RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (Full Version)

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Vivi -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/22/2009 10:56:58)

Hi Kaelin!

Hey Vivi

How do you feel about pie?

My interactions involving pie usually involve me eating it. Is that love or hate?

Shackles alright? Not too loose or anything?

The blood is getting into the keyboard.

Bye Kaelin!

Bye bye.

/me whistles innocently

Acting innocent, the last refuge of a guilty person.

Everest -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/22/2009 11:56:17)



1. What's your favorite kind of pie?

(Homemade) Chicken Pot Pie

2. Do you prefer crumb tops, lattice tops, or solid crust tops?

Solid and crumb. I don't tend to eat pies with the lattice design.

3. What's your favorite accompaniment for pies?

Water. Seriously.

4. Do you prefer shortening or butter for pies?

It depends.

5. If you had to choose, what would be your favorite meat for a pie?


6. Ever had Stargazy Pie?


7. Do you prefer homemade or storebought crust? For your answer, please use examples to back up your opinion.

Homemade. My mom's pies are simply exceptional when she makes the crust.

8. If you could throw a pie in anyone's face, who would it be?

The next person with a pie question

9. What size would the ideal pie be, in your personal opinion?

...and there he is. *Toss*

10. And finally... how're your shackles?

I think they are driving my catatonic.

Bye Bye!


/me whistles innocently with Vivi

So, how are you doing answering your MtAK?

Kain -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/22/2009 12:00:46)

Hay Kaelin!


1. I heard you like pies.


7. What kind of pie do you like?

The good kind

5. What about Apple Pie?


4. There's no four.

Or is there?

8. What do you think is my Grandma's secret for pies?

Egg, spam, sausage, bacon, and spam.

3. If one pie has 5 pieces, and 5 pieces have 28 pieces, how much pieces 125 pies have?

"5 pieces have 28 pieces"... that's interesting.

9. Do you like America Pie?


2. What kind of pie do you like in your pie?


4. Do you like TWO pies? And he's back.

I like Chicken and Mud pies.

6. Do you enjoy music? What kind?

Video game music remixes are my current thing

13. Do you think aliens exist? If so, please give examples to back-up your opinion.

No. Hey, wait a minute, you flagrantly exceeded my question limit! I'm skipping to the end.

14. Do you like videogames? What was the first one you played? How much time it took to finish it? Did you use cheats?

12. Do you like Donker? I heard he's your biggest fan!

11. Oh, how are your shackles?

10. That's all! I hope you're enjoying your MtAK!


/me whistles innocently with Everest and Vivi

/me taps his fingers mischievously. "They don't suspect a thing."

PieLover31416 -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/22/2009 13:25:16)

Told ya I'd be back! :D


Um... hi again?


Did you know I don't like pie? D= Since I can't post anymore *mumbles something about stupid rules* I guess I bettah explain mahselvez. I doesn't liekz pie, I luvz pie. Read mah nametagz nxt time, will you? [8D]

Now there's a first. [EDIT]: I was never good with paying attention to names...

If you can guess the reason why, free cookies for you! (If we hit the next page, XD. If not, there's always PM.) [8D]

Pie is evil. You only get two posts, so you are going to have to PM or edit.

If Trogdor the Burninator went up against Domo-Kun in an epic 'winner takes all' fight, who would win?

I am pretty sure Domo-Kun is flammable, so I will take Trogdor.



That question was really retarded, wasn't it?

If you have to ask in an MtAK if a question is stupid...

Do you like answering random, pointless questions?

It's part of the job.

Do you know who Trogdor is?

I was pretty good at the video game.


I remember some picture with that and kittens.

Well, I'm actually talking to someone in a chatbox right now, and I don't want to keep him waiting, so I guess I'll see you in the next page! (Possibly. :P)
>.> I phail.

Sorry, it's the end of the line for you!

Rasudido -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/22/2009 13:48:23)

O hai thar

Hi Ras!

congrats on making AK

Thank you.

im here to make you a few questions....

That's standard procedure.

1. Do you think that dispite the greater number of pages in your MtAK you will finish before Everest does?

You betcha!

2. I heard you like pies.... what variety of pies would those be?

No, that's a lie.

3. can you please solve for: sin(ax)sin(bx) - k cos(ax)cos(bx) = -1; where k > 1 is constant and so are a and b, and they are all irrational.?

