RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (Full Version)

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n betta -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 17:43:30)

Man I can't wait XD this is going to rock, I like the fact that it is a sequel to AQ.
I hope the armor they released in AQW will be available there, Also I think I will make my class armoured cannonwielder.
As far as getting moved back to the third, I don't think it matters too much, its just two more days, I think I can wait : )

poomaster -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 18:03:02)

another thing i actually know (yea amazing rite?!!) skullcrusher armor in aqw is not a warpforce armor its a mechquest armor that u get for buying the new artbook

will the gauntlets be visible? if so this fixes the "omg ur fingers are exposed in space" issue with the warpgaurdian armor

i remember asking somewhere b4 how to get to mystery discussion in irc after i have turned it on and signed in cant find an answer... any help? what i type in help me heylp may!! pwease cmon i do know some things just cos i ask a load of questions doesnt make me stoopaid

also is there going to be... dam i forgot what its called... prebooking? no... um when u make an account before the game is functional like u did with mechquest are u doing that now would be a good time
or is it what u said about the aq account could somebody please explain to me about that: is it the same account as aq for mf? if so is it the same characters or same account new characters or same account and same lvl and abilities and gold but... on a new character(that would be awesome i dont think it is that but ill go ahead and ask anyway)

what im trying to say: do you use the same account for warpforce as you do for adventurequest if so what effect does this have on warpforce?

also my character in wf format: (i was getting tired of poomaster all the time)

Jaden5 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 18:29:57)


dwakels humans elfs

i smell sitcom

hm me tinks sneevils and moglins in space

total sitcom

hm sepy should go erserk with like a gem that controls the devour
and eventualy he hates that the good guys keepfiring at his ship soooo

he destroys the gem and brakes his left arm in the prosese

i got it

S.N.E.E.V.I.L.X.C.A.N.O.N.B.L.A.Z.E - powerfull wepon or tv sneil marketing system that sumons a sneevil to attack every time u attack

that i would like too see

DragonSlayerNinja -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 19:35:37)

i hope Twig is in WarpFowce, hes onwy in AQ and hes the best moglin who evew wived!
Twig is weally funny and adventuwous!
Pwease Pweaseee puts Twig in AQW or WF. Hes weally weally awwesome

Lord FarTBoY -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 19:46:07)

this game is looking kool and makeing me excited cant wait
love the beamsword, and heavy gunner!!!!
so will alpha players have that title on there character pages after alpha testing is over...?
kinda like what Aqw has for beta...

ChrisX -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 19:48:32)

@ ross
Dude, I'm sorry, but guardians do the BETA, not ALPHA...

Talahar -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 19:59:50)

I was weary when I heard WF uses the AQ engine...
Some of the stuff from way back when I started really looked bad.
But AQ came a long way and the new stuff looks awesome.
So do the WF screenshots... So even while I stopped playing AQ properly
(also because so much stuff was released in the time I didnt play it's almost impossible for me to get caught up),
I'm very excited for WarpForce... Starting an AE game when it is still young is way more fun for me. [:)]

Wearing the Heavy Gunner Armor in AQW is a good way to wait out the time until beta starts [;)]

Memory of a Nightmare -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 20:17:04)

I just found out a fun thing. If you go to the test char page and replace the id at the top with your AQ is, you can see your AQ character page with WF design. (I know, I'm not the first one to find out)

I can't wait until July 3rd...maybe the start will be a little earlier, if everything works. My birthday is on the 30th, would be fun to have it on that day.

Super Duper Nine -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 20:30:42)

Glad that since it's mostly related to AdventureQuest, only gaurdians get to do beta. I'd love to see the oldschool AQ be combined with new stuff.

alberte007 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 21:01:24)

i was wondering that if we didnt have an aq guardian acc we could upgrade for wf and be in beta...cus i would rather be a wf-guardian than a aq-guardian so i was wondering if this would be possible.


Shadowlord9k -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 21:14:38)

this is going to be epic
first pet gaurdian-red star dragon
um pm me with the link to sign up okay
as for gaunlets
star sword hand (sword + glove = good)

Balthier -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 21:20:46)


Why wouldnt they be visible? They just take the place of where shield would be.

GreyWarden -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 22:05:08)


Balthier -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 22:10:34)

Calm down little guy Fal has already explained this


Making WarpForce limited to Guardians and not to other upgrades is not meant in anyway to slight those who upgrade for our other games, but is pretty much as other members said a matter of consistency and convenience. AQ and WF are tied closely. Granting access to those who upgrade the other games would require a bunch of front end work. That ultimately would make those groups get the game even later since full release and beta are very close to each other. In other words, we could let every upgraded player in, and you would all get the game at the same time but everyone would have to wait much longer. So instead of beta starting on July 3 it might have to be delayed to August 3 till we sort all those issues out.

No one really wants that do you?

You only have to wait 2 weeks after the beta starts.

GreyWarden -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 22:12:42)

oh, only two weeks, sweet.

TW25 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 22:47:03)

I am wondering about the monthly updates it going to be updated once a month meaning anytime in that month? Or is it going to be once every 4 weeks? And if it is every 4 weeks will it be from the release date or from Beta date?

buddy2000529 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 23:14:16)

It looks good, exept i do not like how you cant walk around.

Talahar -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/21/2009 0:09:42)

I'm guessing they'll have a regular update day, say the first friday of every month or something like that.
That way the day is always clear without having to count weeks etc.

Joelsky -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/21/2009 1:43:33)

Wow Warpforce looks amazing i am definately playing it the second beta come out!! I love sci-fi games, and mechquest, well, lets just say it didnt quite suit me. But I am 100% sure this game will!! Keep up the good work guys and have fun!!!

voren10 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/21/2009 5:45:50)

will it require upgrade though because i have upgraded all three games and my mom says no more now so will it use AQ guardianship?

nosey123 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/21/2009 8:35:29)


Beta Launch begins July 3rd, 2009, and will be free to play to players of AdventureQuest who have upgraded to Guardian status. Full launch is just 2 weeks later, July 17th, when WarpForce opens up for everyone to play!

King of Green -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/21/2009 11:52:12)

Why is the game testing for 2 weeks only?[:@]

Vampire Princess -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/21/2009 14:16:03)

um... I can't seem to find access to Warpforce! Where do I find it??! Please help!

Yagno2000 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/21/2009 14:26:56)

WarpForce Beta hasn't launched yet, Vampire Princess. It launches Friday July 3, 2009! :)

Jaxora -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/21/2009 14:30:01)

I'm just loving how there is gonna be another future game. Like Mech Quest. Also i adore star trek (although it is mostly just the original and the next generation) so i am totally siched!

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