RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (Full Version)

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Cheeseliker -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/27/2009 19:30:13)

That last post is really trippy...oh and congrats! Well-deserved indeed.

Indeed it was trippy. But kinda cool, too.

2009light -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/28/2009 0:29:45)

Hello again, I'm back!

Krey, good music choices, I listen to Nightwish and Within Temptations too!

Indeed. If they weren't good choices, I'd not listen to them. ;-)

I also forgot to give away imaginary food! (Do you want frog legs or liver?)

Eww, pass on both, thanks.
Oi. Frog legs are absolutely delicious. Gimme.

(Now to the questions.....)

Do either of you watch/read anime/manga?

Don't watch nearly as much as I used to. But sometimes.

Using one word, describe your life.


Using one word again, describe school.


Using two words, describe role playing.

Arrrrr peeeeeee!
Creative Cooperation.

Pi or pie?


Do you believe the Dec. 21, 2012 prediction?

Nope. No human can predict anything without error. Look at weathermen? They can't get it one day in advance. How in the WORLD are the Mayans supposed to have predicted the end of the world? It's a coincidence, nothing more.
What prediction is that? End of the Mayan Calendar? Yeah... I believe the world as we know it will end some day, but I don't believe we'll know it's happening until it does. And even then, maybe it.

If the world was to end then, what would you do in preparation?

Tell everehone they're crazy? 'less I hear from God that world end Dec. 21, 2012, I not worry about it. It gon' end eventually. But more likely be a day nobody expects.

Though, a flash of pretty colors as everyone blows everyone else up wouldn't shock me. Maybe happen on the 20th, just so irony can point and laugh?

What would I do in preparation? This assumes I know beyond a doubt it's going to happen then.

I'd probably take care of my immortal soul.

11:11 mean anything to you?

I'm late for lunch? Well, today anyways.
Make a wish! (note: they've never come true)


Now I think I'm done....but who knows for certain? I may be back....

deedeedeeman -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/28/2009 1:37:23)

No amusing questions come to mind at the moment. In the meantime, congratulations!

Wai t'ank ya.

ringulreith -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/29/2009 18:25:22)

Hi! Congratulations on the AKship!

Thank ya
*giggles evilly*

You know I'm less than a half year younger than both of you?

It doesn't surprise me, considering the vast amount of people in that age group. :P
Wait, how do you know our ages?

Is there any fantasy book you'd recommend?

I think I already mentioned it. The Shadow War series.
Yes. Everything by Terry Pratchett.

Do you recommend reading LoTR?

Yes. Even though I've not read any book to completion... First, I don't HAVE them aside from The Twin Towers. Second, I got sidetracked. >.>

Who's your favourite forum member (other than yourselves)?

Raght nao? Prolly that other AK over thar. Bounce lotsa ideas off him, and he keeps me from doin' some'at stoopid.
*points at teh Kreymeister* We have this partner thing going on, it works well.

How do you like your cell?

*Looks around* It's all padded and nice. *Does a half-backflip and fails, but survives, cause it's all padded and nice*
It makes a nice party hat, but otherwise I don't use it much.

Want a cooky? *hands over cookie*

ERROR! Cookie overload detected! Asploding in 3, 2, 1... Countdown terminated.

If you had one wish, what would you wish for? (other than more wishes)

I would wish that I would have much luck establishing myself as a professional racer. I wouldn't wish already to be established, cause then I would miss the process. And then I would have nothing to look back on and feel all warm and fuzzeh about.
Life direction.

Lock or delete?

Here? Lock unless it's real bad.

Can you tell me how to ninja edit?

Apologies. It is a secret art known only to *Voice becomes muffled as a hand covers his mouth from behind*
*stuffs Krey into the bag and makes it disappear* You do not talk about fight club.

Do you think spelling is important in RP posts?

Aye. If you can't spell, I probably can't stand to read your posts... Granted, I can't spell at times... But I'm quick to correct it when I see a mistake.
Yes. Yes it is. Good spelling means people can understand what you're saying. Bad spelling means they can't, or they get tossed bodily out of the plot train and have to hijack a horse to get back on.

What is the answer to life?

