mikelonciel -> RE: =AQ= Cartography Project (6/19/2010 10:33:47)
Well I havent played DF in a quite while, but today I logged in just to spend some time , n I realized there were a new map in the Inn which quite resemble the aqw actual map ( DF map) and obiusly i couldnt resist to mix up with ours( aqw map)WICH GIVE BIRTH TO THIS: DF-AQW mAP As you notice these two fits almost perfectly, and so it appears the posibility of these being the actual place of the DF zones in aqw if they ever release them: thought the maps seems to fit, its not complety thanks to sandsea wich in df is placed at the east of necropolis n falconreach, when I joined the maps sandsea was placed in the empty space between greenguard and swordhaven, however in the realy AQW, Sandsea is alot alot more in the south, is this enough to blow the entire idea? well about the others places, since they arent anything yet in them in the aqw map, I atleast cannot question much about them. here is version without the names