Puzzling Front/BackGun (Full Version)

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Twilight Sky 023 -> Puzzling Front/BackGun (8/26/2009 0:23:22)

Puzzling FrontGun

Level: 31
Price: 37,200
Sellback: 3,240
Location: Advanced Combat Theory Shop

Equip Slot: Front Arm
Damage Type: Explosive
Damage: 50-62
Hits: 1
Energy: 47
Cooldown: 3
Bonuses: N/A
Special Effects: Needed, if any.

Combos: N/A

Description: We're not quite sure what this does, but it seems rather effective!
Extra-powerful against Shadowscythe.

Image: Needed!

Twilight Sky 023 -> RE: Puzzling Front/BackGun (8/26/2009 0:25:49)

Puzzling BackGun

Level: 31
Price: 37,200
Sellback: 3,720
Location: Advanced Combat Theory Shop

Equip Slot: Back Arm
Damage Type: Explosive
Damage: 50-62
Hits: 1
Energy: 47
Cooldown: 2
Bonuses: N/A
Special Effects: 100% Chance for "Immobility Resist lowered -50%!!" Lowers Immobility Resist by 50 for 3 turns.
-If the opponent is a Shadowscythe, 100% "Immobility Resist lowered -57%!!" Lowers Immobility Resist by 57 for 3 turns.
-If Immobility Resist has already been lowered by this weapon, 100% Chance to attempt to stun opponent for 1 turn.
* Side Note: The weapons special occur/appear alternately. You have always one "Immobility Resist lowered" shot followed by a stunning shot. If the "Immobility Resist lowered" shot has been used in a previous fight, the weapon will perform a stunning shot first next time it is used.

Combos: N/A

Description: We're not quite sure what this does, but it seems rather effective!
Extra-powerful against Shadowscythe.

Image: Puzzling BackGun

*Thanks to Armakuny for image and special effect correction!*

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