RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (Full Version)

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Ubear -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/3/2009 19:37:00)
When I click the button that I put a black border around, the game goes to a grey screen.

Wait a bit, it takes time to load. ~Aelthai

christheironknight -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/3/2009 19:37:13)

Not sure if this counts but there are "guardian items" and nobody can be a guardian? Why have this stuff if there is no Guardianship to buy it with, I mean if we are Guardians in AQ already why even add that feature yet?

We know it's coming. I didn't expect them to be in shop yet (there are items in the shop with incorrect stats) but ... they WILL be there in time. ~Aelthai

Lunaraia -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/3/2009 19:44:18)

when you as Dr Mendas tp heal you her response is pointint the wrong way

noted ~Aelthai

Lunaraia -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/3/2009 19:49:23)

the Beam Swords special effect that sometime occurs during the normal attack hits you instead of the enemy, also Besm Staff becomes Dimmed Beam Staff, and changes from Water to Darkness elements, Cisor changes to Swaying Cisor and stays as Fire Element and finally Beam Lance changes to Breezy Beam lance and ironically enough canges from Ice Element to Wind Element

Yes, both the Beam Lance and Sword have the chance to hurt you (click on the Sword to make it shorter and it won't hurt you anymore........among other things). The other changes were corrections. ~Aelthai

mallet93 -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/3/2009 19:50:37)

Character Info: drakel gunner
Char ID: 63248534
Char Name: Sargent Mallet
Level: 2

Bug Info: i'm now playing adventure quest as my warpforce charecter
Location: the place where you change your look

Details: my charecter lost his horn so i went to change to get tem back and i couldn't and after the 4th try it said there has been an eror and i turned up on warlics magic shop then i signed out and back in and i was back to normal except my face.

Before Bug occurred: i logged out to refresh the page as it was abit laggy

During Bug: I'm in Battleon!

Did the game kick you out? no
What was the error message/code? just said there was an error

Did you try clearing your cache? yes before it happened

Graphics quality setting: Best
Browser type and version: Internet Explorer
Operating System: XP
Flash version:

Can't duplicate the losing horns; please try again. You are changing Face, correct? The other is noted. ~Aelthai

General.Khaos -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/3/2009 19:51:20)

Character Info: Human Striker
Char ID (optional)
Char Name (optional) Sowrowman
Level: 1

Bug Info: When I set my Graphics to low it will reset after a few seconds to medium or high.
Location: In Battle, on the Alteon. Everywhere I have tried.

Details Go to low detail and it resets to High after a few seconds.
Before Bug occurred: In Battle
During Bug: Graphics get better.
After bug/game crash: Goes to high detail (my netbook doesn't run high detail very well)

Did the game kick you out? no
What was the error message/code? no

Screenshot link:
Did you try clearing your cache? Before or after the bug happened?: yes
Did the bug happen again?: (If it did not, no need to post!) yes

Technical Info:
Graphics quality setting: trying to get to low
Browser type and version: Firefox
Operating System: Xandros Linux
Flash version: 9

Go to Options -> More and make sure Auto Graphics Speed Adjust is turned off. ~Aelthai

Ubear -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/3/2009 19:57:25)

Dimmed Beam Staff just change from a base element of water, to a base element of darkness.

Correct. ~Aelthai

Chesney360 -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/3/2009 19:59:59)

i used the damaged rocket launchers special and after the damage is done my character is still standing there holding its gun out in front of it and the screen freezes in that position and i have to restart the game.
character info: human gunner
level: 5

fixed ~Aelthai

Lunaraia -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/3/2009 20:00:15)

when I reached level 3 beam sword changed to chilly beam sword and gained Ice element, bellow level 3 it where wind element, both in specials and attack, Beam Lance Changes to Breezy Beam Lance and changes from ice to wind elements, Beam Staff changed to Dimmed Beam Staff and changed from Water element to Darkness element, Cisor canges to Swaying Chisor, and stays the same element, damage increases proposionally to weapons of higher level

Yep, they were updated late. ~Aelthai

teenager41 -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/3/2009 20:00:50)

when you go to the bridge, talk with the man, i clicked the guardian button and it wouldnt work

It's not available yet ~Aelthai

Cookingdaddy -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/3/2009 20:01:33)

nevermind *FIXED* i guess...wierd music lol

agent_keiko -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/3/2009 20:11:33)

I tried to change my face at the VR Deck. I bought a new face but the game still shows my old face.

Logout/login should fix it ~Aelthai

deathewish -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/3/2009 20:12:43)

human gunner
level 5
k this is the third bug i posted but after i read all of the stuff that the queen has to say and when i clicked on WARPFORCE SAGA! it started to load then it froze up.

Current estimate: 90% fixed ~Aelthai

Lunaraia -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/3/2009 20:18:13)

the stat trainer is WAAAAAAY overpowered, been trying to beat him for the third time for over 30 min now, aslo loosing against him causes you to die instead of failing the training.

noted ~Aelthai

Lunaraia -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/3/2009 20:19:52)

CORRECTION after any battle with the trainer uthe armor resets to your basic armor

not a bug, the AQ trainers do as well ~Aelthai

Lunaraia -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/3/2009 20:22:40)

The first time you enter the Battlesuit shop after training it loads a shop with the correct name but with the same lineup as the sop in the hangar

fixed ~Aelthai

The Balancer -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/3/2009 20:26:30)

the intro freezes when amada say that the mission is survive this effects wole browzer

Yet another? One thread is enough, really. ~Aelthai

Xalric -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/3/2009 20:36:53)

The Chilled Beam Sword is Not Sellable. So are both Retro Armours.

fixed ~Aelthai

matayo -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/3/2009 20:41:32)

chilled beam sword transforms

It sure does! It does different things in each form. ~Aelthai

Lunaraia -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/3/2009 20:49:19)

All the Beam Weapons does first time when you reach level 3 then again when you reach the level where the next level of beam weapons is

Does what? ~Aelthai

teravor -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/3/2009 20:51:03)

um... i was redoing the intro... and the huntrss un-equipped herself . same thing happened it the other missoin i tried, the base one

ok, i finished the quest... i bought the rifle looking weapon, joined a battle expecting to be in my regular warp force uniform, but i was in leather stuff!!! *gasp*!!!!

That means you didn't have enough SP to keep her around - it takes SP to convince her to continue helping you.
That's a temp armor, you got it from the intro quest. ~Aelthai

kaokashin -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/3/2009 21:00:24)
that semi hilarious screen shot says most of what i wanted to say. When i clicked on the log in it sent me to battle on. so i went into warlics shop thinking if i started a quest it would go back nope..... it just added a guest...... basically its just the log in link if clicked to fast i guess sends you to battle on.

can't duplicate ~Aelthai

Lunaraia -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/3/2009 21:01:09)

ordering a pet to say back in battle then swapping pets sets them to attack again

Yes, not a bug. Stay Back only applies to the current pet you order until you indicate otherwise - such as by switching pets. ~Aelthai

Xalric -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/3/2009 21:02:09)

The Face Change Glitch: When you change your face at the VR, and it stops processing(error), you'll be taken to Warlic's shop in Battleon. You could leave it and you'll be in Battleon! You could get temp weapons and guests, but you can not go into the shops, and you can't come back to WF unless you log out.

You could also do ballyhoo, and get the Vamp/Werewolf Subraces.

My WF Character has vampire as his subrace and he has z-tokens from ballyhoo.

fixed ~Aelthai

Other_Guy_27 -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/3/2009 21:17:45)

Can't train DEX past 15.

noted ~Aelthai

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