times of the day to the enjoyment of all?

I'd do that regardless. :P

2. Do you promise to abuse your powers in all ways possible keep the peace in EC?

I do.

3. Do you promise to give me cookies?

Me has no cookies I do.

Part B: Comparisons

1. Movies or TV shows?

Hmm, each have their strong points. I suppose I like movies better as there's a definitive ending point after you sit down for a couple hours. TV shows draw things out a lot more, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, it just requires more time investment to get to the finale. ;)

2. Rap or Rock? (regardless of what Wilde says)

Hmm, I enjoy rap immensely at times, but I must admit I like rock and its sub-genres more as a whole. Rap has a lot of weaknesses (although metal didn't do much for rock either XD)

3. Florida, California, or Hawaii?

Hmm, never been to Hawaii. To be honest I don't really like warm vacation spots for some reason. I guess the cold doesn't bother me, I'd rather go skiing or something to that effect than sitting on a beach.

Part C: Regular questions

1. What's your favorite song atm?

Like, right specifically at this moment? Shut Up and Let Me Go (Hecktik Remix) by Fashawn.

2. Will you just leave me, Wilde, and JMill hanging in Oblivion? (PS: the answer to this question is no)

Of course not, never. ;)

3. Are you glad I left spaces for you to type your answers?

Of course I am, very considerate of you. :P

kthxbai (even though I'll prob be talking to you in about 5 minutes)

Bye! See you on IRC.

Vivi -> RE: =MtAK= The Mountaineering AK Everest (6/7/2009 13:14:48)


<_< Do we know each other? :P
Hi, Vivi!

Wilderock -> RE: =MtAK= The Mountaineering AK Everest (6/7/2009 13:28:56)

Yooo Everest!



Thanks, even though you've said it more than a few times to me before now. :P

I don't really have any questions to ask you that I either don't know the answer to or haven't been answered, so I'll keep it short. The important part is I'm congratulating you. :P But:

- Best rapper ever? Alive? (you know what to say :D)

Hmm well there's Jay-Z but he retired so I don't know if he counts. :P

- Do you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

I do. But where's that Bible?

- Promise to go easy on the warnings?



Fun fact, before they called themselves Mobb Deep their name was Poetical Prophets. I kinda like that.

Sora Aeragorn -> RE: =MtAK= The Mountaineering AK Everest (6/7/2009 13:34:35)

Hey Everest! ^_^

Sora! Hi! :)

Congratulations on your AK-ship! I'm just dropping by so enjoy and please help yourself to some cookies. =)

Yay cookies! :D
Thanks for dropping by!

Ubear -> RE: =MtAK= The Mountaineering AK Everest (6/7/2009 13:36:38)

Hi EverestAllure!

Hiya ubear!

Congratulations on being an AK!

Thanks so much! :)

Having fun?

I'm having a blast so far. :D

Are you scared of heights?

Heehee nope, never have been. Lucky for me, eh?

I hope not, i'm bringing you up a 29,000ft mountain!

Whee! Let's get goin'!

Is that taller than you?

Oh, it's about even. :P

D'you ever get that feeling when your mind goes completly blank?

About once a day, actually. :P
It's very frustrating, isn't it?

Yeah that's happening to me right now...

My apologies. Hopefully your thought comes back soon!

That'll be all from me.
I hope you enjoy your position as an AK! :D

Thanks again ubear! See you around.

Doomsday -> RE: =MtAK= The Mountaineering AK Everest (6/7/2009 22:24:42)

Time to ask some seemingly random questions... (Seems like this is the sole purpose of MtAKs anyway)

1. What is the 190249th digit of Pi?


2. Who brainwashed you into doing this?

If I'm brainwashed, wouldn't I not know who brainwashed me? :P

3. Do you believe in numbers, or through practical experimentation?

NUMBERS > "PRACTICAL EXPERIMENTATION". But seriously, personal experience means nothing in AQ and seems to contribute to a lot of the misinformation passed around the forums.

4. Power or looks?

Power. Definitely power.

I think that's all for now, bring along some talcum, don't let the chains start to chafe. Enjoy your stay... hopefully.

