The Destroyer: Part 1 (Full Version)

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Crimzon5 -> The Destroyer: Part 1 (6/23/2009 6:00:40)

The Destroyer: Part 1

Location: Travel Map » Dragonspine » 11: The Destroyer Part 1!

«Scene: Dragonspine»

???: You know I'm taking a big risk letting you out there, Mayhem.
Mayhem: I know, Master, but I won't fail you. Surely you felt that peculiar disturbance on this plane. Someone who REALLY should not be here just arrived...
???: And what good does that do US? I don't have the strength to return yet without the ritual yet.
Mayhem: He has information we need, Master. Namely, enough knowledge for a mortal to perform the rite for us.
???: Hm...Perhaps. In any case, take Carnage with you. The human known as <<You>> has proven to be an annoyance, and you won't be able to beat him alone in your current state.
Mayhem: *Sigh* ...As you wish, Master. I will take him to visit our little friend.

«Scene: Flower-Filled Field»

Hollow: Ugh... That's what I get for listening to Morgan. Why did I believe I should use butter as a component?
<<You>>: What happened here? ...HOLLOW? How did you get back here?
Hollow: It was an accident with a stick of butter and an ion drive. I don't want to talk about it.
<<You>>: ...........A stick of butter?
Hollow: I SAID I don't want to talk about it.
<<You>>: What is that thing? It looks kind of like a Vartai, but I've never seen one that was all shadowy.
Hollow: <<You>>, I don't think it's going to let us stand here and examine it...


Full Heal

<<You>>: What WAS that?!
Mayhem: That would be my handiwork, <<You>>, and I'm not fond of you ruining it.
<<You>>: And who, or what, are you two supposed to be?
Mayhem: You can call me Major Mayhem, commander of my Master's great armies. The monstrosity behind me is Carnage.
Carnage: Ehehehehehe...
Hollow: Carnage and Mayhem? There are a few records of you two in my time. If you're here...
Mayhem: That's right. The legends are quite real.

A Corrupt Vartai and a Corrupt DragonSlayer rise from the ground

Mayhem: C'mon, Carnage. This will distract our little friends while we go find and take care of that altar...
Carnage: Hehehe... Destruction is coming...



<<You>>: We need to follow Mayhem and Carnage! They're up to something, and I hope we aren't already too late to stop them!!

«Scene: Dragonspine»

Mayhem: Blast it. They shouldn't have caught up to us so quickly!
Carnage: ...Ehehe... Your minions are weak!
Mayhem: Quit your badmouthing and help me keep them out of the cave, you lumbering madman!
Carnage: Tch...Can't get out of all the work forever! HAHAHAHAHAHA! FALL INTO CHAOS AND DESTROY THEM!
<<You>>: This guy's completely off his rocker ... Wait, are those? ...

1 BATTLE (Monsters chosen from RA list. Lists do not include packs (as in 2 or more of the same kind of monster in one battle)
Full Heal

<<You>>: What the... Where did those come from?
Carnage: Heheh... Chaos makes all your enemies!
<<You>>: What was that power? What are you?!
Carnage: Me? ...I'm...
<<You>>: ...Yes?
Mayhem: Checkmate, mecha boy!
Mayhem: Outstanding... It's been a long time since I've had mecha parts to use. I'd forgotten how nice they are after so many thousands of years.
<<You>>: What... What did you just do to Hollow?
Mayhem: I simply took his body for my own. It takes far less energy to exist within another person's body on this plane.
Mayhem: I don't have time to chatter, though. I need to take care of more important business.
<<You>>: I won't let you get away with this!
Mayhem: And now it begins... This altar shall bring about the end of your kind on this world!
<<You>>: Not if I have anything to say about it!
Carnage: Ah, ah, ah... You still have to play with me first... Hehehe...


Full Heal

Mayhem: Yesssss... The time is upon us! ARISE, MY MASTER!

A portal opens and War steps out

???: I have waited too long for this... Thank you for you help, <<You>>.
<<You>>: My HELP? I was trying to stop you!
???: Yes, and in your efforts, you performed the last step of the ritual needed to open a passage to your world from the voids!
<<You>>: The voids? What are you? Bradakhan, back for revenge?
???: I'm not an ordinary mortal, though I did have a hand in his attack on your people.
<<You>>: The Dragon King?
???: No, but I did enjoy using that guise. I believe you humans would know me best as... WAR.
<<You>>: War?!?
War: You've met my brother, Death, more than enough times by now, and Pestilence has been harassing you with those pests of his every two years for a long time now...
War: Didn't it occur to you that there would be others?
<<You>>: I don't exactly hope for a new disaster every few weeks.
Mayhem: Well, you found one. Now, I'm going to use you to test a few of my new toys!
<<You>>: Only one thing for it, then. I'll have to use my secret weapon that I hid RIGHT BEHIND YOU!
Mayhem: Secret weapon!? Where??

