RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Cellar Arena (Full Version)

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Guardian of Nekops -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Cellar Arena (7/25/2009 22:59:06)

Tel’rion’s mouth spread into a feral grin as his victim cried out and stumbled backwards, his foot shredded and mangled beyond recognition. Soon the Salt Mage’s foe would fall to the ground, being unable to support his own weight thereby, and be dispatched by one of the others who was out for his head… either the flashy human adolescent or the mysterious man with his strange, unpleasant look; it hardly mattered. The madman would die, and though another blade did the deed, it would be Salt that had made it possible.

Against all odds, however, the lunatic regained his footing, suffering no disadvantage great enough to allow him to be finished off. Instead, the man’s dark cowl and glowing eyes swiveled slowly to glare at the outcast Drakel scholar, his gaze filled with unspeakable hatred and far too little pain. Without even gesturing or looking away from him, the abomination caused another creature of shadow to rise up behind it, sending the minion to join its two fellows in the fight against the duelist in a display of control that made Tel’rion’s spine freeze.

The Salt Mage took a couple steps back, apprehensive. The lunatic had already proved his pain tolerance to be exceptional, but this was just ridiculous… standing on a foot that, for all intents and purposes, had been run through a meat grinder? For that, the man had to be able to completely shut out pain, and probably reinforce the foot by use of shadow. Invisible shadow, by the look of it, or internal… or perhaps some completely different form of magic altogether. That feat in and of itself would have been extraordinary; to be able to accomplish it while controlling three other minions and in so little time was more frightening still.

One thing was for sure; this was not the same man that had wildly attacked him scant minutes ago. This was a new creature, a fusion of Darkness and flesh… and defeating it was probably beyond him.

Just when the outcast was beginning to rally his courage, his lost scholarly mind turning from the odds stacked against him to frantically seeking out options and resources, he noticed something that set him over the edge once more. His enemy’s injured foot was MELTING, together with the other, changing into liquid shadow and flowing down to pool upon the floor. The madman’s calves and thighs quickly followed as the effect rose throughout his body, consuming his arms and torso without apparent cease. Still there was no outcry, no writhing that would denote pain… this was not the villain’s death that Tel’rion was witnessing. This… was something else.

Within a minute the physical component of the madman’s body was gone, leaving only the portion of liquid shadow. The Salt Mage stared at it, trying to keep track of it in the flickering torchlight. To his shock and dismay, the insubstantial object flitted away at the speed of a galloping horse and with significantly more control, climbing up the mirrored walls and dashing into and out of the shadows until he lost its motion in the random motion of the light.

What IS this thing?! the Drakel’s mind screamed as he looked frantically about for it, eyes wide with horror. It should have been brought down by now, it should be dying! It seemed human enough before, but now…

Unbeknownst to the magichemist, the shadow positioned itself directly behind him and reverted to the shape of violent madman. Letting out no laugh this time, making no sound to betray his position, Farsith returned to his proper shape with his twin katanas of darkness already drawn back, beginning their strike. Unfortunately, this meant that Farsith was unable to change the course of the blades based on what he saw there, and that made all the difference.

The shorter of the two blades was aimed squarely at the center of Tel’rion’s back, and its thrust was straight and true… right into what was arguably the only armored spot on the scholar’s body. It’s sharp tip sliced through the blue fabric of the bag on his back, meeting no resistance and staining the cloth a deep black as it slammed into the front cover of The True Nature of Water. The blade easily pierced this as well, but it lost momentum there and as it passed through the pages, leaving a large black blotch on each and every one.

The tome crashed into the Salt Mage’s back as Farsith’s blade ripped through it, the force of it combining with his own fear to send him stumbling forward, barely able to keep himself from falling forward onto his face. Thus it was that the second, longer blade did not sever his head as planned, but rather cut through the flesh of his scalp and etched a deep line into his skull. The stabbing attack, likewise, made it through the back cover of his life’s work, plunging into his flesh only to be stopped by the back of his rib cage. From these wounds, also, spread the numbing antithesis of pain and the dead, rotting flesh familiar to him from the beams of darkness, only this time it was small portions of his lungs and brain that were so afflicted.

Staggering forward far enough to rip the blade free of his back, Tel’rion whimpered as he fought to think, to breathe. His motor control was still intact, but his vision was definitely wrong… dark, fuzzy, and unable to tell the difference between the mirrored wall and the objects they were reflecting. He also had no idea whether the way his thoughts felt lost in his own mind was a temporary effect of his vision and the spreading numbness or due to permanent brain damage. To make matters worse, the dead portions of his lungs were nowhere near as flexible as the living parts required, and his frantic breathing was ripping them apart, filling his lungs with fluid.

What is happening to… I. I. Me. What is… I. I am. Danger. Run!