Oh, talcum, I knew I forgot something. Unfortunately I'm stuck here for a while...

kittycat -> RE: =MtAK= The Mountaineering AK Everest (6/7/2009 23:17:29)

Knock Knock.

Oh, herro der.

Hi, Everest! Congratz!

Thanks, kittycat.

What is your favorite pokemon in DP?

The only Pokemon game I've ever played was the original, and I remember none of the pokemon names. :/

Ready for a up-sy daisy to the Mount Co-ordinator?


Your nickname?

Everest? I like Ev too, if you feel like shortening it further. :P

The funniest moment you've seen is?

I <3 knock knock jokes?

Your favorite thing to eat for desert?

Raspberry champagne cake! :D

Well, Good Luck and be the best!

Thanks again! See you around.

JMill -> RE: =MtAK= The Mountaineering AK Everest (6/8/2009 1:12:22)

I have a few questions and a short quiz.
Quizzes! Me LOVES quizzes!
Favorite piece of equipment in AQ?
Hmm, at the moment I'd have to say Maurinelle's Melody. Strong weapon interesting effect that's more difficult to compare than your average piece of equipment, and great graphics. Everything wrapped up in one! :D
Best thing about EC?
Definitely new equipment topics. I've always loved discussing new equipment and appropriate strategies for their use.
Craziest formula in AQ?
Can I use the umbrella term 'status effects'? XD
Alright so part of EC is being able to handle statistics and probabilities, and so if you're going to have authority and stuff, I thought someone ought to give you a little test on probabilities. So here goes.
Why would you assume I'm going to say something here? :P
The probability that....
I will hate these questions???
Your fellow EC AK secretly put money on the Magic in the finals?
I don't think gus follows basketball... :P
Oh, were you talking about Chao maybe? Does he like the Lakers? Huh, who knew.

Wilde watched 8 Mile again tonight?
Eleventy billion percent. No, I don't know how many times that translates to.
Ras truly appreciates the balance you brought to Paxia?
He knows he does, in that great big heart of his. I give it 57%.
Notre Dame is bowl eligible this year?
<_< I don't want to talk about it. Maybe 4%.
You go the entire thread without a question about swallows?
Isn't this a question about swallows? You phail!
Well I think that's about it for now. Congrats and have fun!
*mutters* dumb probabilities

Kaelin -> RE: =MtAK= The Mountaineering AK Everest (6/8/2009 3:53:28)

I pretty much never post here, so smile for me, okay? Be advised there's a math question in here.

For me? :D

What's your favorite offline videogame (console, PC, arcade, punch cards)?

Well, growing up I never had any TV consoles. I have had a series of Game Boy systems, and I've gotten a few computer games as well... I'd have to say the Fire Emblem series is up there, along with other strategy-type games, both turn-based and real-time. Bit of a long winded answer. :P
Must needs muse.

How many skeletons are in your closet?

I like secrets. :P

How do you like your Real Life: gender-neutral/androgynous (like AQ PCs) or gender-specific (like DF, AQW PCs)?

Definitely, definitely gender-specific.

Isn't Fermat's Little Theorem adorable? (Not the version with the "1"s in it, that inefficient sleezy imitation)

Actually I found it to be rather pedantic. :P

Do you do nerd humor?

Do I do it? Not particularly. Do I appreciate it? Sure, I found myself clicking the refresh button more than a couple of times. :P

Since you've studied political science, what interesting tidbit did you take from the EU elections?


What is your favorite preposition?

Hmm... circa. Or maybe athwart, which I found in a list of prepositions. :P

Can you touch your nose with your tongue?

Regrettably, no, I cannot. I had a friend who could swallow his tongue though.

So, how was it?

If you mean the nose touch, underwhelming. Your post, fantastic of course. :P

BadHulk -> RE: =MtAK= The Mountaineering AK Everest (6/8/2009 5:34:30)

/me pokesnugglehugglesyouevenwhenidontknowyou


Do you know me? You seem familliar >.>

I've seen you around.

Anyway, Gratz on tortu.... I meant Ak-ship

A belated thank you!

Metallica, Green Day and Mötorhead VS Black Eyed Peas, Eminem and Akon, which one would you prefer.

