RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (Full Version)

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Necrotix -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (7/31/2009 4:28:57)

OFTO:I've never had to use a potion,ever.
ONTO:WF is awesome! I just can't say how epic it is!

Ajaco10 -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (7/31/2009 4:46:28)

i only had to use it a couple of time, when upgrading my stats (end) and when doing the find the robot thingo. I did it at lv 5 and it requires lv 0 but u fight lv 15s

SIGMUND -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (7/31/2009 5:53:46)

I think that the choice of attacks needs to be changed.
All the possible attacks and animations of the attacks are fine.

When wearing the WG battle armour and a gauntlet we should always have the option of doing a Triple attack, Double attack or Single attack as well as the option to do a Gauntlet attack or use the Ion Cannon. Equally The Fist Strike is okay and a Ram attack is fine.
Why are they so randomly assigned as options?

Having random options is just too... well random. You can't decide on a battle strategy at all. It is just random.[:'(]

Why not have three sequences.
The first chooses the Single, Double, or Triple Attack.
Then the second chooses whether you use the Weapon you have equipped, the Ion Cannon or the Gauntlet.
The third choice would then be to Ram, or Fist Strike.[:D]

BlueDude -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (7/31/2009 15:20:51)

There is three sequences.
Depending on thier noumber that is how many attacks they have.

1. Single Strike, Ram Attack, Power Punch
2. Double Strike, Ion Cannon
3. Triple Strike, Gauntlet Blast

Darius -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (7/31/2009 16:45:10)

I kind of agree with Sigmund on the WG armor's limitations. The only thing is, what if you have a gun equipped? We're not all pure strikers, you know. You can't use the single/double/triple option since they'd all be replaced with fire gun. What I think should be done is keep the options the same as they are, but make all the normal melee attacks all the same number of hits depending on your level. The higher level you are, the more hits you unlock. Then I suppose you could have ion cannon and gauntlet blast on the same screen, despite ion cannon being weak beyond all usefulness, and have a 50/50 chance of using melee ram/punch or ranged cannon/gauntlet along with your normal attack. Oh, and the unlockable hits shouldn't be like AQ's guardian plate with the randomness. You should always do the max number of hits you've unlocked.

Now, onto the subject of Ion Cannon: it needs a serious buff. Converting to energy is fine, but maybe it could be as strong as Starknight's uniforce attack, except keep the ranged type and lose the robot trigger. Whatever's done to it, it needs to be strong enough to have a use, and I just don't see myself using it the way it is now.

Nightly -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/1/2009 13:07:18)

I'm starting to get really confused over the ranks that have shown up within the game.

Both General Stormfront and Captain Daian have the same insignia, yet different ranks.

For our characters, our first rank should be Private, then Private First Class, then Corporal. Otherwise we are skipping two levels; possibly more depending on what armed forces are being used.

So I'd just like for them to be worked out as I'm a military person myself.

pandakupo123 -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/2/2009 10:41:03)

im glad they changed the warp gunner weapon to a gun from a bommerang [:D]

Rensure -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/2/2009 11:14:34)

The bommerang was it better anyway

Savior Sword -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/2/2009 11:19:56)

To be honest i was pretty disappointed when it first came out. I was expecting it to be like an upgrade of AQ, but in WF form. The new battle system is not very great and the over-all game play was just sad. Story seems to be fine with many fun-to-watch cut scenes. I just think WF needs a lot of improvement before its in the same Ranks as the other AE games. So the over-all rating id give it would probaly be a 4/10.

GDK -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/2/2009 11:33:41)

epicness has landed! the WF finally changed the WG gunner basic weapon: from boomerang to blaster rifle!!

it looks sweet and does epic damage!

hibutbyeyugi -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/2/2009 12:31:13)

Nice Game But Theres One Thing i don,t like about it theres not enough spells and this game has only 2 spells and 1 tech for non MG People thats the only part i hate about the game but nice so far :D
Heres a new spell i made up
Dark Magitec Pusle ITs just like imp but its balck :D

Ace4u -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/2/2009 13:56:39)

The gameplay is nice, but i was just wondering for all the strikers can buff up the warp guardian swords, just as you buff, n upgraded the gunners guardian weapons, and also, we also need new and more powerfull weapons for the strikers and gunners and more powerful magic and tech skills.

weirdguy -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/3/2009 18:52:55)

I'm thinking that the bonuses on your sword that you would get from focusing on STR build would be able to compensate and perhaps surpass the flat attack power of the rifle.

There already are new strong weapons for everybody, plus more skills.......but we aren't high enough level to use them. ;)

PS: Thanks for making us the cool gun while keeping the boomerang attached.

Keldorn2198 -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/3/2009 20:53:26)

I find it utterly absurd that I can do FAR more damage by throwing my gun at an enemy than I can by shooting him with it! Currently I'm using the Warped Rocket Launcher, and when shooting I do around 4-6 damage total from 2 hits. Using the Throw Weapon option, I rarely hit for less than 9, often up to 12. It just seems as though guns are very weak compared when shot. Admittedly, I'm only level 4 at the moment, so maybe guns get a LOT better with level. But right now, they really suck.