*Holds up a finger* One thing. You have to figure out what that means to you.
How can you know the answer if you haven't figured out the question yet?

If you row a boat up a hill and a wheel falls off, how many waffles can you fit in a doghouse?

According to the laws of physics, 3.
Depends on whether or not the dog is in it.

Well, I'm out of questions?

I doubt that.

Congratulations again?

Thank you


Au revoir.

Beebote -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/29/2009 18:59:24)



TD and Krey can haz AK-ness!? Wootage!

Yes, we can haz!

Silliness aside, congratulations to the both of you.

Thank you.

Any sage words or reflections from the newly christened AKs?

*walks out fully garbed in white robes, arms folded together such that the sleeves are meeting and no arms can actually be seen* Be cool. Follow the rules. And remember that, no matter how good you think you are, there is always room for improvement.
*walks out wearing a silly hat and a rainbow necktie* And, of course, remember to always have fun.

Any specific rules/issues/mechanics you would like to see altered/appended on the RP forums?

I'll have to have a good in-depth look over the rules. However, it seems we're due for an update to the "Play in Lore" rule. As well, people are bringing it up in the OOC board.
The rules are due for an update, yar. You'll get to see them when it's done and such.

Now for the obligatory, nonsensical questions:

Ooh, I like 'dem.

What is your Name!?

Squall (And that's all you get in public)
Some call me... Tim?

What is your Quest!?

To keep the RP boards safe from evildoers!
To do as much as possible with the least amount of effort.

What is your Favorite Color!?


If a chicken-and-a-half can lay an egg-and-a-half in a day-and-a-half, then how many AKs can dance the Mambo on the head of a pin?

Um... Three?
I asked. Seems I'm the only one.

Arf! *boom-poofs*

*forces a reconstitution*

Viking_Jorun -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/29/2009 23:18:36)

Hey! TD! Krey! :D

Hey! Listen!

Thanks for helping me with the pre-RP schtuffz lyk apps, n roolz n wut nawt! :D

Well, I don't recall helping a whole lot :P
Yeeeeeahhh... that was me.

What color are them shackles? :o

Shackles? What shackles? All I see is da padded room.
Again, his are invisible. To him at least. Mine are yel... no wait, ora... not wait, mauve... er... I'll get back to you on this one.

Do you think Kell's power is getting to his head? :o I don't.... >_> <_<

My contract requires a specific answer. No. :P
I plead the fifth.

Hehe well if you guys could have anything in the world what would it be? :o

Race cars. So's I can has go race.
A better job.

Hmm.... I was working today and was stung by a bee, I think. Know any good remedies for a bee sting?

*Looks at Beebote* He be the one to ask. :P
The only one I know of is rivermud, and... I'm doubtful as to its effectiveness.

Well that is all. I shall stop pestering you. (:

Pestering? Bah
I've had worse.

Congratulations on the AKship (and re-joining, Krey :P)! :D

Thank ya, thank ya.


Straken -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/30/2009 9:23:03)

Haha, Squall250's got a nice upgrade! 'Bout time!

Well, considering I vanished from the boards for... a while... Yeah.

TD, I don't think we've ever been properly introduced. Hi! ^^

Yes you have, seriously. He was in that RP I ran a while back whose name I do not recall. Either way, it had the good people and the bad people and stuff... yeah.
...we were?

But, let me ask you both, what are your plans now? Any major things you both wanna get out there and get done?

In life? I intend to get into the nationals in racing within the next four years. (Including two for college). Here? I intend to do a good job and hopefully get us a boost in activity... somehow.
As regards the forum, what he said. As regards life, figure out what I want to do with my life.

Also, PC or Mac?

...Wait, Mac? People still use those? Seriously? /sarcasm PC, definitely. Mac is a joke if you want to use it for gaming.
Macs are excellent machines for certain tasks. However, I prefer the PC as I, too, am a gamer.

One more question! Apples or oranges?

I refuse to pick.

Seriously though, congratulations to the both of you.

Thank ya.

Apocalypse -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (8/1/2009 14:37:23)

More questions!


Fire, fyre, or fahr?

Fahr. As it sounds better. Even though the word is not mah coinage.
FAHR! Fyre happens to be the domain of the Ferret.