[23:03] <ssj4_Vivi> #roll 1d2
[23:04] <RPGServ> <Roll for ssj4_Vivi [1d2]: 2>

Favorite music gerne

Electronica, or folk rock. They go hand in hand, you know.

Favorite game gerne

Strategy. Real-time and turn-based both have their ups and downs.

Favorite game

I've always liked the Age of Empires series. Golden Sun and Fire Emblem were always favorites as well.

Who made you an AK?


Which country you live in?

Good ol' U.S.A.

Buh-Bye, 2 things though: Always steal Cow_Faces his cookies and blame Clyde for everything. Even for this.


Rasudido -> RE: =MtAK= The Mountaineering AK Everest (6/8/2009 13:21:15)

O hai thar...


I heard you had a MTaK, so im here to agrevate you with irrelevant and pointless questions which youll have to answer or get complained to.



1. Im told you have a way of calculating the Flare Flayer series with the special effect... why havent you done so?

Because someone else wanted the Fire Weapons Comparison.

2. my modified spreadsheet went crazy, can i has a copy of the one i sent you?

Sure. First you have to bow down to the all-knowing packrat Everest.

3. tell the truth, if IceMasterYeti put you in a deathcage death match with Gussy and Chao,who would win?

Mountain squish!

4. Did you ever play yugioh?

Absolutely not.

5. Im told the sweep is a lie and that all thats happening is power creep considering nothing is actually being nerfed and everything is gaining power... thoguhts ont he theory?


6. Can I have my comparison between Flare Flayer and Dragonhand Z now...

Just let me finish my MtAK first...

7. So on the topic of Paxia, what possible solution would you apply to the current situation to compensate for the previous "solution" you caused which clearly didnt solve anything and made it slightly worse?

Add Isako to the RA list?

8. I thought you didnt like the Allure part.... why havent you changed your forum name like Gus did back when he was gustavo_l_f_

Details, details.

>.> i dont know if there is an 8 question limit, so im gonna stop here, read your first post, take a screenshot of it so you cant edit more rules in after I notice the deficiencies, and abuse those loopholes.... you might get lucky since im in exams

<3 eight question limit for Rassy!

if all esle fails ill poke you via IRC

Undoubtedly. :P

cya Ev

/me waves

GUSSY if you can read this, i need a list of new anime to watch

gus can read! :o

Kidding of course, gus. :P

CHAO if you can read this, get back to AK duties instead of wasting time by reading everest's MtAK :p


ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: =MtAK= The Mountaineering AK Everest (6/8/2009 21:39:56)

I was waiting for this.

A well deserved ArchKnight-ship indeed.

I'm flattered! :)

Congratulations, and see you around.

For sure!

If you are smart enough to read this (which you are, since you can edit and see the text w/o problems), answer these questions:

I'm smart!

Does Everest really have an allure?

I should very well hope so! Else why are you posting here? :P

Did you know that Everest grows taller every year while India grows smaller (thank the gods for that)?

That's what I've heard. But then I've heard people say that's a lie and it doesn't get taller. Because it's ice instead of rock and stuff. Who knows. Everest>scientists.

ARE you who you say you are?

It's possible. Other eventualities exist of course. :P

DO you comprehend my signature?

Signatures aren't allowed in EC! RING RING RING WARNING BELL SIREN! :P

And do you give thanks for the fact that I closed all of these color tags?

I love color tags.

Farewell... for real this time.

Bye bye!

Just kidding.


Did you notice that your edit color is very close to that of tflo's?

tflo changed his, probably due to my magnetic personality. :P

tflo -> RE: =MtAK= The Mountaineering AK Everest (6/8/2009 21:42:30)


Um, Hi.

Hi Olaf! (Couldn't resist, just this once.) :P

You can't sit on me sir!

I can sit on anyone save Circe. Circe wouldn't like that. :P



Your response to pointless questions?

Senseless answers


Haha, I KNEW you liked ducks!

My color.

How do you plan to make the Equipment Comparison a better, safer, and funner experience to all involved?


In 4 Sentences or more, explain Game Theory of Economics.

Augh. I just finished a class on how game theory affects the international political arena. So while I could probably think up a definition of significantly more than four sentences... :P

Kbye! See ya in mah next post!


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