Firefly -> RE: =MtAK= The Second Poison Ivy (9/3/2009 17:11:41)
Hello, GG! I'm sure you've heard it all before, but congratulations! Hey FF! I have, but its ok! Thanks!! 1. Why green, may I ask? Isn't, say, gold a prettier colour? [/berserk bait] Well, actually its a long story. *sits down and gets comfortable* Green is the color of plants and life and chlorophyl. I love the enviroment (but i'm not insane... I just believe we should do what we can.) Blue is too, but BlueGirl just sounded too sad! Yellow is pretty, but YellowGirl just didnt have the same ring. Now, Gold may be shiny and rare, but that just sounds like i'm really materialistic, which i'm not... so yeah... and i really like green! :D 2. British, American, Canadian, or Australian spelling? There's a 3/4 chance that I'll bite you, but it won't hurt as long as you're honest. ;) I like British (it looks really cool), but I'm American, so I follow American rules. *steps back, staying clear of FF's mouth* 3. Soft science fiction, dark fantasy, or paranormal romance? hmmmm, a dash of this and a dash of that and everything in between? [:D] The only book I wont read again is 4. Do you dance? If yes, what kinds of dances do you do? Well, I say I dance, but not anything named. I think I was taught the waltz once though. I just wish I could get really good at it. 5. Do you sing? If yes, what kinds of songs do you like singing? Yep! All kinds, whatever is on the radio and whatever the choir is singing. :D 6. Watercolour, tempra, acrylic, or oil painting? Hmmm, me doing it or looking at it. looking, I love oil. Doing, Acrylic.... it stays where it should! 7. Who is your favourite modern adult fantasy writer? hmmmm, Sherri S. Tepper would have to be it. (wait, she's Sci-Fi... nevermind...) ummmm, cant think of anything right now. 8. If you were describing blood, which word would you use: red, scarlet, or crimson? Crimzon of course!!! The total description would probably be: Blood poured like a crimzon flood from his chest as he look up... yadadada... 9. Fireflies, dragons, phoenixes, or vampires? I'm all of them, so no bias here. Fairies of course! ooo! and Vampires! and Dragons! and phoenixes! and Fireflies! and dragonflies! and all animals! I love them all!!! 10. Which is the more overused plot: ordinary kid has to save the world, or two lovers have external circumstances keeping them apart? probably the latter or a mix of the two. Its more like "an ordinary has to save the world, but falls in love with this girl, and they are kept apart by external circumstances." That's all for now! Congratz once again, and good luck with your AKship! *flies off... on dragon wings!* Really? No more trouble? Yay! :P *flies off on her own fairy wings*