If you had to choose between tacos and pizza, with the entire universe collapsing if you refused to pick one and only one, which would it be?

Both! I'm convinced that either way, I will manage to do something to collapse the universe. So might as well do it nao. :P
Pizza, actually. And then, after the choice was all done, I'd sneak into a taco bell.

If I say bacon, what's the first thought that comes to mind?

Um... bacon?

That's it for now.


demonhunter -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (8/3/2009 8:54:30)

Hey guys, just thought I'd drop in.

If I didn't know better, TD, I'd think you was tryin' to steal mah colour :P
Hah. If I didn't know better, Dh, I'd think you was tryin' to steal mah colour.
Hey, I been usin' brown since I became a Tutor. So there. ~DH
and I've been using brownish-red since before you became a Tutor, so there.

*snickers* ~TD

*Hands Krey a Cutting Trigger and offers TD a barrel of antidote for dragonsbane* Forget food, I'd rather give you guys something useful.
Ooooooo... this antidote will do WONDERS for my azalea patch.

Done for now, see you guys later!


sharpie -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (8/7/2009 19:42:18)

Hmm...don't think I've ever heard of either TD or Krey.
Who are you?
You know when you see something out of the corner of your eye that looks disturbing and then you do a double-take and its actually just some random things put together in such a way that they look like something disturbing out of the corner of your eye?

Or when the hairs on your neck start to prickle in the middle of a really dark room or street?

Or when you put something down and then two seconds later you can't figure out where the hell you put the darn thing?

Are you clones?
No. Whenever somebody tries, I eat it.

And, how many ages has it been?
TOO MANY! (Ninja'd) ~Ronin
As the ninja samurai suggests... too many.


Silverswordmaster -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (8/8/2009 17:30:30)


Jelly Doughnut?
*devours it*

Alrighty, lets see what we can't tourture you with next...
*chuckles at the implication that he can be tortured by inane questions*

Which is more fail: Twilight or Harry Potter?
I enjoyed Harry Potter, and have neither read the Twilight books nor seen the Twilight movie, and therefore refuse to pass judgment upon the series.

Which group of fans are more obsessive: Twilight fangirls or Harry Potter Fans?
...I couldn't tell you. I think obsessive fans are obsessive. If you were to ask which obsessive group has more members, I'd guess Twilight.

Why is the sky blue? Why can't it be, I dunno, Red or Silver?
Because blue is the color with the shortest wavelength. I can't tell you why THAT makes a difference, as I don't remember that part of it, but I know that that's WHY.
It has to do with refraction of the light. I'm not entirely certain myself how it works, but basically the blue wavelengths are powerful enough to escape through the ozone, so they get reflected back, which makes the sky look blue. ~Kell

'Wish I had a Angel' by Nightwish's lyrics are... (your opinion and then your favorite verse!)
Well put together but a little unnerving, actually. And I'm done with picking favorites, I tell you!

Yeah, that's all I got for now.

Frozt -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (8/8/2009 18:17:02)

I guess more questions are in place...

Or perhaps not... Only something that i do not not of will tell...

How do you two feel about all the people trying to ditract you from the finals?

If two bees collide midflight and one of them is serverely damaged in the crash, who is going to pay the medial bill?

What is the air speed velocity of an unladen european and african swallow?

Anything you would like to say to your fans?

What would you do if i stole all your imaginary food?

Well, that's it for this time...

Remember to steal Kell's cookies...


2009light -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (8/16/2009 1:55:30)

Hi again!

Right now, it's almost 2am. So how are you this morning?

Heads or Tails?

Rock, Paper, or Scissors?


Or Shoot?

Choose only "Good" or "Evil" for the following.

The World: Good or evil?

The Pie: Good or evil?

The Universe: Good or evil?

The Shackles: Good or evil?

A Rainbow is crowded with bacteria and flying angels, so how many colors fills a chamber of gold?

Spoon, Fork, or Spork?


Or a butter knife?

One last thing.....

What is the end?

Afina -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (8/24/2009 17:44:20)

I didn't realize this was such a recent thing. Congrats to you both, it is very well earned. ^_^

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