RE: The Official Riddle Thread (Full Version)

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Reaper Sigma -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/21/2009 20:24:30)

Hard, but I might have it.


Seperate each of the bags into pairs. Weigh each in your hand. If you think you've got a pair with a real bag of gold, you weigh them

Charik -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/21/2009 20:26:35)

nope not even close

Chaddledee -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/21/2009 20:30:24)

But it'd work. If you can weigh them, why not just weigh which is heaviest?

Charik -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/21/2009 20:32:55)

its .1 of an ounce differance you cant tell the differance without the scale also tht wouldnt solve witch bag has the gold

Reaper Sigma -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/21/2009 20:34:10)


You fix the scale

All I can come up with.

Charik -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/21/2009 20:34:55)

nope, go ahead and look at the answer

Reaper Sigma -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/21/2009 20:36:36)



you replace the scale

Charik -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/21/2009 20:37:18)

nope lol ur not gunna get ot fif you dont look at the answer

Reaper Sigma -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/21/2009 20:39:38)

Ding! Idea!


You add a bag onto each side of the scale. Once it starts tipping, the bag you put on is the gold.

Charik -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/21/2009 20:41:31)

no it a scale where you see the total amount not a weigh against eachoth weigh

Reaper Sigma -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/21/2009 20:43:42)

Oh. Easy!


You keep adding onto the scale. Once it says .1, the bag you put on is the gold.

Charik -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/21/2009 20:44:40)

nope you have to put everything on the scale at once

Reaper Sigma -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/21/2009 20:45:51)

Man, you have to SPECIFY.


You take a one bag off at a time. Once the .1 is gone, the bag you took off is the gold.

Charik -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/21/2009 20:47:43)

tht is oppisite of what u sed yesterday read the riddle when u take sumthin off it breaks just read the snswer

Reaper Sigma -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/21/2009 20:50:38)

NEVER! I'm too stubborn. Now, I think........


You look inside each bag for the real gold [:D]

Charik -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/21/2009 20:52:59)

there is no physical differance

Reaper Sigma -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/21/2009 21:01:24)

Didn't you say you could tell the difference between the weight of the bags? And why do you have to put the bags all on at the same time. Here's a shot in the dark:


You do nothing with the scale...

Charik -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/21/2009 21:02:36)

just read the answer it will make cense

Reaper Sigma -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/21/2009 21:05:10)

For the third time, I will never submit!


You put the bag that says 1 and the bag that says 10 on the scale.

Charik -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/21/2009 21:08:29)


Reaper Sigma -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/21/2009 21:12:43)

Damn it, I looked.....[>:]

Charik -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/21/2009 21:14:02)

ha lol

Reaper Sigma -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/21/2009 21:18:41)

Now face my riddle wrath!

Imagine you are in a box with no doors, windows or anything else. Only walls. How do you escape?


Stop imagining

1wingangel -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/21/2009 22:23:47)

@ Russian Roulette puzzle:

Still haven't really found the logic behind it. It's all about probability, and recognizing the limitations of the puzzle. If you were to fire shot one and it was blank, that means out of the next 5 chambers, 2 of them are deadly. Thus, 2/5 or 40% chance that the next shot is deadly if fired without a respin.

However, if you were to spin again, you'll reset the whole problem and have a 2/6 chance, or a 33% chance at having the next shot being deadly.

This math COMPLETELY works with the problem, but misses one vital important fact detailed in the problem that changes one of the probabilities. Think about what key piece of information is missing, and think about how that one piece of information can change the answer above.

Pizzaboi -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/21/2009 22:45:41)

Hm @1WA

considering its a revolver you can see practically all of the bullets because on each side it shows 3 bullets(considering half a bullet is still one bullet.)so practically the man with the gun knows whats going to happen if you say"fire away".but if you spin,they wont know unti the chambers stop.So id say he placed them adjacently to make sure that this moment would happen.Since your practically in a state of shock,youd probably think rite away that the bullets arent going to hit you.but that wasnt the actual vital was that he placed them adjacently.he could have hit a spot that was clearly far away from the bullets,or he could have shot in the dead center between the actually youd have a less chance of getting shot if you had spun it again.


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