RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (Full Version)

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Darkling -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (7/25/2009 0:50:36)

Most favorite: sci-fi puns and some really cool hair/faces
Most desired: alienzard pet

Phr0gl3t -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (7/25/2009 4:44:41)

I just found out they nerfed gristlespine. He now only gives 12 gold.
Grats AE, your slowly making WF worse and worse by "fixing" things that you see as bugs, not better as you thought you were. =_=


Nightly -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (7/25/2009 10:23:50)


They changed this because people would kill the Gristlespine, and then log out and back in, and redo the quest. That's very harmful to the servers.

Kinzdor -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (7/27/2009 12:29:18)

least favert quest astroeds it says you leveled up to 200 when you are the ship it is confusing

greendragon1092 -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (7/27/2009 12:36:12)

Least favorite: WarpGuardian boomerang only does 1 hit..making it underpowered.
Most desired: Alien Zard pet.

Darius -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (7/27/2009 12:57:06)

Favorite Weapon: Osprey 10Z1 & SR5Z
Favorite Battlesuit: WarpTrooper VZ
Favorite Gauntlet: Lightning Gauntlet Z & Hand of Creation Z
Favorite Skill/Tech: WG Medic III
Favorite Pet: cl166 Z Droid
Favorite Guest: Sgt. Gibbs
Favorite Misc: WG Helm
Favorite Quest: Explore Balen-5

PowerWordPie -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (7/29/2009 13:39:57)

favorite reference: The ache machine worked! but you're still hungry....

DKnight321 -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (7/29/2009 14:09:03)

Favorite Armor: WarpGuardian Striker, Star Knight Journeyman
Favorite Weapon: WarpGuardian Sword, Dimmed Beam Staff
Favorite Gauntlet: Hand of Creation
Favorite Skill/Tech: Medic II, Bisecting IMP
Favorite Pet: F10A7 Model 1
Favorite Quest: General Stormfront, Sgt. Gibbis
Favorite Misc: WG Helm,Star Knight Hood
Favorite Quest: Hand of Creation, Find Ken Benobi

ferty157 -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (7/29/2009 14:42:32)

Most desired: Protean guard armor
Least desired: WG only armors(but im going to upgrade this friday so Yay!!!)

Favorite quest: Hand of creaton( because I like the idea of trying to be on the sidelines for once instead of always carrying the important items

Most desired pet: Protean
Favorite race: Protean
Most desired weapon: Double bladed lightsaber that you can keep upgrading so that it will never get old
Most desired as a free player: Stuff to be general

Most desired of all!!: My own starship!!! customized with pet drones, turrets, and my own virtual trainer, im calling him Davis!!![:)]

Plus you can fight in it like in the Asteroids! quest

pandakupo123 -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (7/29/2009 17:30:24)

i just don't how they did the warp guardian weapons, wen you really look at it a boomerang is pretty lame compared to a sword

ahcshadow -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (8/2/2009 18:10:29)

Least favorate: cant post suggestions for this game yet[:(] I have a suggestion for skills for classes (Like AQ) You know when you press the attack button and it gives you multiple attack options. (Ex: dragonslayers can shoot fire from fingertips.) i allready have the possable abilities for gunners.

Least favorate: when you level up dext. you dont do more damage with your gun or gaunlet. [:(]

Least favorate: gunners do less damage with no extra bonus such as less likely for enemy to hit (because attacking from a distance) they should at least do the same damage as strikers[:(]

Most desired: Pet creator (geneticly creates a pet) can look like a zard mixed with a nerfkitten or any combination you want (or just a normal nerfkitten Or anything else Probably cost alot of gold.)

Most desired: higher levels for all....[sm=untitledm9zb.gif.bmp]

Deadfish100 -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (8/3/2009 2:06:08)

Favorite Weapon: SR20W
Favorite Armour: Advanced Retro
Favorite Gauntlet: Hand of Creation
Favorite Spell: WG Dissolve
Favorite Pet: F10A7 Model 2
Favorite Guest: Zorboz
Favorite Misc: WarpGuardian Helmet
Favorite Rare: Advanced Retro
Favorite Quest: Hand of Creation
Favorite Event: Full Release of Warpforce

