RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (Full Version)

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monsterdan5 -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 7:45:06)

yeah i get a blank screen to!!!

fixed ~Aelthai

Jonzee Boy -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 7:45:22)

Character Info:Dwakel striker
Char ID (optional)
Char Name (optional)Jonzee boy
Bug Info: Where did it happen? In drakel hanger, stormfront quests
Quest: Which Quest were you on? I was trying to do the moon base mission

Details What happened? When i went to start the mission it went to the grey screen without the pre loader and froze there, i waited 5 minutes and it was still frozen, and also sgt 'Lucky' still has the half armor half red top bug
Before Bug occurred: i just logged in
During Bug: It just stayed there
After bug/game crash: Nothing, it was normal

Did the game kick you out? No
What was the error message/code?No

fixed ~Aelthai

baaliam -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 8:37:32)

I was trying to do the "Peace Offering" quest and Stormfront talked about escorting the queen and when I hit the "More" button it went back to the beginning screen.

fixed ~Aelthai

EvilOverLord -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 8:43:23)

Same here.
Level 10([sm=icon_sad.gif])
Beta tester.

Woot! for the $10 discount, great idea!

fixed ~Aelthai

pearlzap3 -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 8:44:28)

stormfronts mission (the first one) dseon't work, it gives my a blank grey screen

fixed ~Aelthai

Blacksh0t -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 9:00:07)

I got a black screen doing stormfront missions!!

The mission call Search and destroy!

fixed ~Aelthai

MacAlyster -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 9:45:40)

Character Info:Elf Stiker
Char ID (optional)
Char Name (optional)MacAlyster
Bug Info: Where did it happen? VR deck, training

Details What happened? I switched into the WarpTrooper IIW armor and on the second attack my head changed to a default human head (and I had four options in the battlemenu, switching out of the armor my normal head came back, but going back into the armor my head did the same thing on the second attack.
Before Bug occurred: I bought the armor
During Bug: It just stayed there
After bug/game crash: It did it again when I battled random monsters.

Did the game kick you out? No
What was the error message/code?No

Edit: I realize that this might not be the place for this bug...maybe combat would be better? Sorry if I posted this in the wrong place.

fixed - I added an Items thread for this type in the future; for now this is fine. This WAS on Firing a Gun, right? ~Aelthai

guenievre -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 9:46:36)

Maze quest : i don't find the way out; i think i've done all the middle and low screen zones. I can't see all the higher zones because i'm blocked by an exo. Could you confirm if there's really an exit ?

Signs point to No, it's noted as a bug. ~Aelthai

takua264 -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 11:14:03)

I am doing the meteor quest foer the admiral and after i shoot 11 meteors i can't shoot anymore

Empty your gun to win. ~Aelthai

Karika -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 11:28:22)

The Scoutship quest has an empty shop at the end.

fixed ~Aelthai

Razgriz -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 11:44:25)

Character Info: Drakel Gunner
Char ID (optional)
Char Name (optional) Razgriz
Level: 10

Bug Info: Peace offering quest, after the Nechron ship crashed on Kairula
Quest: Peace offering

Details after the nechron ship crashed, you see a cutscene of two network creatures talking, your character appears there while it shouldn't be there
Before Bug occurred: logged in, started the quest.
During Bug: My character appeared during the conversation of two network creatures, while it shouldn't be there.
After bug/game crash: after the cutscene, you fight some enemies, after that, the ''problem'' dissapears, and my character didn't show up where it shouldnt be

Did the game kick you out? No
What was the error message/code? n/a

Screenshot link:
Did you try clearing your cache? Before or after the bug happened?: yes
Did the bug happen again?: yes

Technical Info:
Graphics quality setting:High
Browser type and version: Firefox
Operating System: Vista
Flash version: 9

noted. ~Aelthai

redsoxman1 -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 12:36:44)

Same here, I went to stormfront and I clicked mission, then i clicked test mission. After I clicked the game screen went blank(gray).
Its fixed

Karika -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 13:00:39)

In General Stormfront's Peace Offering quest, clicking on the Continue button takes you back to his starting dialouge & buttons.