<<You>> runs away

Mayhem: <<You>> did not just do that...
Mayhem: TELL ME... <<You>> did NOT ... just do that!
War: All that combined power and intellect, and you still fall for the oldest trick in the book? I need better minions...

«Scene: Flower-Filled Field»

<<You>>: I've got to get back to town and warn everyone. I don't know what those are, but I know they can't be good at all.
Mayhem: You won't be warning ANYONE about ANYTHING!!

Carnage and Mayhem enter

<<You>>: How did Carnage recover so quickly?? That thing should have been down for days!!
Mayhem: I told you, the altar is the ultimate source of power for us, along with your neverending conflicts we've been carefully guiding you into.
<<You>>: Guiding? You don't mean--
Mayhem: You guessed it, mortal. We've been playing you, the Order of Dragonslayers, and the Medrovian Elite Guard like puppets.
<<You>>: You...I swear that I'll stop you. I won't let you take over the world!
Mayhem: Take over? HA! We don't want to take over this dump you call a world!

Two Corrupt Dragonslayers and Two Corrupt Vartai rise

Mayhem: Foolishness... I'll let my playthings take care of you.
???: Just as I suspected. Go in and help <<You>>!!

A White Dragon swoops down and kills one Corrupt Dragonslayer and one Corrupt Vartai


Full Heal


Full Heal

Mayhem: Who did that?!! Show yourself!!
Galanoth: You look like you could use a hand, <<You>>.
Mayhem: Grr... The slayer. This wasn't planned for at all. And I can see a third in the sky...
<<You>>: There's a third here?
Galanoth: Yes. On my way back to Dragonstone, I was unceremoniously picked up by someone and dragged out here with no idea what was happening.
Cyrus: Perhaps if you paid a little more attention to what was going on, you'd know. That surge of energy made the mountain visible from miles away.
<<You>>: You two are working together? The end really must be coming after all.
Cyrus: Yes, though I was still able to get the help of a passing dragon to "convince" my good friend here.
Mayhem: Are you ignoring me?
Galanoth: Quiet, mutant. The sane people are talking.
Cyrus: I have a lot to tell you two. We could have some serious problems very soon.
Mayhem: You certainly do! I'm going to tear the three of you to pieces! NOBODY IGNORES ME!

  • Battle Mayhem with Cyrus!
  • Battle Mayhem with Galanoth!
  • Battle Mayhem by yourself!

    Regardless of choice:

    1 BATTLE

    Full Heal

    Mayhem: I should be more powerful than this. There must be more to that altar than we expected...
    Mayhem: Let's go back to the cave, Carnage-- We have more important things to do than stall these fools....
    Carnage: Ehehehe...
    Cyrus: Did he say... Altar?
    <<You>>: Yes. Some huge, black, monolithic altar in that cave...
    Cyrus: ...We have to get out of here. Now.
    <<You>>: What?
    Cyrus: I had my suspicions when the Dragon King attacked, but I wasn't sure until now. War is back on this plane, thanks to one of his altars.
    <<You>>: Can't we just smash it to pieces?
    Galanoth: Sounds fun-- count me in for smashing!!
    Cyrus: We tried that with the altar to Pestilence. Nothing we have can even scratch it.
    <<You>>: What do we do, then?
    Cyrus: I'll have to contact Artix, Warlic, and some others. We'll try to find a way to destroy it. In the meantime, you'll have to be ready for his next move.
    Cyrus: If we let him grow too powerful on this plane, it'll be the end of our entire world...

    Destroyer One

  • Havoc Vartai Blade
  • Pandemonium Vartai Blade Z
  • Pandemonium Vartai Blade
  • Mayhem Vartai Blade Z
  • Mayhem Vartai Blade
  • Guardian Mayhem Vartai Blade
  • Havoc Vartai Cleaver Z
  • Pandemonium Vartai Cleaver
  • Mayhem Vartai Cleaver

  • Mayhem Bang
  • Mayhem Blast
  • Guardian Mayhem Explosion
  • Mayhem Beam
  • Mayhem Burst

    Thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf. Alternate location thanks to whakybeans.

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