Dazzling Striker (Full Version)

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GladiLord -> Dazzling Striker (7/3/2009 7:03:37)


Dazzling Striker

Name of Mecha in Series (By Increasing Level): Sizzling Striker, Crackling Striker, Dazzling Striker

Level: 33
Price: 363,000 Credits
Sellback: 36,300 Credits

Location: 4th of July '09 - Striker Mecha

HP: 504
EP: 450
EP Regen: 17

80 Immobility

Description: Dazzle your enemies with fancy fireworks! This 3009 launcher-styled mecha will have quite a stunning effect on your opponents.
Image: Image: Dazzling Strike

*Thanks to Vampire Fexy for reformat and links, TreadLight for defaults info!*

Peachii -> RE: Dazzling Striker (7/16/2011 0:07:59)

Jaw Droppin 09

Equip Slot: Front/Back Arm
Damage Ranges: 58
Damage Type: Explosive
Hits: 3
Energy: 50
Cooldown: 3
Bonuses: None
Special Effects:
  • Stun effect

    Combos: None

    Description: Large chain rocket launcher that leave your enemy completely dazzled!
    Image: Jaw Droppin 09

  • Peachii -> RE: Dazzling Striker (7/16/2011 0:08:58)

    Astounding Display 09

    Equip Slot: Front/Back Shoulder
    Damage Ranges: 58
    Damage Type: Explosive
    Hits: 4
    Energy: 50
    Cooldown: 3
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • 1.5 times DoT effect

    Combos: None

    Description: A string of wonderfully beautiful rockets that may leave residual images in your opponents eyes.
    Image: Astounding Display 09

  • Peachii -> RE: Dazzling Striker (7/16/2011 0:11:01)

    Incredible Finale 09

    Equip Slot: Body
    Damage Ranges: 58
    Damage Type: Explosive
    Hits: 1
    Energy: 50
    Cooldown: 5
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • Decreases enemy's stun resistance

    Combos: None

    Description: Your opponent is likely to find your fireworks even more exciting after this sizzling display!
    Image: Incredible Finale 09

    Dazzling 40j

    Equip Slot: Head
    Damage Ranges: 58
    Damage Type: Explosive
    Hits: 5
    Energy: 50
    Cooldown: 5
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • Bonus damage
  • Decreases enemy's stun resistance

    Combos: None

    Description: Fires off a massive show that burns a little hotter than advertised...
    Image: Dazzling 40j

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