Most desired of all items: *Clone (what? The code was already made for AQ, just add it to the WG shop!)
*Little Clone (yes, I realize this wasn't the intention of "desired", but there's nothing left for me)
*Big Clone (no, not now! But at least at some point in the future)
Most desired non-rare: Any Magic Weapon. Logic shouldn't stop AE!...or my character build (pure mage)
Most desired weapons: Bludrunt Blade or a different weapon with multiple elements in some way, shape, or form.
*I'd also prefer my weapon contest entry. lol

Least Favorite Weapon: Marksman's Laser Pistol
Least Favorite Armour: Star Knight Journeyman
Least Favorite Gauntlet: Warped Lightning Gauntlet
Least Favorite Spell: Summon Zorboz
Least Favorite Pet: Glador
Least Favorite Guest: Lucky
Least Favorite Misc: Star Knight Hood
Least Favorite Rare: Retro
Least Favorite Quest: Explore Balen-5
Least Favorite Event: Beta Release of Warpforce

Griever -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (8/10/2009 9:14:36)

yea .. im in a grumpy mood... so here goes for a list of ''least'' apreciated so far..

Least Favorite Weapon: Warp Tracker Pistol (looks like a cheap bent pipe ) AND WHY CAN I THROW IT?!? Should'nt a bullet be more effective? Tho I gotta admit, the special attack kinda makes me grin a bit. It just looks so effective ya know?

Least Favorite Armour: The female human starting armor. Seen her arms and legs? They HUGE!

Favorite / Least Favorite Spell: IMP :Fancy name, fancy animation, mediocre results..(I miss REALLY often, but it's probably the low stats..) And it does'nt even act like it should... I thought it only affected mechanical enemies! (Or so it says in the description)

Least Favorite Pet: Glador (*shrugs* Was the artist in a hurry when he made it? The beak , legs and hair are all the same color. o_o

Least Favorite Guest: Lucky... you SP leecher! AND HOW DID YOU DISSAPEAR SO FAST?!

Favorite/Least Favorite Misc: The drakans looks real nice! I love those cartoony eyes! BUT I'm deceived by the looks of the humans and elves... They look almost the same as in AQ.. And AQ was created like.. a long time ago >_< It really feels like they were rushed... Even the haircuts and palettes are the exact same... Also : Could it be possible to know what weapon/armor grants what skill and status modifier? I bought my first warp trooper armor and its cool and all.. But my gunner wont use much of the knee attack (Melee)that comes with it... It's a shame too..

Least Favorite Quest: The Exo Clawtrooper cave part on the moon base Quest... Why are the walls getting me into a fight? wait.. 3 fights... >_>

Favorite / Least Favorite Event: Training in the VR chamber... Whats the point training anything if your a gunner besides lck? dex isnt even affecting ranged dmg!

Most undesired of all items: Training laser pistol. meh...

Most desired / undesired non-rare: Potion.. (Ya know, I thought theyd cook up another name for those lil healing pots since the old days...)

Most desired weapon: Guardian blade.. .Power word PWN anyone? The (Melee) sword looks slick! And as strong as ever.. But how it it going to help my (Ranged) Gunner? -_-; Maybe add a Guardian Gun?

Favorite/Least favorite NPC : Zorboz is awesome. extra point for his E-bIl laugh ! But...Gravlax?!.. Is it just me or has he been ripped off from a futurama episode and recolored? (The green martian in a red space suit)

FAVORITE QUOTE! : You rested in the ACHE machine! But you still feel hungry! (thx for the crono joke ^^)

Favorite enemy : Nechron Protean looks sweet! Oddly enough he reminds me of an enemy in Killzone 2. Just add a gas mask and circular red glasses. And he's got more animation than my character lol!

Yea sorry again guys. I know you work hard on your games, but this feels really rushed... . I just wished WF would've been so much more than just.. AQ 2.0 I mean.. Your even re-using the same sprites! T_T.. It's not a bad thing, but it's just.. more of the same?

Cronos Dage The Mage -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (8/10/2009 22:11:03)

Favourite Weapon: Osprey10A, but thinking of selling do-to nerfage :(
Favourite Armor\Battlesuit: WarpTrooper I
Favourite Gauntlet\Firemylazor-er: Basic Lightening Gauntlet
Favourite Spell\Skill\Tech: Summon Zorboz
Favourite Pet: Flowering Findle(named The Flower that Pwns)..almost earned F10A7 Model 1 from quest...but died because of the guest-leaving glitch! [image][/image]
Favourite Guests: General Stormfront and Zorboz
Least Favourite Guest: Pra'Mithia
Favourite Misc: Emerald Star of Fortitude
Least Favourite Rares: Retro, Advanced Retro
Favourite Quests: The 4 Autarchs and Asteriods!
Favourite Event: Free level glitch from leveling up The Alteon in Asteriods!
Least Favourite Event: Not getting free 1000 starting gold for verification <-- O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O

toonpenguin -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (8/11/2009 16:45:17)

