Knight Armor (Full Version)

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Reens -> Knight Armor (7/7/2005 8:41:19)

Knight Armor

Note: This armor was replaced with Pria Knight Armour. The information on this page is outdated.

Level: 30
Cost: 2,000 426
Sellback: 200 1,000 213
Location: Class Shops ( Dracomancer / Rogue)
Element: Neutral

KnghtLv 1-8	9-10

Melee	20	30
Ranged	15	30
Magic	15	30

KnghtLv 1-2	3-10

Fire	102	102
Water	102	98
Wind	102	98
Ice	95	92
Earth	95	85
Energy	102	102
Light	95	85
Dark	95	85

Hits: 1
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 100% Base, 130% Random and 100% Stats
BTH: +0 plus Stats

Become a Knight!



Level 1 - Fierce Offensive!
A Melee attack that hits harder or softer, depending on the melee blocking abilities of your enemy!
    You perform the following attack:

      Hits: 1
      Type: Melee
      Element: «As Weapon»
      Damage: [MonsterMeleeDefense/25]*100% Base, 100% Random, and 100% Stats
      BTH: +0 plus Stats

    Cost: 40 MP

Level 2 - King's Blessing!
An attack boosted because of your loyalty to the King. If you are charismatic enough, he may even heal some MP!
    You perform the following attack:

      Hits: 1
      Type: «As Weapon»
      Element: «As Weapon»
      Damage: 150% Base, Random and 100% Stats
      BTH: +30 plus Stats

    **If you have 45 CHA or more, your MP is then healed by [YourMaxHP]/40.

    Cost: 0 MP. However, if you have 31 HP or or more, you will lose 29 HP instead.

Level 3 - Resistance Bonus
Increase Resistances!
    The armor receives a passive bonus to its resistances. See above for details.

Level 4 - Onslaught!
Use all of your might to beat down your foe, at the minor cost of your well being.
    You perform the following attack:

      Hits: 3
      Type: «As Weapon»
      Element: «As Weapon»
      Damage: 2 hits of {80% Base, Random and 100% Stats} each; 1 hit of {60% Base, Random and 100% Stats}
      BTH: +0 plus Stats

    **After each hit, you lose HP equal to (YourCurrentHP*0.01 - 1).

    Cost: 30 MP

Level 5 - Mace Stun!
Take out a mighty mace, powerful enough to lower your enemy's melee and ranged defenses!
    You perform the following attack:

      Hits: 1
      Type: Melee
      Element: «As Weapon»
      Damage: 150% Base, Random and 100% Stats
      BTH: +0 plus Stats

    **The monster loses 2 Melee and Ranged defense.

    Cost: 60 MP

Level 6 - Summon Squire! - Guardian Only
Bring out your own personal assistant to help you in battle!
    Summons Squire as a guest.

    Cost: 60 MP

Level 7 - Arrow Assault! - Guardian Only
Bring upon your trusty archers to infringe heavy wind damage to your enemy!
    You perform the following spell:

      Hits: 14
      Type: Ranged
      Element: Wind
      Damage: 1-4 plus 100% Stats each
      BTH: 0 plus Stats each

    Cost: 70 MP

Level 8 - Armour Ascent! - Guardian Only
Cast upon yourself a set of powerful new plates. Sacrifice your hit bonus for two strong attacks!
    You perform the following attack:

      Hits: 2
      Type: Melee
      Element: «As Weapon»
      Damage: 160% Base, Random and 100% Stats each
      BTH: 0 plus Stats each; any BTH you would normally gain from equipment is set to 0.

    Cost: 80 MP

Level 9 - Defence Bonus - Guardian Only
Increase Defence!
    The armor gains a passive bonus of +10 to Melee and +15 to Ranged and Magic defenses.

Level 10 - Cavalry Charge! - Guardian Only
Call out the King's Army to trample your enemy, while you hop on your trusty steed (it is a steed, not a donkey…I'm so bad at jokes.:P)
    You perform the following attack:

      Hits: 4
      Type: Melee
      Element: «As Weapon»
      Damage: 1 hit of {100% Base, Random and Stats}; 1 hit of {80% Base, Random and 100% Stats}; 2 hits of {60% Base, Random and 100% Stats} each
      BTH: +0 plus Stats; +5 plus Stats; +5 plus Stats; +5 plus Stats

    **There is a 25% chance of doing one additional hit of {60% Base, Random and 100% Stats}, with +5 BTH plus Stats.

    Cost: 80 MP

Compiled by Wallo. Details from Jergal. Image from feral_john. Guardian requirements from Rhowena.


July 6, 2005: The armor was released, along with the Knight class.
July 19, 2013: The armor was revamped, with new stats, skills, art and name.

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