Kaelin -> RE: =MtAK= The Mountaineering AK Everest (6/8/2009 3:53:28)
I pretty much never post here, so smile for me, okay? Be advised there's a math question in here. For me? :D What's your favorite offline videogame (console, PC, arcade, punch cards)? Well, growing up I never had any TV consoles. I have had a series of Game Boy systems, and I've gotten a few computer games as well... I'd have to say the Fire Emblem series is up there, along with other strategy-type games, both turn-based and real-time. Bit of a long winded answer. :P Must needs muse. How many skeletons are in your closet? I like secrets. :P How do you like your Real Life: gender-neutral/androgynous (like AQ PCs) or gender-specific (like DF, AQW PCs)? Definitely, definitely gender-specific. Isn't Fermat's Little Theorem adorable? (Not the version with the "1"s in it, that inefficient sleezy imitation) Actually I found it to be rather pedantic. :P Do you do nerd humor? Do I do it? Not particularly. Do I appreciate it? Sure, I found myself clicking the refresh button more than a couple of times. :P Since you've studied political science, what interesting tidbit did you take from the EU elections? Nope. What is your favorite preposition? Hmm... circa. Or maybe athwart, which I found in a list of prepositions. :P Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Regrettably, no, I cannot. I had a friend who could swallow his tongue though. So, how was it? If you mean the nose touch, underwhelming. Your post, fantastic of course. :P