Permanent damage, definitely.

Whirling about at a speed that turned his entire field of vision black, Tel’rion flung the slippery base in his left hand down to coat the floor behind him and let the acid in his right hand fly up around eye level, hoping that his enemy was following him and that he would hit by blind luck. He didn’t count on it, though; instead, he continued his spin and kept running in what he thought was the same direction he had started in. Throwing the bottles backwards over his shoulder on the off chance that they hit the madman, he reached down to the crystal dagger on his belt and drew it from its dyed leather sheath.

As he continued to run across Cellar, by no means moving in a straight line, he yelled at himself, saying, “Come on, Lel… Leltenriol, cogitate! Get keld of the loony, keep ensorcelled. Kill him dead, after. Deader and dead!”

Shadowy Mist -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Cellar Arena (7/26/2009 15:09:17)

Alirik waited patiently for a while and then a while longer. Eventually, he thought, “What are they playing at? They should've attacked by now, no battles will be won by waiting,”. But he, himself, could not win this battle, 2 vs. 1, without waiting for one of them to make the first move. He closed his eyes and concentrated, after a while seeing all magic around him illuminated in his mind's eye. “Good” he thought, “No one sneaking up behind me,”

He opened his eyes and saw they still were not making any move to attack him. He saw the chance and took it. He closed his eyes again and concentrated hard on looking like he was concentrating. He counted slowly to fifteen, a reasonable time for his throat not to be slit, considering they were a fair distance away and they would be cautious and not act for the first few seconds. When he reached fifteen, he tightened his grip on his axe and then flicked his eyes open.

Mr.Pumpkin -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Cellar Arena (7/27/2009 8:41:45)

Madmourner was barely aware of Farsith's cry, his retreat, his own personal battle. Farsith was known to him, and like all familiarities in strange areas, he was easily ignored.

Some insect was trying to attack Madmourner.

The pompous, uncouth, ill-bred vagabond. The uncultured, intrusive, fat beast!

A few fistfuls of water? An apprentice's magic, an idiot's attack? Bah!

Madmourner swung his blade, its flat edge connecting with all but a couple outlying knives, bursting the simple hydromantic implements with wet snarls of supine steel, almost matching in ferocity the thunderous look on the warrior of Darkness's face.

Well. There was a bit of a crowd. Yes, a little thinning of the field, a sort of prelude to the real match, would not be inappropriate.

Madmourner's left hand flashed up the his back, then forward, propelling a wing-tipped spear towards this bulbous peasant, this bulging, butterball of a trickster, a dabbler, an unskilled, untrained, inadequate, incompetent conjurer, enchanter, snooping meddler!

Swinging his sword arm off to the side for a wide initial slash, Madmourner launched himself after the spear, murder and merriment inseparably intermingling in his eyes.

Frozt -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Cellar Arena (7/29/2009 16:22:22)

Farsith looked at the drakel, thinking quickly about the opportunities he had left. His body now ached from the damage he had taken and from the energy he had used. His foot was completely dead now, and the only reason why he was standing on it was because he had closed all contacts with it. His left leg was beginning to go numb as well, and his ties to the body weakening as well. 'Damn that drakel, damn the swordsman and damn the one who betrayed me' he shouted. He looked at the battles taking place. He noted what each of the others were doing, knowing that their situations were of no use to him. He followed the drakel with his eyes, knowing that he had the energy left for another shadow transformation left while also knowing that it would mean the death of his body. He looked at the drakel, calculating where he might stumble towards next. As did so his body began melting again, and his consciousness slipped further away from the body. As he moved across the floor towards the location he believed the drakel to be at next, the shadow fighters moved futher away from his grasp. As he fromed in front of the drakel, katana's slashing at his throat, the shadow fighters' dying screams echoed across the cellar as they began melting away. Farsith was not aware whether his katana's had hit their target, as he was already leaving the doomed body behind. Anyone looking at him at that moment would see a dark mist coming from the body. He was not aware of anything other than the pain and agony of leaving his body once again left him with. The shadowy mist that was Farsith's sould fled the cellar, cursing the people there. If he had taken the drakel with him, he had at least done something. As the body he had until recently occupied died away, the last energies that had held it together leaving it for good, a laughter filled the cellar once again. 'I will be back to take my revenge on you all, just you wait' a disembodied voice called out through the cellar, followed by Farsith's mad laugh, a laugh even more mad this time.

