Lambent Eagle (Full Version)

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forumlogin -> Lambent Eagle (7/9/2009 17:11:37)


Lambent Eagle

Level: 15
Price: 165,000 Credits
Sellback: 16,500 Credits

Location: AvP Mecha

HP: 336
EP: 207
EP Regen: 8

  • 70 Immobility

    Description: A noble mecha used by elite Arthurian guards! STAR CAPTAIN BONUS: Weapons have unique abilities that are only accessible by Star Captains.
    Image: Lambent Eagle

  • Peachii -> RE: Lambent Eagle (3/23/2011 5:37:39)

    Deadly Feather III

    Equip Slot: Front Arm
    Damage Ranges: 30-50
    Damage Type: None
    Hits: 1
    Energy: 23
    Cooldown: 3
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • Chance for "Razor Wing! +50-80% damage!"
  • Chance for "Star Captain Bonus: Severed Fuel Line!", dealing HP DoT for 6 turns

    Combos: None

    Description: Knock 'em over with...a feather. Extra-powerful Deadly Blade has the potential to deal extreme damage. This weapon uses more energy than others of its level.
    Image: Deadly Feather III

    Thanks to
    -- lord loss for DoT
    -- venturer for special effects.
    -- forumlogin for original entry.

    Eagle's Grasp III

    Equip Slot: Back Arm
    Damage Ranges: 34-46
    Damage Type: None
    Hits: 1
    Energy: 23
    Cooldown: 3
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • Chance for "Eagle's Grasp Tightening!"
  • After effect, "Eagle's Grasp 34% complete."
  • 1st turn after effect, "Eagle's Grasp 68% complete."
  • 2nd turn after effect, "Eagle's Grasp Complete!", drains HP and EP from enemy.

    Combos: None

    Description: The gradually-tightening Eagle's Grasp restricts your opponent's supply lines, draining health and energy when complete.
    Image: Eagle's Grasp III

    Thanks to forumlogin for original entry.

  • Peachii -> RE: Lambent Eagle (3/23/2011 5:42:39)

    Eagle's Flight III

    Equip Slot: Front/Back Shoulder
    Damage Ranges: 33-47
    Damage Type: Explosive
    Hits: 2
    Energy: 23
    Cooldown: 3
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • Chance for "Crit Bonus +30%!", increases crit chance by 30%.
    (Star Captain Only)
  • Chance for "Star Captain Bonus Crit Bonus +50%!", Increases the critical hit chances by 50%.
  • Chance for "Star Captain Eagle Defender Activated!", reflect damage status, have a chance to reflect 50% of the hit's damage back to the opponent.

    Combos: None

    Description: Devastating aerial avian attack-increased chance of critical strikes. Star Captain Exclusive: Eagle Defender may reflect damage back to the attacker.
    Image: Eagle's Flight III

    Thanks to forumlogin for original entry.

  • Peachii -> RE: Lambent Eagle (3/23/2011 5:48:10)

    Eagle's Stare III

    Equip Slot: Head
    Damage Ranges: 28-52
    Damage Type: Explosive
    Hits: 1
    Energy: 23
    Cooldown: 5
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
    (Chance of "Predatory Stare: 4% Bonus Damage", Increases your Damage by 4%, also activates Predatory Stare Effect)
  • After one turn: "Predatory Stare: 4% Bonus Damage" Increases your Damage by 4%.
  • After two turns: "Predatory Stare: 8% Bonus Damage" Increases your Damage by 8%.
  • After three turns: "Predatory Stare: 12% Bonus Damage" Increases your Damage by 12%.

    (Star Captains Only - Chance of "Predatory Stare: 4% Bonus Damage", Increases your attack bonus and Damage by 4%, also activates Predatory Stare Effect)
  • After one turn: "Predatory Stare: 8% Bonus Damage and Attack Bonus" Increases your attack bonus and Damage by 4%.
  • After two turns: "Predatory Stare: 16% Bonus Damage and Attack Bonus" Increases your attack bonus and Damage by 16%.
  • After three turns: "Predatory Stare: 24% Bonus Damage and Attack Bonus" Increases your attack bonus and Damage by 24%.

    Combos: None

    Description: Being eagle-eyed is a great asset in battle. Predatory Stare buffs damage over time. Star Captains Only: To-Hit Bonus increases!
    Image: Eagle's Stare III

    Thanks to forumlogin for original entry.

    Eagle's Wing III

    Equip Slot: Body
    Damage Ranges: 37-43
    Damage Type: None
    Hits: 1
    Energy: 23
    Cooldown: 5
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
    Chance of "Blinding Wings! Blinding Effect! Blinding Effect: -4% Bonus and Attack Damage!" Lowers the opponent's attack bonus and damage by 4%.

  • After one turn: "Blinding Effect! Blinding Effect: -10% Bonus and Attack Damage!" Lowers the opponent's attack bonus and damage by 10%
  • After two turns: "Blinding Effect! Blinding Effect: -20% Bonus and Attack Damage!" Lowers the opponent's attack bonus and damage by 20%
  • After three turns: "Blinding Effect! Blinding Effect: -30% Bonus and Attack Damage!" Lowers the opponent's attack bonus and damage by 30%
  • After four turns: "Blinding Effect! Blinding Effect: -40% Bonus and Attack Damage!" Lowers the opponent's attack bonus and damage by 40%
  • After five turns: "Blinding Effect! Blinding Effect: -50% Bonus and Attack Damage!" Lowers the opponent's attack bonus and damage by 50%

    Combos: None

    Description: The blinding brightness of the Eagle's Wing decreases opponent's ability to aim and reduces damage.
    Image: Eagle's Wing III

    Thanks to forumlogin for original entry.

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