RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Razgriz (formerly Garuda) (Full Version)

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User -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Razgriz (formerly Garuda) (7/2/2009 18:10:25)

Time to bug both of you guys! [;)]
Bugs!?!? Where?!? aaah run!!!
Bugs?! We need a specialist >:O
I'll keep this short as to not bug you too much hopefully. [8D]
Again with the bugs D=
Kay I'll go tell the bug AK to not show up :/
Congrats on your AK-ship!
Thank you.
Should I have made this post as confusing as possible just to bother you guys?
No, we would have to request a ban for you then...
^He's just joking. Who needs requests anymore ^-^
Are you both going to test Warpforce tomorrow Today?
Heck yea
Well, bye for now. Besides...I can always find you in AQW and bug you there! Muahahahaha.
/me squishes bugs
I condone it.

PD -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Razgriz (formerly Garuda) (7/2/2009 18:10:37)

Hey guys!
Hello =)
*insert Greeting here*
Congrats on the AK Ship(s)
Thank you ^^
I can't tell you how awesomeit is to have everyone congratulating us :)
Do you play?:

I'm addicted to this game.
See ya later!
bye, thanks for stopping by =)
P.S: I don't play AQW XD!!!!!

andrewrocks -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/2/2009 18:26:24)



I want to know

Because i have money D:<
It's really moist where I am. There's some slight pain in my shoulder. My Dog learned to play dead :P

dracolith219 -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Razgriz (formerly Garuda) (7/2/2009 18:31:39)

hey razgriz ummm I want 2 make an aqwmv by the end of summer in honer of micheal jacksons death buy idk how 2 make 1 so I wanted 2
know if u could help me

here's a handy guide

thewinnar -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/2/2009 18:40:20)

Hiya Both of you :D!
Hey there :D
Wow..already? :I Well anywyas, Congrats man. men.
I'm the man.... Grey is the girlyboy
Pretty Much :P You can Appeal to me. I'm not Crazy.
If you we're stuck in a room with unlocked door, what would you do?
D= an unlocked door! What CAN you do?
I'd lock him in.

Whats your favorite smiley?
I'm epic. <--- A question >:D
LIEZ! there's no question mark
Truely a great question, for who among us is TRUELY EPIC?! *me*

??? <--- A question >:D
LIEZ!.... There is a question mark

Happy birthday! Ak-ship, both of you :D
be nice or we'll have to ban ya ^^
Thanks :D

Good luck for the future :D
Thanks =P
We Appreciate it.

Cya <--- A question again >:D

BlackFlameWarrior -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Razgriz (formerly Garuda) (7/2/2009 19:42:14)

I'm back and ready to shoot some more questions at ya /me brings out question revolver
I thought this was a friendly meet and greet, not a questioning O_O
Looks like we were misinformed >:O
1: Have you guys ever participated in a cell/jail war with anybody?
Not yet...
2: Did you guys ever think of eating someone for food if Cubal didn't give good food to ya?
If we did that the forums will be drowned in spam, so we're told not to =/
There have been several times when some nice warm roasted Razgriz sounds appetizing.
3: Do you two have a grudge against a player?
A perticular one made me angry and now I'm plotting my revenge.. (don't worry it's not you Grey... this time
Well... there is one guy >.>
4: Do you two have a grudge against a mod/staff/AK?
Wallo >.>
Nope :P Though I think Geno's not to fond of me.
5: Did you guys ever think I've been repeating the same type of questions?
If you did then you would be wasting your time and your post =/
Do you ever think I've been repeating the same type of answer?
6: Have you two ever thought of sneaking out of the cell and and put a staff in you're cell so so you two can get a luxurious room?
you think we can get out?!?! i mean, we're in 2x2x2 cells, which have like what 8 inch thick steel bars, we're shackled, and I think our souls are stolen, how exactly do you plan to escape O.o
I have been thinking up this crazy escape plan, though it involves less QQ more PewPew.
7: If you could've told something to at least 1 one of the stars who died recently (Ed, Billy Mays, MJ, Farrah) what would it be?
You don't look to good uhm, i think Rest in Peace would do >.>
I'd told Billy that I love his commercials. Farrah was a different time, and I thought MJ was finally gonna start up again what with the new Tour.
And the question revolver is finished....for now....[;)]
Aren't there only 6 bullets to a revolver?

