RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (Full Version)

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Zyrain -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/12/2009 11:35:58)

I'm Back!?
Your right!!


Life was hard without me, wasn't it?
I just didn't know what to do!!

Well, congratulations!
Thank you

We all knew you would be AKed XD knew before me then

Indigo, eh?
yes, I had a problem findind a color knowone else had

:O And Bolded!?
Indigo is hard to see otherwise

Hope to see you soon!

Have fun AKing!
I will


Icy -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/14/2009 13:19:14)

nowai nowai nowai!! :D
Heya! Congrats! and welcome to the world of teh Archknights! ;)

Nao! Teh qusetions!!! >:o

Favorite way to travel?
Thou I do not that often I love to fly
What do you get when you multiply 6 by 9?
What does that answer explain?
Hehe! "Life, the universe, and everything"
How do I open the gate to Moria?? T3LL meh pl0x!!!!
The password is "Mellon"
Sammich or Big Sammich?
Icecream or hot sauce. :o
Hot Sauce
'tis all! Have fun!!
Thank you

Does anyone ever come back to check the answers? lol

Zyrain -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/14/2009 14:26:55)

Ty my lovely AQW-NH Friend, Icy :3

Now I can post again 'Bwahahahahahaaa'. I know you do not follow rules...

Okay, for my 2/6854 MtAK Posts,

Blah Bleh Blih Bloh Buh.

Did you know...

I know a song that can get on your nerves, get on your nerves, get on your nerves, I know a song that can get on your nerves all day long.

This is the song that will get on your nerves, get on your nerves, get on your nerves, this is the song that will get on your nerves all day long.

That was that sng that get on your nerves, get on your nerves, get on your nerves, that was the song that get on your nerves all day long.

And now I going to hear this all day...maybe the other voices in my head will block it out!!

My first post on your MtAK as your Clan Ally!

As our Alliance "Rests in the hand of the Storyline", do you think I COULD be a formidable enemy?
It is part of my diabolical plan to defeat you from within…Muhahahaha

I know you can :3



Told ya! Zyrain is banned i believe at this point but we had a PM conversation when Sys announced a new AK on the block and we both agreed that it'd be you. So shows how perceptive of us.


Just a bit of chi chat for you, so if Zyrain is banned, and Your now an AK does that just leave me and Anoril posting in the discussion? Also have fun mate, good luck and try not to let the pressure get to you. If it does you know who to take it out on......why are you all looking at me?

Why are Anoril and Zuan worse than a couple of old laddies e.e ?

Well, I'm actually outa' stuff to say (Can't call it Questions :P).
Hard to believe

Untill someone else posts!
Thats what I thought


Deathwalker -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/17/2009 18:50:04)

I shall now ask unto thee the most horrifyingly awful questions that are so bad the first one could very well melt your brain instantaneously! MUAHAHAHA-*hack cough cough* Hold on, *cough hack* a bee flew down my throat. *hack hack cough* Okay, better now. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!


I can't compute

You are at the south pole. A thief breaks in, steals several millions dollars in equipment,
and dashes off. Which way did he go and why is this information useless?

All directions point north

The lazer collection 3 is brought to you in part by...
DFEAR Studios
WRONG!!! The genie with a dirty mind.
Hmm...I will have to look at that again.

What is the definition of

The fear of long words

You're walking through a hallway, you take a right, then a left, then a left, then a right, then a left, then a left,
then a left-BRICK WALL!!!! and ninjas.

I standz perfectly still behind my pencil and close my eyes so they can't see me.

Are you friends with any of the other AK's?
I am friends with everyone...

Kung fu chicken is likely to kill and eat you, will you still order it?
NO!! Is it really chicken?

If you could have any wish what would it be? (can't wish for more wishes)
I would wish for the world...but I already have that...Muhahahaha

You see a rip in the space-time continuem(sp?) do you:
A) Alert the world.
B) Loot
C) Mob
D) Sell your stocks then alert the world.


IMMA FIRIN' MAH LAZAR!!!!! *fires lazar at Theo* What do you do?

*Beep* You are now dead. Thank you for using Deathwalker's Doom Depot for all your
horrible death needs.

Your welcome

Pritty good only getting 1 wrong

MonsterEnergy -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/17/2009 20:04:56)


o hai didnt notice you there
That happens to me sometimes

whats it like with the straight jacket and teh shackles?
The straight jacket I have had for awhile - I’ll have to get use to the shackles

Are you ok? Is there a Doctor in the house?!?

Badapbupbahbuh Im lovin it?^_^
Ahh...Big Macs are the best

Boom shakalaka!
You have not schooled me yet...Muhahahaha

Do you drink monster?
I have

Its tasty :D
ok..I beleive you

Good Luck!

Ilø¤IMPERIAL¤ølI -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/20/2009 2:15:57)

Hey Theo!
Hey Emperial_Xth!

