megakyle777 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight - GriffinFire (7/11/2009 4:19:34)
I am back! Hello again. :) Just thought I would warn you, Thyton has ordered an attack on the pirates. I suggest you prepare yourself. DDD: I hope we do not end up fighting each other. :< It is my hope that One day, I shall take over from Thyton and usher in a new era in Pirate- Ninja Relations. (As in, we become friends with each other and don't fight. Unbeleivable huh?) Sounds like a plan. X3 Do you beleive this is possible, and if so, can you help bring it about, being the pirate king and all? Indeed. ;) As you may have geussed, I am kind of unpopular with other ninjas...[:(] Aw. *patpat* Still, They do not know better that maybe peace is best. They have all been brought up in ninja pirate-hating families, whereas my parents... WERE PIRATES! DUM DUM DUMMMMMM! What a twist! :o Don't ask how come that is possible, it is a long story involving a family fallout and a disire to do the opposite of them. And PLEASE don't tell Thyton! *zips her lips* Which is more Awesome, Dragonlords or Dracomancers? Don't know much about Dracomancers, actually. Favorite Pirate ever? Myself. :D But otherwise... My predecessor, Elizabeth Swann. ;) Favorite Ninja ever? (If Applicable[;)]) Hrm, can't think of one I could call my favourite. Favorite Samurai Ever? (If Applicable) Heihachi from Samurai 7. Which would you rather be: Vampyre, Werewolf, Werepyre, or Dracopyre? Werewolf. :3 Favorite Moglin? (By the way, Twig IS a Evil Demon Overlord, So do not vote him) That one dancing one from Frostvale in AQW. Cake, cookies, or toast? Cinnamon toast with butter. Mmm... (Gives GriffinFire The food chosen in above question) *stuffs it into her cheek pouches* :3 Fanks. And finaly, The All Important question: Who would win in a fight between Sepulture or Drakath? (If Drakath's not cheating by pulling out his soul or whatever?) Hmm... Sepulchure. Bye! Ciao~