Vengeance_Shinigami -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/2/2009 20:20:24)

V_S is back! :3
D= he's back!
Who is cuter, Daimyo or Twig?
the real life Daimyo is cuter then Twig, but twig is cuter than Daimyo in-game...
Daimyo in both aspects.
Who is pwnzor-er (?) me, or GreyStar. >w> (I hope he doesn't see that.)
Eh I can settle for 3rd.
/me eats the cookie Grey gave him.
Enjoy it :3
/me forgot he was typing.
Well that's not pretty smart =/
It happens bra...
Who is your favorite mod on aqw? (mine are Zazul and Tomix.)
Tomix for staff, Eukara for mod
Ghost for Staff, Grett for mod
Well I has to go. Luv ya! <3 (That came out wrong. O_O)
Very wrong, i recommend you change your behaviour or i'll have to report you for inapropriateness
There is no wrong <3 :D
Razzy no like luv... :(
P.S. - WarpForce is tomorrow Today, I'm all set! :D
yea, i hope it's gonna be great O.o
Yes it will be great today :)

*sigh* ~Greystar

tobi728822 -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/2/2009 20:23:26)

The Omniverse
Heads or Tails
Bacon and Eggs OR Bacon Or Eggs
a combination of both
See yah

Warlocker -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/2/2009 20:36:39)

Hiya Greystar, I is back typing letterz in ur thread :P I is granting yer wish from my last post on here!
I am in your post, Editing your letter >:)
Speed Deoxys or Defense Deoxys? Just In case,Clicky!
Attack >.>
Slash or Buckethead?
Back flip or Front Flip?
/backflip ftw
Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris vs. My Mech Quest Character and your MQ character, who wins?/me has Resplendent Eagle equipped
/me has Roaring Bull and since Bruce Lee would be busy fighting eachother we'd win.
Quick you have your two Favorite band tickets but they are both at the same time while one is in Germany and the other in Russia how would you be at both concerts?
I'd travel back in time to when several countries hadn't gained their independance, so that Germany and Russia would share a border, then I'd watch it there.
Can I keepz teh World domination button if I pay yeh 5 gold?
No. Shame on you for even asking D:
50 gold?
No >.>
500 gold?
NO >.>
5,000 gold?
2,000,000 gold? *Where did i put my check book?*
Well me thinks thats all for now Buh-bies!
See yah :D

Blue Jay -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Razgriz (formerly Garuda) (7/2/2009 23:23:39)

Back, Lulz

1. Do you believe in ghosts?
Well there's a Ghost in the AE team, so why not
If we belive in ghost, what's next? The Undead? Unicorns? Narwhals?
2. Have your eyes bled from answering questions yet?
3. What's your favorite sport....? No playing video games doesnt count.... eating, sleeping, and thriving doesnt count either >.>
there's a sport beside video games? O.o
4. Mustard or Ketchup?
you can't ask a question like that, it's a too tough choice =/
5. Is Tomato a veggy or a fruit..... or something that requires a super long quest chain in DF to explain?
something that requires a super long quest chain in DF to explain... probably will take a couple of years
Who told him of the plans Fruit.
6. Will Chuckles ever actually come back?
sure he will
Hope not >.>

7 ate [sm=akriloth_side.jpg] 9
/me is slightly confused
I understand.
8. Isn't Greystar that band on Jimmy Neutron... Lulz
no idea...
>.> It is... but I got it first! Well Second... but they were Third! Honest!
9. Will I ever figure out how to use my Sony Vegas Pro?
if you want to, then yes
7 ate 9, remember?
10. Will People ever stop asking you guys questions?
yep, when we lock it
P.S. This forum smelled like rotten cheese when I opened it =/
Darn it, Raz, I told you to close the AK Fridge after you got your soda! D=< ~Coyote
But I did D= someone else left it open.... it was Grey! *runs*
But if it's closed then how will I keep myself cold?

