=EC OOC 2009= Spike and Sky Arenas (Full Version)

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Ronin Of Dreams -> =EC OOC 2009= Spike and Sky Arenas (7/15/2009 10:39:11)

You know the drill. Dropoffs arenas get separated to ease the madness of OOC posts.

Any questions intending to be fielded my way should still be highlighted in some shade of blue for ease of notice. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Edit: General reminder number #101 for Sky Arena contestants: The stones of the arena are NOT readily manipulated, and are rather reinforced. Any debris caused by chipping, grinding, or in the off-chance a stone's destruction WOULD be capable of being manipulated.

2009light -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Spike and Sky Arenas (7/15/2009 12:09:31)

WOOHOO! First post!

Biophysicist -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Spike and Sky Arenas (7/15/2009 12:40:02)

Post is up.

If anyone doesn't understand, Esir is basically walling himself in on three sides, with one wall being the pillar, one wall being the Dark Orb, and the other "wall" being a trio of Imps.

xaxtoo -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Spike and Sky Arenas (7/15/2009 15:11:21)

The metal in Spike are poor heat and electric conductors. Since I found that out recently and it came at a minor surprise to me, I feel like sharing for all of you, so you can plan accordingly.

Also, just wanting to note there's now 3 guys in the center of the arena and they're all ignoring one another.

Okay, now onto my question, Calcon, gio's going clockwise or counterclockwise from the entrance?

Kuro Banshee -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Spike and Sky Arenas (7/15/2009 15:22:08)

Ronin, Is there any space between the spikes on the walls and do said spikes move at all?

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Spike and Sky Arenas (7/15/2009 15:28:18)

Some space between spikes on the walls, yes, for ease of better impalement. Enough space to slip between safely, even as a moglin? No. No they do not move, either. The spikes on the central pillar obviously are a different animal.

Rayzer -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Spike and Sky Arenas (7/15/2009 15:47:09)

Hmm, all my Sky Arena Buddies are avoiding the arena....I guess that Shayne can just sit there flying for a couple hours....or days.

Good Luck guys!

Voltar -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Spike and Sky Arenas (7/15/2009 16:00:35)



Posted. Get ready for some bloodshed!!!

Rayzer -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Spike and Sky Arenas (7/15/2009 16:14:44)

As stated above:


The metal in Spike are poor heat and electric conductors. Since I found that out recently and it came at a minor surprise to me, I feel like sharing for all of you, so you can plan accordingly.


Sir Inge -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Spike and Sky Arenas (7/15/2009 16:15:39)

He is traveling counter clockwise around the arena

*waves to Voltar*

Voltar -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Spike and Sky Arenas (7/15/2009 16:21:38)

Hey, you look familiar!

Anyone gonna solve my 'math' equation?

And anyone can bunny Zypher for dialogue purposes. If you have questions, read my bio in the EC OOC.

Rayzer -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Spike and Sky Arenas (7/15/2009 16:25:20)

Forgot to make it directly to ya! My previous post states your conflict....but here you go anyways.

Spikes + Electricity = Nada, Nothing, Phail.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Spike and Sky Arenas (7/15/2009 17:30:48)

Spikes + Electricity = Oooh, what's that mild tingling sensation stemming from the spike that has IMPALED me through my chest? Urk...*expires*

TormentedDragon -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Spike and Sky Arenas (7/15/2009 17:40:42)

yep. Lightning + spikes = there's not enough voltage to electrify the arena, sorry.

And Ray, you're no longer alone up there.

Voltar -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Spike and Sky Arenas (7/15/2009 18:11:02)

WRONG! All WRONG!!! Except for Ronin's. He's a ferret. Add to that the fact that he's awesome, and he can't EVER be wrong. Anyways, correct equation is:


Veeeery scientific, and perhaps too much for your troubled little minds. Here's a simpler version:

53573 times (X to the 10th) plus (64647854 divided by 75) to the 6675th minus the equivelant of me equals 74385 plus the equivelant of me. Squared.

Simple enough for ya?

Mirai -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Spike and Sky Arenas (7/15/2009 18:16:17)

Post up. Bit long, but there was a fair bit of background to fill in.

Ronin- the equation I'm more interested in is: does a physical force + spike on floor chained to top of pillar = lethal game of swingball?

I've assumed (as it's the same arena used in previous championships) that it would be reasonable for a character to already be aware of the enchanted lightweight nature of the spikes, but have held back from actually hitting any of the chained spikes yet because:

a) I don't want to be run foul of meta-gaming, and
b) I'd like to make sure my understanding of the arena is accurate

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Spike and Sky Arenas (7/15/2009 18:28:20)

If the spike strikes point first? Verily lethal. If the spike hits 'flat' on? Not really that lethal, though ANY large blunt force maintains that potential.