How do you feel being an AK?
Thou I was not seeking the position...I am happy they offered it to me :)

Which word suits you: Tired or Sleepy?
Me..Tired or Sleepy..Never...*snorning* What did someone say something?

D0 u t4InK d1S eS h4rd 2 w3ed?

No...I can read it just fine

How about a academic problem, no worries, it'll be easy:
1) If ^ plus ^ equals 4, then what must ~ equal to make ^ plus ^ plus ~ to equal twelve?
~ equals 8

2) A. Here's a cookie for answering the problem right. B. Have a piece of pie for answering it wrong.
Thanks for the cookie :P

Later then...

Then Later

DragonYugi -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/20/2009 11:19:21)

*pokes theo*
*pokes again*
*after 2 hours*
Not nice to "poke" a guy while he is in a straight jacket and shackles

Sooooooooo...... I hope being an AK won't make you lose interest in the clan :| Becaus eif that is so then I will put 1 billion skeletons to hunt you down mwahahahahahaa
Hmm...So it seems you do not read your e-mails as you missed the clan meeting.

You do know, that it wasn't a joke no? xD
I'm counting skeletons now

I suppose your favorite color is indigo no?
I like purple :)

Whats your favorite catchphrase?
How about favorite quote
“Oh, yeah. Oooh, ahhh, that’s how it always starts. Then later there’s running and screaming.”

Quote from Dr. Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) in Jurassic Park: The Lost World.

Jinkies! Is that so? lol
Scooby-Doo! Where are you!

I hope you know that there will be lots of questions of this type.
I see that

I am not kidding Theo!
I know

I forgot to say.. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not my birthday til Sept.

Congrats to being an AK!

Merry Chirstmas!

Happy Valentines Day!

Ummmmm.... Happy ordinary day? xD
I'm not ordinary...but thank you!

I am not drunk! I can speak correctly.
Have another smoothie

D0 Y0|_| und3r574nd z15?
Have you read: The Springer handbook of nanotechnology, Volume 174

Pizza or Pie?

Cookie or biscuits?

Coca Cola or Pepsi Cola?
Mt. Dew

Are you an alien?

Do you know the meaning of life?
Its the opposite of dead

Did you like my questions?

Haha! You jsut waste 2 minutes of your life answering these questions!! Mehehe.. I'm soooooooooo evil xD
HeHe, remember I'm your leader!

Zomg... xD...

Outlawed -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/24/2009 20:50:30)

Hiya Theo!
Hiya Outlawed

Well my score got worser than your =P I think it was 39/60 or lower,even though I tried my....errr..something
They do not have taste..I thought it was cool

Anyway!First things first,thanks for approving of my clan =D
Well you approved it by following the rules

Don't check my clan!It's UUUUUUUUUUGLIE!!!!!
I would sugest a clan rating when they open up again

Naw I'm kidding ;P,Now on to questions about you so I can send a probe and insert it into your mind Mwahahahahaha!
Cooool, will there be pain..

Do you like Orapple?

Pizza Hut

Purple or indigo?

A new failing clan or an old failing clan?
New...easier to recover

Blood Red or AB+?
Blood Red

10 or 42?

Can I wear your straitjacket?
Yes...if I could just get it off

Do the Shackles fit?
Good, I can't walk around anyway now that I'm tied down to the bed.
Guess I'm not suppose to leave the padded room:D

Can i have your pie? pie

Err...I think I hit the limit,so bye!
Technically you had only asked 9

Well Theo since you pointed out that I had one more question left,can I double post?

BTW Theo,Deathwalker's binary code translates into this:How do I open the doorway to the Great Dwarven Cave of G'nixthlism?
Oh and here's my binary code to you
Answer yes or no!!!!

mhf2 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (9/5/2009 12:28:39)

if u could eat 40 pounds of any food what would it be?

how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsy pop?
All of them

how many miles from the center of the earth to jupitor times 57?
20,809,517,820 but that depends of the time of year :)

can u ban any one ?
would you like me to test that?

whats your favorite anime?
Death Note

is seppy really evil or is everyone else evil?
Hmm...In Seppy's point of view I would say everyone else is evil.

do u think that light could of escaped and survived
Yes because Ryuk lied about some of the rules of the book.

is aqworlds doing better than aq dragon fable and mech quest
I think it has become more Popular

do u know of a game call monster hunter freedom 2

can u give me 200 dragon coins? [&o]
[X(] [:o]

Peaches -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (9/14/2009 21:43:01)

Hi Theo!
Hi Peaches

What up?
The sky

Cake or pie?

Fav mod?
Everyone is fav's

You bored by my questions yet?

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
As much as a woodchuch could chuch if he would.

do u kno the periodic txt mssage tble?
Yes...See Here: Table

Can I have some doughy?
I will share

Say hi to Safiria for me.
I will if I ever meet her:)


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