You are irrational for thinking I will sine off on doing your homework.

4. how man warnings have you given out?

8993. Wait, I mean 4.

5. Is goofy really that mich of a dictator at GGD?

Goofy is more of a benevolent king.

6. Can you tell UltraPowerPie that hes a silly Moogle?

Tell that to UPP yourself. That's what you meant, right?

7. Might you have a recepie for butter cake?

Do I even want to know what butter cake is?

8. What your favorite anime?

Azumanga Daioh is my first love.

9. Can I have a warning just because?

Asking for warnings is against the rules. Don't do it again!

10. who would win an all out GGD edit war? the prize can be pies.

I have no idea what level skill I would be up against, to be honest.

k maybe when i read the first post i can come back next page....

Sorry, you only get 10 questions total. You will have to find me in IRC to ask more! =)

BadHulk -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/22/2009 14:51:54)

Well well well.... Here I am again.


Bugging I am right?

Not really.

I like to bug AK's who got promoted.

I bet.

Do you think Pie's avatar is cool?

I am neutral towards it.

Mmm.... I'll be waiting for your awnser.

Here it is!

GiddyPinata -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/22/2009 15:34:17)

You're an Ak now? You have my pity.


What size shoes do you wear?

13 (US)

On a scale of 1-10, what would your grammar be?

8. I don't really know, but I think I do a decent job.

In a race, if you pass second place what place would you be in?

Second place

Sweet tea or normal tea?

I don't drink tea.

Favorite type of calculator?

My TI-36 strikes a decent mix of simplicity and power.

Least favorite smileys?

I could do without unnecessary distracting ones.

Favorite fast food restaurant? (including places like Subway)


If you turned my soul into a liquid, would you drink me?

No. I would pour your soul into a bees nest, creating a literal "hivemind."

When was the last time you took a shower?

I took one about 14 hours ago.

drakehello -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/22/2009 17:10:48)


ey there!


That's too bad, 'cause you aren't getting a sniff, much less a taste, much less a bite.

2. we're at an impass here... maybe we should compromise?

Have these "skones" that sitting here. I don't know where they came from.

3. is the cake a lie?


4. how 'bout the pie?

Yes, the pie as well.

5. Is freedom the right of ALL sentient beings?

One's civil liberties end where someone else's begins. Sort of.

6. Beast wars megatron: Best. Megatron. Ever. yeeeeeesss :3

I would not know.

7. Me Drakehello no bozo! Me KING!

Okay, I'm just going to start backing away now...

dat all :D

Bye bye.

The Trobble One -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/22/2009 21:38:12)

Hello, nice too see you as an AK.

Thank you.

Err, long time no postie one of these.

I figure it would make things pretty interesting.


= 0.8181818181...

Maths nerd? If yes, help me!!

I don't enjoy math quite that much.

Murder in the daylight

Ambitions run a bit darker compared to the nighttime variety. Which seems kind of backwards.

Like my website? [EDIT'd: No "eating cookies" for you.]

I would rather call it Artix's website.

Bye 6 x 7 :)

Bye Tribble. (I hope you know what a Tribble is.)

OmegaBreak -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/22/2009 23:23:31)

Hey, Kae

Hey Omega

How be you ?

I have almost made it to the current end of my MtAK list, so I am doing very well!

Call me Senor Felipe

If your last name is Calderon, you might be a little busy to be sending an AK questions.

Gratz on the Akship

Thank you!

ILmaster13 -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/22/2009 23:26:05)

Hies Kaelin!


WhAtS sHaLlS yOuS dOeS iFs Is WrIteS iNs YoUrS colors?

I would remove the offending color tags and duct-tape them to your forehead.

"Flying is throwing yourself at the ground and missing" Is tis tru? Does youes wantes to tryes it?

Has anyone succeeded yet?

Wy is me askng quezions?

You like the tingly sensation it gives you.

You shall respekt mah authoriteh!

It's "will," not "shall." What kind of Eric Cartman fan are you?

Her ice yore cakey! *Hands Kaelin a cake*

Cake? Now here's a change of pace.

KNow tat u have it, do you mind paying for it over there?

No, you definitely see something in Cartman.

Spam! Or is it?

It is definitely Spam, but it is definitely not spam.

Thats all for now. See you later.


