errtu15 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight - GriffinFire (7/17/2009 12:08:05)
hello? Greetings. i'm here to apply for the position of cabin boy on Sappho Splendid. :) *pushes forward a contract with lots of fine print* Sappho and her crew are not responsible for loss of possessions, limbs, other appendages, or life. Breakage of the Pirates' Code, including but not limited to mutiny, will result in immediate keelhauling. Captain Arrakis Griffin, King of the Pirates, has the final say in all disputes, within the crew or across crews, end of story. Make your mark at the bottom, please. *doodles his signature on the bottom* all set :D Welcome to the crew. ;) ever heard of the band apocalyptica? Yes, my sister listens to them. you should listen to their music, they use cellos to do metal. Very cool. it's awesome music So I've heard. so what's it like on Sappho? It's lovely. ;) favorite food that's not good for you? Hmmm, lots of them. First thing that comes to mind is cheesecake. The Doors or Led Zeppelin? Ummm, neither. did i ask that question already? No. ever gone on I have now. ;) good site, they have a lot of music on it Nifty. only bad thing is now you can only listen to 40 hours a month D: Aw... oh yeah, now i remember one :o what is a binturong? (no links to pictures, that wont answer my question) Butbutbut the pictures are cute! X3 "The Binturong (Arctictis binturong), also known as the Asian Bearcat, the Palawan Bearcat, or simply the Bearcat, is a species of the family Viverridae, which includes the civets and genets. It is neither a bear nor a cat, and the real meaning of the original name has been lost, as the local language that gave it that name is now extinct[3]. Its natural habitat is in trees of forest canopy in rainforest of Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Nepal, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.[1] It is nocturnal and sleeps on branches. It eats primarily fruit, but also has been known to eat eggs, shoots, leaves, and small animals, such as rodents or birds. Deforestation has greatly reduced its numbers. When cornered, the Binturong can be vicious. The Binturong can make chuckling sounds when it seems to be happy and utter a high-pitched wail if annoyed. The Binturong can live over 20 years in captivity; one has been recorded to have lived almost 26 years." -- Wikipedia They also smell like buttered popcorn. ^-^ i like the smell of buttered popcorn....and how would you know? have you shoved one in your face to smell it? Not personally, but that's also on the Wikipedia page, and it was mentioned in a live animal show I've seen at a Renaissance Faire. :) and now i'm out of questions..........again X3