PD -> RE: A guide to mechs useful for wars. (8/29/2009 17:55:47)
I'm sorry, I find this guide has many problems to start off with: You suggest Rares to use. That's a No-No. Rares are helpful, but what use are they if they can't even get them. As more people join the forums and read this guide, they will find themselves lucked out because they weren't able to get a rare Mecha/Equipment before it disappeared. In general, Rares are good to use, but shouldn't be suggested, as they aren't there forever. It's like a Mental Slap in the face the way I see it. As for the equipment - Power Standards will always fluctuate. If you don't update this guide often, it will soon become useless, as it will contain out-dated, and underpowered stuff that nobody wants to use. Unless you have the time on your hands to do so, I'd suggest this project is a dead end. There are a lot of Grammatical and Punctual errors I see. Try to Fix them through Spellcheck and/or Microsoft Word. It's not easy reading a guide that's not Grammatically and/or Punctually flawed. Also, you may want to make some guide jump brackets search function in case someone wants to only read a certain section. There isn't much to any variety in choices for the levels. Try to suggest more than 4 mecha choices per each level. People tend to complain, like the guy above me, because there is too mono-variety-ness to wars. Mixing it up a bit will make it non-complain-able. Try to list a FULL set of weapons. Just saying FS to equip will not help if the other parts of the mecha generally are, well, impaired a bit. Try to use the FULL mecha to list, like using this template: [b]Chassis:[/b]
[b]Front Arm:[/b]
[b]Back Arm:[/b]
[b]Front Shoulder:[/b]
[b]Back Shoulder:[/b]
[b]Head:[/b] If you want more critique, don't hesitate to PM me.