P.S. Remember not to set yourself on fire. ;)

Oh right, thanks. For a moment there, I almost forgot.

BassGS -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/23/2009 4:04:09)

Hi Kaelin =)


1) If you were to list your flaws, what would they be?


2) You think that this is all part of your life, but what happens when one day you wake up, and find out that your life up til now has been but a dream?

I think "wow, that was weird." And then I go on with my real life.

3) What are your thoughts of "Death"?

I wish the Real Life version was as lazy as the one in AQ.

4) Do you like mangoes?


5) You're on a travel bus that goes from calgary to winnipeg. Nature calls but the only washroom available on the bus is plugged with towels and rendered unavailable. To relieve yourself in the washroom would cause the bus and all its passengers to reek of manure for the rest of the 3 week bus ride. What would you do?

I am pretty sure Canada has health codes against buses like this. At any rate, there are plenty of other people in same situation as I am, so we should be able to agree to pull over as often as desired. That said, and no offense to the people of Alberta, but I have already determined I am never going there unless it is via plane ride, so the whole scenario is moot.

6) You're babysitting 27 children. 5 of them decide that you're a chump and that they can nag you into submission. Being the rebels they are, they scamper around the house and start breaking valuble items. This incites a wild craze into the other 22 children. And soon all of the 27 little monsters begin to destroy the house with their rampaging. Their parents are returning in 2 hours. What would you do?

I have a rule of never being left alone with more than four children at any given time, so this is strictly hypothetical. If someone violates this protocol, I forfeit all responsibility for their actions.

7) You're playing adventure quest when suddenly you get pulled into the virtual world. You have a steel plate, a long sword and a nerfy shield. You see Nightbane (500) flying straight at you. What will you do?

I'll take my lumps for one turn and then Flee. If I die, Death will revive me anyway. You know, because he's lazy.

8) This time, you're in the dragonfable world. With your Dreaded Shadowreaper, you face off against Sepulture and Fluffy. Wearing your Technomancer armor, you're determined to win the fight. What will you do?

I don't play DF.

9) You're sleeping in your bedroom, and you're jolted awake. 25,000 cockroaches have engulfed your room in complete darkness. They are all sleeping. What will you do?

I'll go back to sleep.

10) You're faced off against Galanoth in a gladiator match. His Dragonblade has been magically triggered against you. You're choice of weapon is:

a) a stick
b) a cattle prod
c) stun grenade
4) 17 jars of very scary spiders

which will you pick and what will you do?

You sure seem to rely on "magic" for a lot of your scenarios.

LOL thnx for your patience, and grats =)

Thanks, bye bye.

hanjoon77 -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/23/2009 4:48:52)

Hello Kaelin, I seem to enjoy nightly talks with you. I'm a night owl myself ;)


Congratulations on becoming an AK! I're sure it'll help you make more money to move :)

You know each of these lines counts towards your limit, right?

SO, if I'm here, it must mean I have to ask questions correct?

Not really

And here I am, asking a person with a Masters in Math some Math questions. What a foolish act. And no, this is not my homework, its just to tease you and see if you're diligent enough to actually solve them. :)

I have tricks.

Integration of cotsinx?

cot(sin(x)) cannot be integrated with respect to x

Integration of A to the X power? (Assuming A is a constant)

a^x / ln(a)

Integration of (tanx)^6 x (secx)^2 dx = ? (Simple U-substitution here, shouldnt give you much problem.)

I am going to assume you mean [(tan x)^6][(sec x)^2] rather than what you have written (which includes this "x" between the two major pieces). If you want to show multiplication, use an *. Under my assumption, the answer is [(tan x)^7]/7.

Annoying how AQ forums doesn't allow Calculus syntax right?

You should have seen this one thread I made several months ago.

A particle moves along the x-axis so that its accleration at any time t>0 is given by a(t) = 12t - 18. At time t=1, the velocity of the particle is v(1) = 0 and the position is x(1)=9.
a. Write an expressions for the velocity of the particle v(t).

v(t) = 6t^2 - 18t + 12

b. At what values of t does the particle change direction?

t = 1, 2

c. Write an expresssion for the position x(t) of the particle.

v(t) = 2t^3 - 9t^2 + 12t + 4

d. Find the total distance travled by the particle from t=3/2 to t=6.

Do you count backtracking? Oh, what am I kidding, you have prompted me too many times already, so I'm skipping this.