fixed ~Aelthai

DXfan153 -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 13:10:04)

have they fixed the test mission bug yet
edit:its fixed ^^

Other_Guy_27 -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 14:30:38)

The shop at the end of the second Amada quest is busted like the token shop is.

fixed ~Aelthai

Ryzilla -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 18:37:03)

i have a list of bugs i hope it helps
wen i put on startrooper armor it turns me into a human
it wont let me replay teh 1st mission
the 2nd mission wont work at all
my head goes flying away sometime

fixed ~Aelthai

SIGMUND -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 19:20:07)

The Maze is still blocked. So you have no choice except to fight your way past the Exo Krillscouts to the Blue Flower.

noted ~Aelthai

8zeussoldier8 -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 19:53:36)

ok, i have glitch. i just logged on after a small 10 minute break, and when i click on general amadas mission selection, he talks for a little bit and then asks if i want to upgrade to guardian(i am guardian). and the drakel woman, next to amada, only has 2 quests avaliable, and i completed the autarchs( im not sure how to spell it) one and now i still cant do the 3rd one. help.

and now i cant even access the room that they are located.

Mission selection is fixed, Hand of Creation wasn't supposed to be out yet ~Aelthai

jv9ufxcy -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 21:58:42)

I have a few.
i just upgraded to wg today and when i put on the 1st wg helm it removed my head

i went to change my wg colors and after i applyied them and went to battle they didnt show up
and finally on the drakel dude's escort mission when i flew my head was disconnected from my body.


helmet should be fixed; WG colorization is being worked on; WHICH mission?. ~Aelthai

Klagermeister -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 23:15:51)

I attempted to change my character's face, and here's what happened:

Picture #1: My face started out as this.
Picture #2: I attempted to change my face to this.
Instead of changing my face from Picture #1 to Picture #2, it remained as Picture #1, while still costing me 20 gold.

Note: This seemed the most fitting place to report this bug. I will move it if it is in the wrong thread.

Logout and log back in, this is already noted as a bug. ~Aelthai

Deadfish100 -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/19/2009 0:26:58)

the queen's third mission, hand of creation, vanished for me. I think this occured the moment I hit lvl 20. (sorry for not using the proper format, too tired right now)

never mind

Necrotix -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/19/2009 5:23:15)

Character Info:Warpguardian Drakel striker
Char ID (optional)
Char Name (optional)Forsaken One
Bug Info: Scoutship:Scoutship mission:General Amada
Quest: Scoutship mission

Details What happened? When I was on Scoutership mission,I was on the ship and my head was off and I was an Elf Female!
Before Bug occurred: i just logged in
During Bug: My head stayed there
After bug/game crash: Nothing, it was normal

Did the game kick you out? No
What was the error message/code?No

fixed ~Aelthai

holland1234567890 -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/19/2009 7:18:05)

character class: gunner
character id: 63745174
character lvl: 9
character name: jelmer
quest: Explore Balen-5

i have the quest complete but the problem is the second quest dosnt unlock.
i have tried to log out and in and do the quest over but no, and i have deleted my cookies and do it another time over but again no.
what the hell is this i cant unlock the second mission on sickbay??

Only one quest was released in sickbay. ~Aelthai

rafaelloaa -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/19/2009 8:52:25)

hi. can't talk much now, but i have the same problem as MacAlyster from post # 82 on this page, where my female elf's head changes into a male human's head after i equip warptrooper 1

thanks, ----raf

fixed ~Aelthai

Tacos -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/19/2009 11:21:59)

Details What happened? What's the bug? Use as much detail as possible! Somewhere on the mission where you find the blue flower,the character disappears.
Before Bug occurred: What were you doing prior to the problem? Fighting Exos
During Bug: What happened during the bug/what issues or errors did you see? Character disappears.
After bug/game crash: What was the end result? Game crash/freeze? Missing item? Character is back when armor glows.

Did the game kick you out? No
What was the error message/code? There was none.
Screenshot link: Bug_9.bmp (1.1 MB)

noted ~Aelthai

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