Beam Staff (Full Version)

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Crimzon5 -> Beam Staff (7/19/2009 6:00:17)

Beam Staff

Also see Bright Beam Staff Z, Guardian Bright Beam Staff, Bright Beam Staff, Gleaming Beam Staff Z, Gleaming Beam Staff , Guardian Radiant Beam Staff, Brilliant Beam Staff.

Level: 25
Price: 1,250 74
Sellback: 615 37
Location: WarpForce Crossover Quest!

Element: Light
Attack Type: Magic
Damage: 4-16
BTH: 5%

Hits: 3
Type: Magic
Element: Light
Damage: 24% Base and Random each
Stat: No
BTH: 15%
Rate: 26%

After each hit of the Special, you heal MP equal to 150% of the damage dealt by that hit.

A copy of a weapon from Omnus, Queen Pra'Mithia and the WarpForce commisioned this weapon to aid those who are fighting the Network on Lore! It can convert the bioelectrical energy of your foe to your Mana!


Picture from Koree. Numbers from IMR. Thanks to PieLover31416. Clarification from Valane. Typo correction from Knightstar2001.

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