Hitting them isn't likely to make it swingball, though. They are enchanted as to be somewhat capable of being wielded, if a very bulky and cumbersome. Also, don't forget that they have chain enough to reach the edge of the arena, just that most of that is coiled. Its not quite as ready-made a 'swingball of doom' as you might be thinking.

A) Nonissue. Fan favorite arena probably makes Bren a hotbed of something even uncommonly knowledge-able.
B) Well, either way, you should have a more accurate understanding now.
C) I LIKE these questions that are innovative! Keep them up.

Rayzer -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Spike and Sky Arenas (7/15/2009 18:43:06)

Who Knows? Water-Eagle, Fire-Wolf. Half-Animal Tag team might be forming. :P

Ronin: In the Sky Arena, are the rocks separated by a far degree of distance? Or are they intertwined closely?

Thx in advance,

ringulreith -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Spike and Sky Arenas (7/15/2009 18:52:53)

I'm pretty sure there isn't room in between them for somebody to fall through, if that's what you're worried about. Oh, and my post's coming soon.

2009light -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Spike and Sky Arenas (7/15/2009 18:52:53)

Ai, Mirai! I was just thinking about swinging the spike! Ah, it was still a good thing I looked in here though before I posted. I have come up with a different attack plan (or should I say, a different first attack for I haven't thought out much further then the first attack.) First in, first attack, hopefully an advantage.

Post is up.

Edit: Also, it's too bad that the metal isn't very conductible. We could have had so much fun with four energy combatants....

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Spike and Sky Arenas (7/15/2009 18:59:20)

Interesting question, and SINCE you asked, I will elaborate to a degree. To answer, I'm going to repaste two relevant conversations from the #Archipelago channel on irc.Caelestia.net which is the unofficial EC home instead of taking up #yulgarsinn with EC chatter. (Hint: Slash is Kellehendros.) Also, this isn't forgetting the massive hole in the middle.

[10:30] <RoninOfDreams> Anyway, the gaps are enough to trip someone up
[10:30] <TormentedDragon> must have been just your end. they weren't at all frozen for meh.
[10:31] <TormentedDragon> ah, no man-sized holes then.
[10:31] <RoninOfDreams> Not, however, large enough for, say, an entire foot to plunge down into nothingness

[10:54] <RoninOfDreams> Think aztec/mayan structures
[10:54] <Slash> Are they like stone paver sized?
[10:55] <Slash> I might be imagining them too small
[10:55] <RoninOfDreams> Only their depth is quite large
[10:55] <TormentedDragon> ...ooooooh...
[10:55] <RoninOfDreams> The smallest range from large cobblestones, the largest could comfortably fit two fighters.
[10:56] * TormentedDragon sees it now.
[10:56] <RoninOfDreams> Small and large relative to the top where you are standing
[10:56] <RoninOfDreams> Two yards DEEP is about the average, sans wear-tear and refinishing shaving off a bit here and there
[10:57] <TormentedDragon> I will murder my mouse and then burn it with holy fire.
[10:57] <RoninOfDreams> See, I'm flexible to accomodate original interpretations.
[10:57] <RoninOfDreams> But I don't mind filling in details when asked
[10:57] <TormentedDragon> woof.
[10:58] <Slash> do stones within each "ring" move at the same speed, or do larger stones move slower?
[10:58] <TormentedDragon> my original interpretation was more like... boulders.
[10:59] <RoninOfDreams> These were carved to fit, TD :P
[10:59] <TormentedDragon> mmh.
[10:59] <RoninOfDreams> Stones equidistant from the center move at uniform speed

Sir Inge -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Spike and Sky Arenas (7/15/2009 19:57:14)

Wow, seems I have some competitors. This should get interesting.

So what if you battle with someone using a spike? As hard and unbreakable as they are, would your sword break away if you hit a spike?

omf -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Spike and Sky Arenas (7/15/2009 20:05:29)

I HAD to get Sky arena, didn't I. D;

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Spike and Sky Arenas (7/15/2009 20:11:37)

...only if your sword is made of unreinforced crystal would it shatter or break from a single hit. A repeated bashing, or with an immense force, might break your average blade. Not a single strike, particularly if you are hitting an immobile spike.

omf -> RE: =EC OOC 2009= Spike and Sky Arenas (7/15/2009 20:15:18)

So question, can you break these stones like you would any other stone, or are they enchanted with super durability too?

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