RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! (Full Version)

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TreadLight -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! (7/3/2009 20:46:52)

Vermilius, at the moment we really don't know. The staff haven't told us anything about it, and the game shows only one sign that there'll be one. (Death 2.0 states that he may give his scythe away to players after Beta)

Master War -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! (7/3/2009 20:46:55)

Epic Game AE ^_^

Stephen Nix -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! (7/3/2009 20:46:57)

where is the quest involving warlic?

twigz -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! (7/3/2009 20:47:12)

GAH! I can't lose to go see death 2.0 even with no pets/guests and the weakest weapon I have!

Omega1000 -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! (7/3/2009 20:47:13)

Does anyone know were the potions are?

Goldstein -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! (7/3/2009 20:47:37)

If level 10 is the cap, why are there items above level 10? [&:]

DaggerX -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! (7/3/2009 20:47:40)

Screen's color is jacked up Kaokashin, that is all.

Infinite Shadow -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! (7/3/2009 20:48:13)

@ Omega- Log out, then log back in. 3 fresh new potions.

ry19966 -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! (7/3/2009 20:48:19)

which tronzor should i face if im using ranged or magic?

Comparison -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! (7/3/2009 20:48:37)

I just turned level ten ^_^

kaokashin -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! (7/3/2009 20:49:13)

yeah its tainted sadly but still..... not odd at all.....

SoulSeeker -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! (7/3/2009 20:49:47)

Haha! Defeating Tronzor at Lvl.10 is a breeze :P

sleddyboy3 -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! (7/3/2009 20:49:49)

Hey wait a second. If death is a robot, then that means he died too? What the heck....

Go mind your own death, death

Mr.Wrath -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! (7/3/2009 20:49:51)

I can access the shop after I beat the trainer but no need to beat him again to get into the shop.

sueprtony -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! (7/3/2009 20:50:05)

Awww i;m sad, Guardian is completely diffrent from W-Guardian

jman768 -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! (7/3/2009 20:50:14)

I can't see the missions in the hangar :(

Stephen Nix -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! (7/3/2009 20:50:26)

people where is the quest that involves warlic?

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! (7/3/2009 20:50:26)

Death 2.0 is probably just another Avatar of Death.

Revokeran -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! (7/3/2009 20:50:59)

Woot, killed the trainer easily at lvl 3!

A why isn't this forum locked? It's over 30 pages.

Clyde -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! (7/3/2009 20:51:02)

30 page lock.

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