Seeing how everybody on the forums is certain your addicted to pie, I will assume that as well, seeing how I love the bandwagon effect/appeal.
Give pie in decimal form, up to as many as you can. (No peeking!)

I know 20. You are just going to have to take my word for it.

Come on, please do the questions? And by doing the questions, I mean solving them and giving me the correct anwser. And when I mean all of them I mean all of them. ALL of them. /me watches Kaelin with shifty eyes.

I hope at least one of them is wrong...

Alright Kaelin, Ill finish the mathmatical teasers for now, Im sure you get enough to do with your class :P
Also, I suggest you get your keyboard cleaned or a new keyborad cause Im sure bloody keyboards are a safety hazard...
Enjoy your shackles Akship!

Bye bye. By the way, I've got a nice little counter-problem for you to work on:

A 4x4 grid of rooms on a floor can either have a wall or an open space between horizontally adjacent or vertically adjacent rooms. Find how many possible layouts of walls, an entrance, and an exit are possible for a floor if:

1) One of the rooms on the floor will contain an entrance (above).
2) One of the rooms on the floor will contain an exit (below).
3) The entrance and exit must be in separate rooms.
4) The exit must be obtainable from the entrance (it can't be sealed off).
5) There are no additional walls in unreachable areas.

seth revan -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/23/2009 13:49:08)

So a math man huh?

It seems that way.

Whats 2+5-8/9*3?

If you handle your order of operations properly, you should have 13/3

Having fun?

I think so.

Can i haz a cookie?

I have some leftover gifts. Eat up.

I'ma go be back later though with harder questions >:)

Go crazy.

tflo -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/25/2009 0:51:13)

ohai :o

Hey there!

you liek math?

Eh, it's fine. It's just a part of the grander scheme that some people call "Life"

why Why WHY

I have often wondered about this myself.

I'm tired, I'll post again tomorrow[:'(]

I haven't seen anything yet, but hey, that's less work for me!

Winsrar™ -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/25/2009 2:41:35)

#1:Helllo =D

Hey there.

#2:o.O Congrats

Thank you.



#4:Do ya like cows?

One might say I am the cows' worst enemy.

#5:In [ABC] BC=AC*radical from (3/4);AC=AB .The perimeter=?;The surface of the triangle=?Have fun.lal

Two sides have length AC, and the third side has length AC*sqrt(3)/2, so the perimeter should be [2 + sqrt(3)/2]*AC. The line segment from the midpoint of BC to A runs perpendicular to BC and has a length of AC*sqrt(13)/4. Area = base*height/2 = (AC^2)*sqrt(39)/16. Probably.



The Stig -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/26/2009 0:00:13)

Hello sir...


I have never seen you before... is it because i wasnt really on the forums for a couple months?

Your absence would be a contributing factor.

How is it being an AK?

Once you get past the screaming, it's not all that much different from being a member. I just have to read threads more often.

Would you enjoy abusing your power if given the chance?


Do you play table-top rpg? (just because I dont know many people that do)

No, but someone linked me this interesting webcomic earlier.

If yes to the question above then which ones? Exalted, D&D, Planescape, Shadow Run, etc?


Thats all..

Buh bye





Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/26/2009 2:49:20)

1) Hi Kaelin...

Hey there.

2) Congratulation(again)! :p

Thank you.

3) What's your favourite build? Pure Mage, isn't it?

I think I like Lucky Beastmage the best, but pure mage certainly has the advantage of killing stuff quickly in terms of real time.

4) Do you know where Wandy is(is she gone forever)? :D

I think Baron adopted her. She'll be fine... I think.

5) Hmm, see you around! Bye...

Take it easy.

Billie Joe Armstrong -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/26/2009 3:14:12)

Heeeey, congratz

Thaaaank you.

1.) If olive Oil comes from olives, and vegetable oil from vegetables then where does baby oil come from?


2.) What's your favourite band/Music group/artist(s)?

I don't really have "favorites."

3.) Have you ever listened to Green Day?

Yeah. It was about 15 years ago.

4.) Do you like them?

They're okay.

5.) Do you ever procrastinate? I do.

Yes, yes I do.






See ya around.

bye bye

rubmybelly -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/26/2009 5:04:42)

Hi there,and I will edit in this color.

Welcome back.