Islindir -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/3/2009 1:16:46)

Hi ya.
Hey there.
1)Have a Cookie *reaches cookie*
/snags cookies and munches it
/slaps cookie out of Raz' s hand
2)Whats the sence of life?
There's sense to it? o.o
3)How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
This woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would chuck if this woodchuck could chuck wood.
5)Cookie or Pie?
6)Did you notice 4 is gone?
Now i did
7)Did you just check?
no i did that before
8)<----looks like a smiley xD
kinda, but the correct way is 8D
I don't belive in 8 smilies, the only proper ones are :D and =D
thats all for now
So long!

desepture -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Razgriz (formerly Garuda) (7/3/2009 1:26:10)

We need house item drops from every creature. Like one of those head mount things kill the red dragon... mount his head on the wall, slay an undead.. well you got the idea.
Well I think so too but I'm not development staff so nothing I can do about it :o

drDOT -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Razgriz (formerly Garuda) (7/3/2009 4:02:20)

Back !!

Can I ?
NO! D:<

For Greystar :
Hello , Razgriz :D !

Alright I'm to cool one for a question :o

For Razgriz :
Hello ,Greystar :D !
... you adressed the wrong recipent >.>

Be right back xD
*doesn't wait*
What's with you and backs?

Ok , I'm here :)
*still not waiting(
Great now can you answer my question >:O

Now let's start with the question ! [sm=xb9yx3.gif]
*is not here*

<not present>

Bye xD
Oh you were back?

Coyote -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Razgriz (formerly Garuda) (7/3/2009 11:35:18)

I'm back! (Hai!)
This is what, your third time now? O.o wow, we got a regular here
I like him he asks nice things :o
Want to know the combination to your cage's lock? =O I tricked Yaggiepoo into dropping it the other day.
What you mean I'm not bright enough for you ._. You know most people don't get a nightlight as a Cellmate...
=) ^.^ =O Is this considered smiley abuse? >.>
Yes! you broke dah rules now you must pay D:< *removes smiley*
Not now it isn't!
Sprechen sie Deutsch?
einen kleines beetje... something like that
What was the joke that I asked Death to bring Chuckles back? Stupid cameraman zoomed out to get the laughter and couldn't get the joke! D=<
i think the laugh WAS the joke... either that or I didn't get it either >.>
How are Paladins and Banners similar? They're great for Buisness and just as bright! xD
*cricket chirp*

Silly Garuda! Stealing my ploy of changing names in the middle of a MtAK. /me hits Garuda upside the head with a featherduster
It was a good example D=, oh and... OUCH!

Silly Grey! Thinking I was the wrong gender. /me hits Greystar upside the head with a featherduster
Vulpix is a really girly pokemon ._. And what kind of man uses a featherduster!
Why do people automatically associate jazz and classical music with old people? (Seriously, if I had old people listen to the music I listen to, they'd chase me out of their houses screaming "Blasphemy!")
becuase jazz and classical music appear to link to old in their brain =/
Jazz music is yuck... I wouldn't want to associate anyone with it. I associate Classical with Sophisticated, and Old people really do have better manners *glances at Grampa* Kay most of the time.
What is it called if I choose to write a piece of music using two different key signatures at the same time? =O
an epic fail...
That's it for now. Bye!
Bye, and remember the smiley limit =)
You keep leaving so soon D:
Please limit yourself to 3 non-image smileys per question ~Raz
Feel free to abuse the non-image smilies here, the minimum for pokemon is atleast 8 >:O

~Quick_Silver~ -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/3/2009 11:45:59)