My least favorite thing is the astroied mission because of 2 things. 1 when the music loops it stops and then starts over. U Guys should try to fix it so that theres no gap. 2nd thing is if u choose to fight theres a lvl 28 enemy and as i am only a free player currently[ hopefully soon enough i will be a member] i cannot beat him even with a pet and zorboz on my side.

my favorite thing was the misison with the robot that u had to find that one was hilarious and fun. Also facing a lvl 15 and beating him as a lvl 5 made me feel awesome since i accomplished something very hard in the game

Desmodus -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (8/11/2009 20:17:49)

Favorite / Least Favorite Weapon: Breezy Beam Lance/Adventurer No Drop Sword
Favorite / Least Favorite Armour: Advanced Retro/Explorer
Favorite / Least Favorite Gauntlet: Undecided
Favorite / Least Favorite Spell: Summon Zorboz/Medic Spells
Favorite / Least Favorite Pet: F10A7 Droid/Glador
Favorite / Least Favorite Guest: Protean Guard/Sergeant Lucky
Favorite / Least Favorite Misc: Undecided
Favorite / Least Favorite Rare: Undecided
Favorite / Least Favorite Quest: Asteroids!/Explore Beleen-5
Favorite / Least Favorite Event: Beta Release/Everything Else so far

Most desired / undesired of all items: Undecided
Most desired / undesired non-rare: Undecided
Most desired / undesired weapon: A melee, light element weapon/A ranged, ice element weapon

bittheif -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (8/11/2009 22:11:42)

favorite: death summoning
least favorite: warpgaurdian dragon attack only hits once(that i have seen) but is rather long in animation.
most desired: more swords..

Ajaco10 -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (8/12/2009 2:06:37)

fav: hand of creation. AWESOME!!!

Least fav: chilled beam sword

scip40 -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (8/12/2009 11:31:36)

Favorite Gauntlet:Hand of Creation, of course
Favorite Weapon:Breezy Beam Lance
Favorite Guest:Protus Symbiote
Favorite Pet:My Float Model
Favorite Monster:Cloke
Favorite Quest:Find F10A7

tefmon -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (8/14/2009 10:14:21)

Most Desired Armour: Protus Guard
Most Desired Subrace: Protean Symbiote
Most Desired Pet: Protean
Most Desired Weapon: Protean Weps
Most Desired Location: City on Protus

Favourite Armour: Heavy Gunner
Favourite Race: Drakel
Favourite Pet: F10A7
Favourite Weapon: Damaged Rocket Launcher
Favourite Gauntlet: Hand of Creation
Favourite Skill/Tech: Nanotechs
Favourite Guest: Protus Guard (Second Fav Zorboz)

Sage Dracul -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (8/16/2009 12:33:15)

Least Favorite: How quests unlocked at level 5 have level 21 enemies that shouldn't even be encounterable yet anyway for WarpTrackers, with a level cap of 15.

flarin101 -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (8/16/2009 18:13:26)

least favorite rule: guns get no bonus to damage. they should at least get some bonus from intellect or dexterity, otherwise, they're kind of pointless. As is, melee weapons are much more useful than a gun of equal level/damage

Ilø€IMPERIAL€ølI -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (8/17/2009 1:45:38)

Favorite SKill/Tech: Lithium Warp Crystal (Heh, it's epic. :3)

Mega cool50 -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (8/18/2009 8:59:42)

Favorite Skill/Tech:Nanobots/Lithium Warp Crystal when it was bugged.
Favorite Armor:Heavy Gunner (IMA FIRING MY LASER BOLT RIFLE!)
Favorite Pet:Comet Pet
Favorite Gauntlet:Hand of the Creation

bluebowser31 -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (8/18/2009 12:34:33)

least favorite thing: if youve already done the quest u still have to click next 500 times
2nd least favourite: z tokens dont drop (yet?)
3rd least favorite: almost all items are to high level, member, or z token
4th least fav: no untrain stats button :(

favorite thing: its semi easy to get all items, which makes the game fun (were in aq i missed 5 years, so i dont even know were to start)
2nd fav: that i can be a drakel
3rd fav: stats!

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