You won round 1,but ready for round 2?The final round?You better be...

I won it, huh? That's encouraging.Yup,round 1 you won

6:What color is a mirror?

It depends how you look at it.Yea...

7:There was a plane crash,and every single person on the plane died.But there were suvivors.How?

The survivors, like most sensible people, were in the plane.That will pass,error on my part I guess.The answer I was looking for was,the married people survived.All the singlepeople died.But you got it anyways...

8:If a plane crashes in a jungle,how do you bury the survivors?

You don't bury the survivors. I hope.Yes,good job.

9:What vehicle spelled backwords is the same forwards?

RACECARYup,good job.

TWILLY RUNS IN FEAR,TWIG STOP EATING FISHES AND ICE CREAM,GALANOTH HOPS ON A DRAGONS BACK AND RIDES TO SAFETY,ARTIX FORGETS THE UNDEAD AND HIDES,AND THE WEREWOLF KING AND SAFIRIA HOLD HANDS RUNNING AWAY FROM...QUESTION:1O!I make fire hot,and ice cold,I make the wind blow,and the earth quake,I eat elephants and drink giraffes,I make blood red and the sky blue.What am I?Can you answer this riddle?

The universe. Well, it's not the answer you were looking for (probably), but it is technically true... I think.Youre right,in the sense that youre wrong.Its not the answer I was looking for.The answer is no.You cant answer the riddle.Bwahaha,there is a reason that question is feared...

Bwahaha you will never beat me this time....

o_OI won round two,you won round one,it a tie![:)]Good job though,you did good and even owned me on question 7,but what did you think of my riddles?

I'm not really a riddle person. Still, you didn't give me a solution to #10...

dragonmechdude2.0 -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/26/2009 10:24:42)

when i say shot gun, you say?


hows the weather?

It's kind of hot.

i always wondered do they every let you out of the cage? or do the shackles keep you there?

It's not the shackles that keep us inside the cage. It's the cage.

make me an ak :D
dont make me an ak :D


does reverse psychology work?

Sometimes being direct works. Sometimes being deceptive will work. Of course, it may well be that both methods will succeed or both methods will fail, because the other person doesn't care what you say. In other words, no matter what you do, you can't always get what you want.

never lock one of my threads, or i will Shackle you to thunder mountain, in a pit with a bunch of rabid werewolves!!! give you a cookie :D

Whether you threaten or bribe me, I will not lock any of your threads. Unless, of course, forum rules dictate that I should lock the thread.

whats you favorite Smiley face? :D


how many questions do i get again?

10, or as many as I feel like.

can i ask you one more question?


....highlight the next part , cause i don't want Everest to see it 0_0 whats up with EverestAllure and pie? i mean, i like pie just as much as the next guy, but that AK's crazy 0.o

Everest is a twisted soul with an insatiable appetite for mischief, and the fascination for pie is likely a consequence of AQ's April Fools quest (which in kind involved mischief) and multiple psychological disorders. If you focus on absorbing the blows as effortlessly as possible, rather than try to dodge them, it's not really a big deal.

congrats on becoming an AK:D
hope you have fun :D

Thank you and bye bye!

wow nice answers :P
oh, and have you ever beat kel al relish?

My main has beaten Kel Al Relish, KotT. It's not usually worth the trouble, though.

Raderak -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/26/2009 20:03:35)


Hey there!

If the cake is a lie... Whats the brownie? (Tasty?)

The brownie can be quite tasty, indeed!

Do you think we need more smileys?

"Need" is a strong word.

Why does Galonoth look really creepy in AQW but not in any other game?

He seems about the same to me in AQ and AQW.

Well thats all... I think... Maybe...

Yeah, I think so.

I'm just gonna go beat up Akilroth the male that lays eggs...

It is a good thing for seahorses that they live underwater.

Ohh melt face mode... OMG NOOOOOOOOOZ

Yeah, dragons can do that to you sometimes.

Bye and Congratz on Archknighteness and not doing melt face mode... [:'(]


srinivas -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/27/2009 4:16:37)


How's it hanging?

Gratz on AK, I knew you'd get it one day after you scored Constructive. ^^

Aww, thank you.

psst..... in case you get tired of the job, here's a hammer and chisel you can use to break out of your cell.

Don't be ridiculous, I won't need anything like that. Thank you.

Peace out from,



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