RE: =WF= Beta Release Today! (Full Version)

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Grimmjows -> RE: =WF= Beta Release Today! (7/3/2009 13:06:03)

Yep puppy

I was thinking of that, but my goal is top 300

Though I personally would want number 222

Snake XZ -> RE: =WF= Beta Release Today! (7/3/2009 13:06:05)

I want an ID under 1000. Hopefully 1xx or 2xx. I still plan on being a Cannonwielder male drakel!

Balthier -> RE: =WF= Beta Release Today! (7/3/2009 13:06:28)


Thats just sad.

raff -> RE: =WF= Beta Release Today! (7/3/2009 13:07:08)

Ninja + Dwakel = Dwakel Ninja!!!!!!!!!!!!
dwarf + tech = gnomes!!!

Grimmjows -> RE: =WF= Beta Release Today! (7/3/2009 13:07:15)

Oh like I'm wrong

fine gather up all your post about the Id thing of your and I'll gather mine lets see who wrong then

Isphus -> RE: =WF= Beta Release Today! (7/3/2009 13:07:44)

im not shure about wich one i'll choose: a male drakel armored cannonwielder or a female elfen Quick-fisted Star Ninja

Shdow Of roxas -> RE: =WF= Beta Release Today! (7/3/2009 13:07:50)

I hope i get id 133

the person! -> RE: =WF= Beta Release Today! (7/3/2009 13:08:05)

You can't be Dwakel in WarpForce.

Isphus: Choose Drakel Cannonwielder!!

Tole_11 -> RE: =WF= Beta Release Today! (7/3/2009 13:08:12)

Perhaps our ids will be the same as our AS ids.

Razen -> RE: =WF= Beta Release Today! (7/3/2009 13:08:21)

no it's cool to have an id that's "OVER 9000"

raff -> RE: =WF= Beta Release Today! (7/3/2009 13:09:29)

Fine am getting ID #10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Loopfly -> RE: =WF= Beta Release Today! (7/3/2009 13:09:37)

omg plz start i am so excited and sitting here waiting....... just 2 words: lol and boring

jman9612 -> RE: =WF= Beta Release Today! (7/3/2009 13:10:37)

im wanting to get a 2-digit ID #

TreadLight -> RE: =WF= Beta Release Today! (7/3/2009 13:10:42)

the person!, no, you can. The three known available races are Drakel, Human, and Elf. I misread what you had said. -_-

Edit: Dwarf being a class is unknown. It was only said that Dwarves will come along in the story.

Eel -> RE: =WF= Beta Release Today! (7/3/2009 13:11:38)

Everbody stop arguing!Please stop arguing!!It's stupid,espiacilly when it's on a forum.

the person! -> RE: =WF= Beta Release Today! (7/3/2009 13:11:52)

Dwakel is Dwarf Drakel.

Vale Defender -> RE: =WF= Beta Release Today! (7/3/2009 13:11:53)


The first 50 or so are taken by staff. You won't ever get a single digit ID.

My quote. Two three pages back.

Do the names Vale Defender and Grimmjows seem that similar to you? Raff, you of all people should be more aware than that.

wiseman111 -> RE: =WF= Beta Release Today! (7/3/2009 13:12:14)

this is boring

Isphus -> RE: =WF= Beta Release Today! (7/3/2009 13:12:18)

wish we could pre-register like we did in MQ...

DKnight321 -> RE: =WF= Beta Release Today! (7/3/2009 13:12:19)

cool but too bad I cant participate :/

Super Duper Nine -> RE: =WF= Beta Release Today! (7/3/2009 13:12:26)

STOP THE FIGHTING! It's how the man keeps us down!

Oh, and Drakel CyberTech most likely for me.

Puppy -> RE: =WF= Beta Release Today! (7/3/2009 13:12:36)

For all we know, there might be even more races that they haven't revealed to us. I mean, they don't want to spoil all the suprises. :)

Grimmjows -> RE: =WF= Beta Release Today! (7/3/2009 13:13:45)

I'm just wondering if we get those classes at beta testing timeline

jman9612 -> RE: =WF= Beta Release Today! (7/3/2009 13:13:46)

lol i agree wit eel[sm=fun_08.gif]

Razen -> RE: =WF= Beta Release Today! (7/3/2009 13:13:54)

ok stop the fighting or i will falcon punch all of you

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