Poetic Melody -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Cellar Arena (7/29/2009 16:51:23)

Kylie was watching the man she was fightng, with the other man by her side, she assumed that meant they were a team. He seemed to stop moving for a while, resting? Powering up something? Could it hurt her to hit him? She decided to wait for her ally to do something, but then suddenly he seemed to open his eyes. She watched to see what he was doing, he seemed concentrated as he closed his eyes again. An odd habit? she thought, wondering why he was opening and closing his eyes. As she thought, his eyes flashed open, he seemed ready to attack, or defend. She looked at her ally and decided to attack. She closed her eyes, imitating the man, to see if it helped him focus, which it did seem to help do. As she opened her eyes she charged for the man and jabbed at his left arm, hoping to do some minor damage and maybe disable the arm.

As she did this she noticed out of the corner of her eye that in the fight the crazy man that was the first to fight seemed to have died, she could then here his voice yell "I will be back to take my rvenge on you all, just you wait." which was followed by his crazy laugh. She realized she had one less opponent, which felt nice, reassuring that this wouldn't be as hard as it seems.

Mr.Pumpkin -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Cellar Arena (7/31/2009 15:16:29)

A water mage. A nimble, swift water mage -- he had been able to capture the spear in a shell of water mere feet away from his head -- but just a water mage. Why people like this even competed, Madmourner didn't know. Half the fighters could hold their own against dragons and demons, while the other half were dime-a-dozen mercenary types.

Madmourner was more than a mercenary, and he was more than a hero. Madmourner had led demons into battle against dragons, and slaughtered formidable numbers of both -- extremely formidable, rather, as 'one' is a formidable number for those enemies.

Slash. The lord sliced through the coward's barrier, but the wide, powerful blow was thrown off kilter rather easily, jarring the champion's arm and missing the gutless invertebrate. Madmourner twirled his sword-arm around the hilt, gripping it overhand, and launched himself for the second time. Stab. A tunnel of water was sent, presumably to intercept the sword. Madmourner grinned as he brought the hulking weapon closer to his body, still aiming to kill, and snarled as the sorcerer sidestepped behind the airborne flume. Madmourner was midair and overextended, but managed to land steadily and on his feet, albeit facing the wrong direction.

Crick. Smack.

A third missile flew by his arm, and Madmourner grinned once more, with the ethereal attack of his enemy, the swine, the vermin, turning out to be just enough to crack his weak, scale armor, nothing more. He switched sword arms, and brought his now-free right hand up to his back for the second, third, and fourth times of the day.

A much smaller range, this time, and more powerful throws, too, it seemed, but the mage was still able to splash them away. It didn't matter, though. Madmourner aimed low, holding his arm out to the side and his sword straight forward. The mage's fingers were, inexplicably, faster, but not as powerful.

A second or two must have gone by, it seemed to Madmourner, an eternity in battle, while his arm muscles battled against the frothy film between his blade and victory. His grin was all animal, now, hair as wild as it could get, eyes likewise. The greatsword went through all eight fingers of both hands, first, and a millisecond later had shattered the cheekbone, shaving both fuzz and flesh from there to the tip of the head.

It was dark in the Cellar, and Madmourner took a moment to admire his blade -- artfully bespeckled with crimson donated by two men and two nightmares, now, shaping the metallic glare into something other than a blade, something more, something like death, nimble, swift, almost liquid.

Shadowy Mist -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Cellar Arena (7/31/2009 18:58:24)

Nothing. Nothing unusual anyway. His two opponents hadn't moved much. What were they playing at?he wondered. He observed the girl closing her eyes like he had done, imitating him. Oh great, he thought, I've started a fad. His eyes wandered to the other battles taking place in the Cellar.

He saw the hooded man's body begin to dissolve into mist, becoming more ethereal with every passing second until the mist suddenly fled the cellar and only the sounds of him laughing quite madly sounded in the arena and vowed that he would, one day, get his revenge on all of the members in the Arena. Alirik did not doubt this, but it was clear he was not an immediate threat anymore. An even louder booming laugh that seemed to come from everywhere started and faded away with time.

A flash of light. A glimpse of something hurtling towards him from the side. He jerked his body back, but the weapon still connected with the top end, hitting his left arm, burning it quite badly. Ignoring the searing pain in his left arm, he started a quick series of easy feints he knew she could easily block. The main idea was to distract her for now. Then he feinted once more to her left, which she blocked. He drew his axe back like he was going to hit her on the other side and swung it quickly towards her left side.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Cellar Arena (8/3/2009 14:50:53)

Suddenly, out of the blue, or whatever the dominant colour was at the time, multi-coloured sprites appear, hovering down at rapid speeds to choice contestants - they then wiggle into their heads through their ears, making the fighters emit a glow most spectacular from their eyes, ears, mouths, and even noses...

Their bodies growing transparent, and thusly the strange lights taking over everything, making them impossible to see, the light (the contestants?) rise up slowly, finally exploding into a gazillion of little marvelous pieces.

The Lords had made their pick, their chosen champions would proceed to fight the Final battle of the Tournament...

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