Let da editing begin
Meh is in ur post editing it nao
Can we get a redo?
My turn to bug them Coyote, -pushes the silly Coyote away-
[:'(] You have three posts in this thread and I have one, its mai turn ^_^
/me does a little dance and gives a last thumbs-up as he is pushed offstage ~Coyote
Easy now guys, everyone gets their turn... or 3 turns.. >.>
Or their seventeenth
Hmmm what should I talk about?
stuff that's interesting?
The Cool stuff
Oh oOOoOOO, I got it,
"How is a raven like a writing desk?" (Ask circe, she knows the answer to this riddle)
Circe is not available at the moment, I'l give my answer after i consulted her... if i still remember this by then
Oh another one
"How do you stop a mad watch?" (Another question Circe knows the answer to)
You beat the stuffing out of it >:)
Hehehehe I like riddles,
good for you? >.>
I don't D:
I talked with Cubal, he says he doesn't feed you guys cookies >:0
=O then who does?!
I've noticed. Sometimes we go on Daring group missions to take them. We blame them on the Bugs.
Don't worry Ill bring you guys cookies every week,
Alright, weekly feedings.
Don't worry ill be back
auf weidersehen
-Runs to get cookies-


Scourge -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/3/2009 12:02:42)

See, I told you Raz Helpful = a Few weeks later *boom* ak-ishness.

So are you still watching me for the hug I gave Skyress?
yes O.-

If you used o.- or -.o in the last answer, then be afraid of my assumness at mabilities(Magic + Abilities = Look it up it is certaintly not a real wor dbut, if I say it is it might be?)
I didn't use either of those >.> *capital letter evasion!*

So I think I am going to blame if I ever get a song stuck in my head including the verse, "I always feel like razgriz is watching me." or if a name besides razgriz is there, *So long as it isnt somebody*
suuure, blame it on me because that's sooooo easy >:(

Now to the next 6 real questions! Were the other 4 even questions?
only 2 of them

I think i have 5 now.
Oh you think?

Ok which is cooler Bunniez or Gunz? I collect both on aqw and own everyone. :D

If a bunniez was holding a gun would you ask it to join ToL?
No >.>

If said bunny did join ToB who would be cooler me or da bunny?
the bunny

Mind If I ask greystar a question?
Yes >=(

Greystar, don't you think I'm assume and we should be fwiends? If the answer is yes please fill out this form, *Hands greystar form with AQW name and server most on when playing*
Yes :o Greystar -Sir Vir. This isn't like privilidged information. Nothing you couldn't ask around for xD

Phoebus Nine -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/3/2009 13:41:27)

Thanks =)

For Greystar:
Are you an Elder Scrolls Oblivion Fan? ( You replied in one of the firsts posts for your favorite color The Color of the Night Sanguine,and thats a line from Oblivion :D)
YES! I <3 The Brotherhood!
For Razgriz:
ehh.. Where'd you get the idea for your name?.. sounds barbaric ;].
It's awesome and you know it D:<
Goodbye! ^^

beccstar -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/3/2009 14:02:05)

Razzy Razzy Razzy teh AKismness!!!! /bow ^_^
Miccy! =D

Do you remember me??
/nods 'course I do!

Have you been to any awesomez parties lately?
No =O /me sad

favorite NPC?
Twilleh x)

What do you think of the person in the right half of my sig?
lol Haruhi Suzumiya is awesome :P, season 2 is being subbed now =O

favorite boss to fight?
Escherion, he's the only one that requires a little bit of thinking, the others are just pounce pounce and you kill 'em =/

Do you support Haruhism?
if i didn't she'd destroy the world ._.

What about Micaism??? <.<
sure x3

Congratulations on becoming a new AK ^_^
Thank you ^^

I hope you're having a nice day/evening. See you later! ^_^
Thanks, you too, byes ^^

Howler -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/3/2009 14:39:32)

Congrats on the AKships.
Thank you =)
Thanks Howler.
To Griz: OHEHGEE CAN I BE IN TOL (*is lying* People stalking you is overrated D:)
omgzorz, u like, already r in ToL x)

Do you leik mudkipz?

Tombzeh is ttly goatee man y/n?

/tries to hug Griz but steps back because of cooties D: .

To that other guy standing over there in that one place: Hai.
Grey feels left behind x)
gee... I hate to go and leave this pretty sight...

The True Assassin -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/3/2009 15:40:58)

Heyas guys!!!


