RE: =WF= The Final Mystery Quiz (Full Version)

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Vivi -> RE: =WF= The Final Mystery Quiz (8/25/2009 18:47:45)

...and depending on whether you were extrinsically or intrinsically motivated by this, the mystery may be enough for you even without getting something out of it XP

Nightly -> RE: =WF= The Final Mystery Quiz (8/25/2009 19:04:32)

And if you don't have a clue about what Phoenixfire just said:

1. not essential or inherent; not a basic part or quality; extraneous: facts that are extrinsic to the matter under discussion.
2. being outside a thing; outward or external; operating or coming from without: extrinsic influences.

1. belonging to a thing by its very nature: the intrinsic value of a gold ring.

goron link8 -> RE: =WF= The Final Mystery Quiz (8/25/2009 19:27:09)

nicely said guys
ya even if it isnt cool
it AT LEAST will be a badge of honor
plus we gained forsight into warpforce before most others did that is a reward in and of of itself
@Nex i didnt cheat even though i rarely actually helped im not good at this kind of stuff but i contributed in big ways 2 times

Nex del Vida -> RE: =WF= The Final Mystery Quiz (8/26/2009 13:13:47)

...And now I feel like a greedy newbie. Well played, phoenix. :P

But in all honesty, what I meant was that this pet, no matter what it is, will be more than enough reward because of the enjoyment we've all gotten out of this.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =WF= The Final Mystery Quiz (8/27/2009 17:29:51)

That's very well said Nex Del Vida.

I'm guessing that the pet could look like the shape of something either large or small. Whatever reaction we may have shouldn't lean too much on how much we actually learned through this whole endeavor. After all, we joined forces often enough, (myself as well inducting the lateness of certain parts on my college online tasks) and we can say. Ah. The only time a lot of us were really stumped, was when Eldron had us trying to figure out that whole scenario with his friend.

But at the same time, he did give us an encouraging process of hope in a message reply he left for me :) I feel great honor for the fact that he was nice enough to take the time to respond.

Grixus Faldor -> RE: =WF= The Final Mystery Quiz (8/29/2009 17:41:44)


What are the questions?

EDIT: Never mind, sorry I couldn't understand the questions. Apologies if I sounded like a leecher...

Plushie -> RE: =WF= The Final Mystery Quiz (8/31/2009 18:52:48)

Uhhh...fal If I remember correctly the contest ends today right?

goron link8 -> RE: =WF= The Final Mystery Quiz (8/31/2009 19:02:36)

that is what he said yay[:D][:D][:D] cant wait but i have to

Cmoney413 -> RE: =WF= The Final Mystery Quiz (8/31/2009 19:04:19)

Good I was waiting too long to know if i won or not

Plushie -> RE: =WF= The Final Mystery Quiz (8/31/2009 19:30:24)

well I suppose everyone who actually wanted the pet or wanted to be tortured with the unfigurable questions already tried and went for help on the IRC sooo...


goron link8 -> RE: =WF= The Final Mystery Quiz (8/31/2009 21:57:50)


Falerin -> RE: =WF= The Final Mystery Quiz (9/1/2009 14:04:05)

This contest is officially ended. The final compilation of winners is being made. If you have not been informed I need further information from you you are a winner. Congratulations to all that participated.

Phoenix Angel -> RE: =WF= The Final Mystery Quiz (9/1/2009 14:25:17)

sigh, I ready should have placed this at higher priority in the month but so much stuff kept happening...
Ah well I'll live, Congrats to all those who answered all the questions correctly and will get an awesome ultra-rare pet!
Hopefully we'll have more of these again. It's fun to use your brain on such puzzles.
Congratulations again everyone!

Aaronrules380 -> RE: =WF= The Final Mystery Quiz (9/1/2009 16:18:47)

So can we share answers and such now, and if so do we need spoiler tags?

Plushie -> RE: =WF= The Final Mystery Quiz (9/1/2009 17:09:12)

I think we should wait for tommorrow.

the message was sent.

goron link8 -> RE: =WF= The Final Mystery Quiz (9/1/2009 17:28:49)

I sent fal a pm


ORIGINAL: goron link8
Can you tell all the cyptonauts what the pet is on the mystery page please.

Fraid not

Karika -> RE: =WF= The Final Mystery Quiz (9/1/2009 17:32:33)

I think I have an idea of what it might be...

Hint: Pet List

goron link8 -> RE: =WF= The Final Mystery Quiz (9/1/2009 17:35:43)

i sill think it is going to be
hide my <insert current pet name here>

Plushie -> RE: =WF= The Final Mystery Quiz (9/1/2009 17:39:15)

Goron indeed I actually hope it is that, but actually takes up a pet slot and appears as a giant questionmark

and attacks.and scales.I can dream.

Cmoney413 -> RE: =WF= The Final Mystery Quiz (9/4/2009 1:29:40)

Falerin when are the winners going to be announced

Nex del Vida -> RE: =WF= The Final Mystery Quiz (9/4/2009 3:06:57)

The winners have already been PMed by Falerin asking for the ID they want the prize on. I don't know if they will be announced, but all of us who won can conspire and post a list if you like.

goron link8 -> RE: =WF= The Final Mystery Quiz (9/4/2009 16:58:45)

so lets start a list

I know these people have won :

Coldkick -> RE: =WF= The Final Mystery Quiz (9/4/2009 19:08:17)

You forgot me. [8|] How could you [:(]
You can add me to the list goron.

Aaronrules380 -> RE: =WF= The Final Mystery Quiz (9/4/2009 19:16:08)

orodalf also won if I remember correctly

goron link8 -> RE: =WF= The Final Mystery Quiz (9/4/2009 19:35:42)

i am so sorry coldkick i didnt mean to hurt your feeligs /sob /wheeze /cry [:(][:(][:(]

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