Tola -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/4/2009 8:29:00)

Interesting. The StarKnight is the closest thing to a 'Mage Armour'(not surprising, and yet it is, given the group they're parodying weren't all magi), and(In keeping with the 'magic is rare' thing-the fact that most 'spells' are utility or have side-effects) goes with this) the attack is VERY expensive-when it comes out at all. The issue with battle options raises it's head here too, and the randomness could end up fatal. This is quite apart from the fact that the armour is WarpGuardian.

On another note, how is it that the queen's healing attack can miss you?

The Braken Bard -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/4/2009 8:54:25)

I find that WF is definitely the game AQ should be. All the reasons for me not playing AQ do not exist in WF despite the fact WF is built from the same engine. It is really good, extremely consistent with its art style and my only problem I really have is that some of the Battle Monster monsters have older backgrounds. Nonetheless it is a great game. 9.5/10 so to be fair because I am praising it a bit too much. [sm=bgtup.gif]

mewarmo990 -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/7/2009 5:46:13)

I've found WF to be pretty decent so far, although the lack of polish compared to AQ clearly indicates that it is still a work in progress.

Aside from the occasional bug the only real problem I have is that training Intellect is just too damn hard in the lowest levels. With the old Sir Lanceler in AQ you could just fight it out normally, but forcing lowbies to duke it out with only Techs in WF is a bad idea, since you don't have enough EP to take the trainer down in the first place. The advanced trainers should be the same as in AQ when they are released, but the INT fight with Tronzor could be easier. I suppose you could do it if you pumped the potions, but this isn't Diablo and they're too rare in WF to waste on stat training.

EDIT: Oops, I only knew about the Guardian spells. I just discovered the IMP spell, which is very cheap energy-wise, but also very weak. At least training INT is now just difficult rather than impossible.

LordGeneral -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/7/2009 13:51:13)

I trained my INT to 50 without too many problems. I just waited until I was level 12 so I could use WG Dissolve the whole time and let Zorboz and my cl166 do their damage.

The Warrior Master -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/10/2009 7:08:44)

I have played all of Artix Entertainment's games:

Adventure Quest

Dragon Fable

Mech Quest

Adventure Quest Worlds

Warp Force

I never really play AQ, DF, or MQ. But I do play AQW and WF. To be honest, I like Warp Force better than Adventure Quest (although they are almost the exact same thing.) Mainly I like it more because in Adventure Quest you have a lot of dangling plot lines and the story is hard to keep up with if you are a fairly new player. But Warp Force is actually entertaining considering that the story line is clearly laid out and you can make predictions on what is going to come.

Kalyn Valeheart -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/10/2009 9:38:46)

Well this is a slight change. I am more of a fan of AQ or DF myself becase of their great variety and tons off different thing to do to keep the player entertained and interested. Generally speaking, when it comes to offline rpgs, I am myself a fan of epic, 30-50 hour rpgs, which branch off to a lot of sidequests, employ a lot of custom systems etc, etc and which I can play for months on end without rushing through them. This was, in fact, the prime appeal of AQ when I first came to play it in June 2006.

Anyway. About WF.

Despite my doubts, and I'd like to highlight that, I am not unenthusiastic about this project. On the contrary. Given my current workload, I usually don't have time to play much and end up catching up on relases at a later date. From this perspective, I do welcome the otherwise also necessary monthly update scheme. More time to prepare the release for the AE, more time for the player to catch up with what has been going on. Plus, undeniably, more time to stretch the story in time. A monthly update scheme will be of huge advantage.

Which brings me to my doubts.

Given the idea, it could just as well be simply implemented as a saga to AQ and it would work fine. It is basically a branched-off single chapter, technically a part of a greater game universe. The idea seems indeed very focused so far, very consistent. Normally I would say this is a better material for a stand-alone offline game as it seems to be even right now a clearly planned out idea with a specific course to take, which is strengthened by the consistent quests.
Speaking of quests, because they are intended to unlock as you level up, it does strengthen the impression of structure and order which at the same time is likely to make things easy to follow for new players, I do agree with that and I do think it is a plus for WF.

Somewhat controversial as the idea of an "in-continuous-development add-on" enhancing its "in-continuous-development base game" seems to me, it is nonetheless something that might actually add up to the variety so far to be found in AE, and variety not merely on the level of the "diegetic" world of the games, their major themes, character and "feel" but also the variety of the ways in which the games themselves are technically executed (less focused, more focused, expanding more, staying more is a huge game-making workshop that is being in operation here and which I always find rather impressive) as well as in different solutions being applied to different games, thus possibly appealing to more and wider tastes.

WF is also graphically superior to some of the older parts of AQ and thus more unified than AQ ( which isn't necessarily a bad thing at does let you see how much AQ has in fact changed) Some really awesome cut-scenes are already there too. The nice music from some of the creative forumites is an icing on the cake.

