RE: =AK= The Ultimate Nostalgia thread (Full Version)

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Yubel -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Nostalgia thread (5/25/2010 14:47:00)

I miss the good old rares I never had. [8D]

Jedi Master X2 -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Nostalgia thread (5/25/2010 14:47:13)

Legasee is still Old school right there.

Orion The Hunter -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Nostalgia thread (5/25/2010 15:02:05)

Off topic:
@ Dark.Orion.
It's quite scary how much we look alike 0.0 (Joined: 2005, upgraded, 2007, plus we share the name=O).
On topic:
The fear drake battle/was, was the highlight in my AQ-Oldschool career. That was my most excited moment in AQ ever. I beat fear drake, and bought the Dragonfang scimitar, which was a terribly overpowered weapon (special ftw!). If only they would make higher leveld versions of it.. or make the Fear drake come back. He was my favourite vilian!

@ Legasee,
Don't we all? I mean, I just devourer wars without even thinking about them. In the past, I would be far more involved in the entire war/clan war/ events. I would read the text carefully, replay quests and wars, get so excited. For some reason, AQ has lost a bit of that. I guess that is why people stopped playing. You sound like you are without a lot of motivation aswell. Aq could be great again, but it needs a lot of work. Old School AQ > New School AQ

.*. .*. .*. -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Nostalgia thread (5/25/2010 15:29:57)

I miss the times when one was exploring Lore, this is unfortunately a thing you can only experience when you start playing AQ and unlock one thing after another.

To get into the storyline and the speculations connected to it, I was quite fascinated by the Drakel's and their background story.

When Paxia was great fun and there was only 3 clans battling against each other like mad.

jiv1995 -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Nostalgia thread (5/25/2010 20:37:51)

I wish some old wars would come back,never got to play them and they sound awesome.But I don't know what else,The Devourer Saga was a big part of my AQ career and now that it's "over" AQ lost a bit of it's touch

Kalen Obsidia -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Nostalgia thread (5/25/2010 20:54:43)

I remember working so hard trying to finish the Paxia quest for the Moglo Habilis and not being able to beat Nocturne and when I finally did I saw that the rewards were completely useless to me and I just laughed (most likely from insanity induced by doing the same quest for a week).

Super_Phreak -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Nostalgia thread (5/25/2010 21:24:33)

I notice that this is a common one- I miss the carnax saga. Reliving it in AQW or Dragonfable, or even making a prequel it in MechQuest, (WITHOUT CHANGING THE NAMES LIKE WE'VE SEEN YOU DO BEFORE) would be epic, hint hint.

Master in the wind -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Nostalgia thread (5/25/2010 22:22:40)

I remember the leap year, when I leveled up to 80 and finally got Illuminate Ultra, Riiiptide and stuff like that.
Also, Frostaval 07 when my internet connection stopped working for the last 2 wars. I didn't know that the gift boxes would open, I was like, "What happened to my gift boxes, did someone hack me!"
I also saw a guy who posted ALL of Frostval' 06 and it was like 2 hours long. It made me wish I played more back in 06.

sir lane -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Nostalgia thread (6/1/2010 19:59:54)

what i miss is this captian rhubarb message

drakehello -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Nostalgia thread (6/1/2010 21:00:06)

I miss the times when I understood the plot

helloguy -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Nostalgia thread (6/1/2010 21:07:31)

i miss the reapers thootpick

ninja dude -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Nostalgia thread (6/26/2010 12:43:54)

I miss saving for for AGES on the old maze to get my first 2 Million for nightmare set (everyone back then was told it was going rare). Finally after 2 months got my 2 Million gold, bought the set, came back in 3 months and I had "Nemesis" set. And 1m gold :| Wish it were still nightmare and not nerfed.

The Finnish Flash -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Nostalgia thread (6/26/2010 13:25:52)

I remember farming Carnax parts for the Nightmare Set. xJ

I sold both Shadow and Light Dragon Blades. [:@]

blackdrake19 -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Nostalgia thread (6/26/2010 14:01:26)

i miss crescent blade..

The Finnish Flash -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Nostalgia thread (6/26/2010 14:03:20)

Anyone remember when Star Forge, Whirl Tide, and Fireball Z were the best spells in the game?

Underclass Hero -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Nostalgia thread (6/26/2010 14:13:18)

*raises hand*

And Canine Armor being the best armor

The Finnish Flash -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Nostalgia thread (6/26/2010 14:26:41)

Those were the days. ;J

Oh my, look what I've found.
Top players of looooooong ago:
Best player of early 2006 and their character page from early 2006: in early 2006:

Spaight -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Nostalgia thread (6/26/2010 20:25:48)

I remember when armors didn't have level requirements.

Fishbone -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Nostalgia thread (6/27/2010 4:40:55)

I remember the days when Drakel Tube was stronger than most of my weapons.
When I was meeting Drakel Air Raider back then, I was so happy [:D]

Sephirothken -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Nostalgia thread (6/27/2010 11:32:55)

i miss running into behamoth... =/

TuR!Zm0 -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Nostalgia thread (6/27/2010 22:25:17)

I miss the old town. Not the OLD OLD town, but the OLD town.
Looking back at these memories in AQ made me want to cry [:(]

True edge -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Nostalgia thread (6/29/2010 20:54:24)

I miss the old art.

Velvex -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Nostalgia thread (6/29/2010 22:53:41)

I miss my old account. >_< I miss my Farzhad Mogloo and my Bunny Pajamas. Dx And of course I miss the first confrontation with Akriloth, and when Call Forth the Fire Dragon was still around. And I especially miss when there were no Z-Token items, but ah well, AQ's gotta make money for AE somehow. =/ Apparently Guardianship wasn't working anymore.


Top players of looooooong ago:
Best player of early 2006 and their character page from early 2006:

Oh, how could I forget about when Nimrod was at the top of the list? That man was epic. I remember back when Keldorn, Janus, Blessure Grave, and Overseer were at the top of the X-Guardian's list. =/ *Sighs*

johnnyquest.aqrocks -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Nostalgia thread (6/30/2010 1:19:43)

Moggon Idols

Gold -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Nostalgia thread (6/30/2010 12:14:23)

I remember when I was looking at old versions of the Warrior guide and I was following them. Good times :P

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