1. hi mate how are you?
you don't want to know....
2. lol I am farming with you now lol!
No, you are not
3. How is the cell?
4. Do you like Tomix's fairy cakes?
he adds doom... so yea
6. where is 5?
5 <--- there
5. rubbish question
rubbish answer
7. who is the best dancer in you cell area?
you think we have room in our cells to dance >.>


1. Heyas matey!
2. We have never met on AQW!!
I don't belive so.
3. How is the cell, is it clean?
I take pride in the state of cleanliness our cell is in.
4. Who bakes the best bread?
5. Do you clean the shackles or do they?
I do. It gives me a sense of accomplisment.
6. OMG gratz!!!
Thanks :o
7. cyas..... both!!

D.D.M. -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Razgriz (formerly Garuda) (7/3/2009 16:21:48)

good evening(or morning,or afternoon,or night,...) and congratz on becoming an AK
Morning :o
i'm gonna keep it short so i'll begin with asking:

what's your RL job?
Parent annoyer
how do you make time for making video's and searching the forums for whatever you do when you have (what i think)a busy life?
just do it =/
if you are like me and get bored easy(if not don't answer)how do you entertain yourself?
Well I'm often playing two of these games at a time, then there's also IRC and TV. WHen worst comes to worst, I pull my finger back and let it hit the table.
do you have a nickname besides razgriz?one that resembels your RL like mine's moveman(don't ask).
ok i took to much of your time so i'm gonna drink 1,2,3,... 5liters of cola and 1,2; 2liters of william lawsons and play nuts on the table with my cousin,goodnight everybody.
alright, don't forgot to not get drunk

ILmaster13 -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Razgriz (formerly Garuda) (7/3/2009 19:42:26)

Me is bak.
/me waves
Why is you editng me post?
It's part of our sworn duty :D
fine, then I won't edit your post anymore D:<
Why me post qestions lik this?
Cause your bored?
*not editing*
Ane of yu can pwn Chuck Norris?
With enough time I might be able to... no...
*still not editing*
/me robs your wallet and runs
Ha! All I have there is a Gift Card to Blockbuster >:)
*really, I'm not editing*
Coyote scarez me[:(]
He's Harmless, likes to roll up on my head :O
*you brought this not editing upon yourself you know*
So do vikings[:(]
Well they do Pillage.
*they also don't edit... like this*
YOu scare me too[:(]
I'm also terribly afraid you'll do something compulsive and dangerous.
first you want me to not edit your post, and now you're scared of it, make up your min >=| (this wasn't an edit)
Byes intil page 5!

Tokijin -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Razgriz (formerly Garuda) (7/3/2009 20:32:02)

Ok I'm back with questions more rediculous questions then the last. [8D]
*sigh* Very well, ask away!
even more =/
Razgriz, What would your reaction be if I told you my war cry was "GARuuuuuuuuuuuda! Garuuda!"
Greystar have you met WhiteStar? [:D]
Only on XBL
Where is the magnetic pole of the 4th degree of Rares located quick!!
On the Weastern Hemisphere silly.
Which wire do you cut red, blue, or orange. (Wrong one and you ker'splode!)
I'd cut the Blue one so it'd die >:)
you meant this didn't ya? >.>
(The ridiculous question) If pie was involved with solving the 200x200x200 Rubik's cube then how many flaggedorps would be in a Pumpernickel?
Depends, I can solve this I just need the convertion factor between pumpernickels and GreyDollars.
You still killed the blue >=/
Goku vs Superman? Don't pick the third option (hint:third option is you)
I actually agree with him =/
If you ran from point A at a speed of 100 MPH how long would it take you to get to China?
How did I get to point A? What if point A was China?
0.000000000000000001x enternity
Ok I'm done bothering you guys, Happy AKing!

javiersito2 -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/4/2009 3:17:01)

Hey Razgriz iv seen your youtube videos that you did with Heretic, they where an awesome sequel i guess not that your an AK you wont have that much time to do youtube videos, yea you might not know me but iv seen you around a lot.
i don't have much time left no, between this and having the regular fun =/
Congratulations on AK!
Thanks =)

Sea -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/4/2009 15:12:20)

sup raz and grey
Inevitably... the sky is up
The Andromeda Galaxy
0.o mee iz conphuz'd bi big wurds...
for that... mee takes ur culurs

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