Fuzed RaidDart SE (Full Version)

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Besjbo -> Fuzed RaidDart SE (7/10/2009 18:47:51)


Fuzed RaidDart SE

Level: 10
Price: N/A
Sellback: N/A
Location: Default on Assault Raider SE

Equip Slot: Front Shoulder, Back Shoulder
Damage type: None
Damage: 30-34
Hits: 5
Energy: 15
Cooldown: 3
Bonuses: None
Special Effects: Damage increases with each hit (no pop-up message). If you are a Star Captain, and the last hit connects, 100% Chance for ""Off Balance! Attacker has an Advantage" for 10 turns. While effect is active, each turn there is a 50% (needs confirmation) chance for your bonus to increase by 40% for that round ("Hit Advantage: +40 to Attack Bonus for this round!").

Combos: None

Description: Advanced Fuze technology boosts the damage of this dart-styled Pirate raiding missile. Star Captain exclusive: Hit Advantage gives the chance (per round) for a high attack bonus.
Image: Fuzed RaidDart SE

Thanks to venturer90 for image!

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