Generally speaking, everything so far adds up to create a very pleasant and interesting new release, with a couple of good ideas already thrown in (unlockable quests, interesting- although somewhat debatable- battlesuit and weapon solutions for example).
Despite my scepticism, I do believe it has potential. Which is why, all things considered, I will be actually looking forward to observing its further growth.

merbest1 -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/10/2009 10:08:11)

multi complaints about it(i might change my mind after a few more lvls) trainer: too hard too kill(i just used a potion and ownd it(how to get more?))(but then again i keep forgetting to use potions)(also wats with the major missing against him)cutscenes: way too slow and this is for all of artix entertainment games: can you be a little more creative with the music/sounds?

Kbkkflame -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/13/2009 8:59:27)

Personal Opinion Stop While Your Ahead!? So Far I Think This Game Sucks!?

You Already Have[:@]!?:
Mechquest, Adventure Quest, Dragon Fable, AQ Worlds And Archknight!?

You Didnt Even Do Crap With Archknight!?
DragonFable All You Need To Do It Update!?
Samething With Adventure Quest Just Update It!?
Mechquest Needs To Be Updated More Often And More Stuff On It Along With The Rest Of These Games!?
And AQ Worlds Is Completley Out Your Guy's Reach!? That Was A Big Leap Then You Go Back To Making Regular Games!? Kinda Messed!? I Thought You Were All Moving Forward But Then What Did You Do!? You Went Back Far Back!?
Dont Make A Game With All The Games Put Into One Its Retarded!? Have You Even Seen Some Of The Monsters!? Their Are Monsters From Other Games All Put Into One In The Game!?

Manga Maniac -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/13/2009 14:53:14)

I have upgraded and am Level 17. My best BattleSuit (I was gonna say armour when I remembered the actual name) is Advanced Retro. But I can't wait until it is totallt worthless and I get an slightly better one! Hooray!


I feel sad.

KarstAvenger1989 -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/13/2009 16:01:15)

Ok. So here is my Dislikes and Likes:

I dislike the lack of weapons. You can buy a small handful (I seen 5 at most, didn't count), but I seen a few were WG only. To fix this, I feel there needs to be more weapons added into the game and have two seperate shops: a WG Shop and a Non-WG Shop. This is so the WG weapons are seperated from the Non-WG weapons, like the SC weapons and Non-SC weapons were seperated in MQ.

Furthermore, there needs to be some new classes to take. Striker and Gunner are nice, but... why can't we have Medics or Bounty Hunters? Bounty Hunters have been mentioned (and one is seen before you join the WF), and there are medics (specifically, the Moglin (SP?) in the Sick Bay). But I think it would be VERY fun if both these classes were implemented into the game as playable classes.

Another thing I dislike is the fact most of your attacks miss, whereas most of the enemies' attacks hit. I think this should be fixed, to reduce the duration of how long a short battle takes. A short battle shouldn't take more than 2 minutes at most to complete.

Gold... More Gold, please. Your enemies drop 2-3 pieces of Gold at most per battle, whereas you gain huge chunks of XP. Now, I love the fact that in the BattleOn games, you level fast. But Gold is a crisis. There should be more Gold dropped per battle ( 12-18 at most ). This is so players can update their armor.

Although I am sure this is being worked on as we speak, I would love for more levels to be added into the game. Soon. Lots of people have hit Lv 10 already ( and some of the WGs are Lv 20 already, too, I'll bet! ), and would love to obtain more levels.


BEAM SWORDS! God yes! And we need more! More specifically, the kind that looks like a gauntlet, with an opening on the back for the blade to come out. I would love it so much if we got more!

Multiple races? HALLELUJAH! I've been waiting on the day that BattleOn made a game with multiple races! And although WF has 3, I am still happy! =3

Awesome animation! This game has the best animation that I've seen out of all the BattleOn games. DragonFable has the second-best.

The Menu Bar is excellent! I also love how it is designed and where the options are (Attack is smack-dab in the middle).

The ability to equip Gauntlets? Nice! I do hope that more are added as this game progresses!


Keep up the awesome work. Battle on!

Aelthai -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/13/2009 16:19:39)

We have a list of items that need to be added to shops, so that at least will be taken care of as soon as we can. There won't be everything you might want - but that is why the game is expanding.

Each armor is a miniclass. Striker and Gunner are just the starting classes. As for Medic ... that class would be difficult to do, after all what can they do other than heal themselves? With that said, more is coming. Yes indeed, more is coming...

I suspect you are understimating how much you hit ... however, yes, many monsters do have Defences that need to be looked into. I also recommend training stats, they help a lot.

There are a few monsters that give 5 gold ... not many, and they are low-Gold monsters - even at Level 0, 6 is more common. By the time you hit Level 10, monsters will be carrying more like 11 or 12, and by level 20, average is ~15 Gold per monster. Since armors at those levels are not all that expensive for example, a Level 12 armor is 77 Gold) - yes, it takes several monster kills to get a new armor, but the progress is noticable. The Gold requirement at low levels is MUCH lower than in AQ, for example.

Yes, the levelcap increased today :-)

Thank you for the nice comments!

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